At this time, the small circle like telepathy, it looked up, all of a sudden saw in front of the summer sunset line.

Meow ~


Xiao Yuanyuan quickly jumped out of Lu Hanting's arm, and ran directly to Xia Xiwan's feet as if she had survived. Li Yan was shocked by this scene. She couldn't figure out xiaoyuanyuan. She was almost scratched by xiaoyuanyuan just now, but xiaoyuanyuan ran to xiaxiwan's feet to sell cute meaning?

How could that be possible?

Summer evening wan see small round thin, in the heart is very distressed, she squat down, stretch out the small white hand, rub the small round hair.

Xiao Yuanyuan is enjoying himself very much. He sticks his cat's face on Xia Xiwan's palm and rubs meow ~

Xiao Yuanyuan is saying that master, I'm hungry.

Xia Xiwan stood up, her bright Jian pupil fell on Lu Hanting's handsome face, "how long has Yuanyuan not eaten?"

Lu looked at her, "for several days."

"Can I feed him something?" Xia Xiwan asked for his opinion.

Lu Hanting nodded, "yes."

Xia Xiwan goes out and goes into an import and export snack shop. Xiao Yuanyuan wags his tail. He can't remember Lu Hanting. He goes with Xia Xiwan.

Soon, Xia Xiwan came back again. She bought a bag of small fish biscuits, opened the biscuit bag, and she took a biscuit and fed it to xiaoyuanyuan.

Xiaoyuanyuan ah opened his mouth to eat, it was full of what kind of immortal delicacy, eating while wagging his tail.

Li Yan Ran froze in place, his face became very ugly, small round but Lu Hanting's pet, this pet with its male owner, very cold, not close to female.

Li Yanran did not deal with the small round, but her psychology is very balanced, she can not do, other women also can not do.

But now xiaxiwan appears, she has finished the small circle.

Li Yanran looks at the small fish biscuit in Xia Xiwan's hand, this biscuit also has not much high-level, completely can't compare with those cat food snacks that she carefully selects, but small round is fond of eating.

Li Yan Ran dropped in the body side of the two hands quickly pulled into a fist, how she felt she was given a hard slap in the face!

Lu Hanting droops his handsome eyelids and looks at Xia Xiwan, who is half squatting on the ground. She is feeding the cat, and her gorgeous little face is rippling with a soft smile. He suddenly feels that she looks like a little round. Now she is soft and harmless. She is a little milk cat.

At this time, blue smoke coughed. She came over to block Lu Hanting's sight directly, and did not let him look again. A man who had been engaged still kept his eyes on her family's wanwan body, and did not know what idea he had made in his heart?

LAN Yan was holding a long skirt in her hand. "Wanwan, don't tease the cat. We're going to do business. I've picked out a skirt for you. Go in and try it."

Xia Xiwan has a look at the long skirt. It's a long skirt in the color of champagne. It's made of silk. The front is the kind of belly bag hanging neck style. The style is very beautiful Back exposed.

Xia Xiwan's clothes are conservative, and she has never worn a long skirt with open back. "Blue mom, this skirt is not suitable for you?"

"Why not, wanwan, you are the leading role tomorrow, you want to Yan pressure the whole audience, I think it is appropriate, go in and change out to show me!" Blue smoke can not help but put the long skirt into the arms of the summer evening line, but also pushed her into the changing room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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