She still has a lot of things to do. This time she came to the imperial capital for the Academy of Sciences. Now that the selection is imminent, she can not be distracted.

At this time, a staff member suddenly came over, "Hello, is this Miss Xia?"

Xia Xiwan nodded, "I am."

"Our dean has the invitation. Please ask Miss Xia to come next door."

When this staff member appeared, Xia Xiwan had already guessed 7788, and the president of the Academy of Sciences wanted to talk to her in private before the selection.

Xia Xiwan nodded frankly, "OK, please lead the way."


Xia Xiwan comes to the office next door. Yelao is already waiting for her in it.

"Yelao, do you want me?"

Night old looked at the calm and generous girl in front of him, she did not have the slightest tension and embarrassment, lip corners with a smile, she quietly looked at him, straight to the theme, waiting for him to speak first.

Can let Li Yanran and his granddaughter yemingzhu feel uneasy at the same time, this girl is really extraordinary.

Night old good-looking Xia Xiwan two eyes, suddenly feel this girl familiar.

In fact, just at the door, he saw Xia Xiwan at the first sight, and he had a very familiar feeling.

This kind of feeling makes him reject and dislike.

"Are you Xia Xiwan?" Night old mouth.

Xia Xiwan nodded, "yes, I am Xia Xiwan."

"I don't like you, so no matter how hard you try, I won't let you go to science school. Get rid of it." Yelao pronounced the sentence directly.

Xia Xiwan knew that it would not go well. What she didn't expect was that the Dean directly rejected her and cut off all her way to the Academy of science.


"It's said that you just came to the imperial capital a month ago, and you've been living in the imperial capital. Your name has spread to me. Every place has its own circle, just like the circle of famous ladies in the imperial capital. If you enter the Academy of Sciences, I have a premonition that you will break the balance The balance that exists in the Academy, and I, as the leader of the Academy, will never allow this to happen. "

Xia Xiwan understood. She straightened up her delicate back, and the sharp light burst out in her clear Jian Tong. "Ye Lao, you are a feudal and stubborn person. What is the Academy of science? It is for the sake of medicine, not your personal territory. You want to control the Academy of Science in your own hands, and do not allow anyone to challenge your authority. You are so solid If you don't advance, you will retreat. "

Night old face changed greatly, he suddenly got up, his eyes shocked looking at the summer sunset, "you Who the hell are you? "

These words, more than 20 years ago, someone told him!

Xia Xiwan looked at the old man's suddenly changed look, her eyes lit up, but she said quietly, "how, who do you think I am?"

Yelao fell into his own memories, "these words, someone told me more than 20 years ago, that person is My master


Xia Xiwan has just guessed that the reaction of Yelao must be related to her mother, but what she didn't expect is Is mummy the master of Yelao?

Oh, my God.

It's incredible.

"About 20 years ago, a mysterious girl came to the imperial capital. She accepted several close disciples, among which I was the eldest. She taught me medical skills and taught me to set up a Academy of Sciences. She created an order in the medical field of the imperial capital and ushered in a prosperous age." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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