Four eyes are opposite, Xia Xiwan looks at Lu Hanting, Lu Hanting also looks at Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan is wearing the hospital's patient's clothes. The blue and white medical clothes make her delicate body very small. Her pure black hair is scattered randomly on her shoulders, revealing her unique small face of palm size. Because her forehead was injured, she has pasted a band aid now. She is more tender than usual, and she looks lovely.

Now she a pair of bright and black Jian pupil fell on his handsome face, her eyes like a Wang Ying Ying spring water, let a person look at it will drown.

Lu Hanting stopped after a pause.

Li Yanran noticed the abnormality of Lu Hanting. She looked forward with Lu Hanting's eyes, and also saw the summer sunset line.

Li Yan Ran wrung her eyebrows and was full of disgust for Xia Xiwan. She had been taken away by several men. She was the one who watched the opera. She didn't know that Lu Hanting had saved Xia Xiwan.

Lu Hanting stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and hit the van with the Rolls Royce phantom. His right arm was seriously injured and almost useless.

Lu Hanting abandoned one of his arms to save Xia Xiwan!

Li Yanran has never put Xia Xiwan in her eyes. She thinks Lu Hanting is confused by the beauty of Xia Xiwan. But until this moment, she has a deep sense of crisis. Lu Hanting's infatuation with Xia Xiwan is much deeper than she imagined.

Li Yan ran quickly raised her red lips. She looked at Xia Xiwan and said with a smile, "Miss Xia, are you ok? That day you disappeared really scared us all."

Xia Xiwan takes back his eyes from Lu Hanting's handsome face, and then looks at Li Yanran. She says faintly, "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

"That's good, but recently there have been rumors that you were taken into the van by those men in black Things that can't be described... " The topic was raised with a sharp smile.

"Miss Li!" At this time, LAN Yan came back. She quickly went to Xia Xiwan's side and protected Xia Xiwan behind her. "Miss Li, as a girl, why do you deliberately bring up such an unpleasant topic in front of my family wanwan, saying that the rich people of the Li family are beautiful and kind-hearted, but how can I feel that your mouth is so cheap? This is the cultivation of your Li family?"

LAN Yan is a woman in the world. She won't lose a fight. Now she is like a hen protecting a calf. She pecks Li Yan ran without any affection.

Li Yan Ran long so big, has not been scolded mouth base, what's more, in front of Lu Hanting, her beautiful little face immediately flushed with shame and indignation, "you

"What's wrong with me? Our Xia family is not afraid of your Li family Blue smoke fork way.

Li Yanran's seven orifices are smoking. There is indeed well water between the four powerful families of the imperial capital and the Xia family, so the blue smoke is very hard. Li Yanran can't scold the past because of her status as a famous lady. So she raises her eyes and looks at Lu Hanting beside her for help. "Brother Hanting, they all bully me!"

LAN Yan looks at Lu Hanting. In fact, she and Lu Hanting have no intersection until he saves Xia Xiwan and hugs Xia Xiwan tightly in his arms.

LAN Yan still remembers that scene, everyone is picking his fingers, trying to separate him from Xia Xiwan, but he holds Xia Xiwan firmly, and his strength seems to have embedded her into his own blood.

LAN Yan never thought about what happened to the eldest son of the Lu family, who is now the first business nobleman in the imperial capital. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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