If there is sugar in Xia Xiwan's hand, it will surely hit his hateful handsome face.

"Little maid, come here." At this time, Lu Hanting gave orders.

Xia Xiwan gets up and walks over.

Lu Hanting reached out and clasped her fiber arm, gently pulled, and Xia Xiwan fell directly on his strong thigh.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xiwan wants to get up.

"Angry? You said you were a little maid

He has already brought the woman back. How can she deal with herself if she doesn't say she is a maid?

Xia Xiwan's bright Jian Tong looks at the man, "I said I was a serious maid, not a maid playing with you!"

Lu Hanting's thin lips made a sneer, "it's the first time I've seen a maid without cat ears or uniform. I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding of the maid's play."


Xia Xiwan really didn't expect this man to know so much about the maid play. He was very well dressed and serious, but he didn't expect to be so Desire.

Of course, Lu Hanting knows that she is talking about him, but there is nothing to explain. At 27, a man is very mature. Although he does not have a woman, he should understand everything. After all, he has been seduced a lot, and there is no lack of maid play.

Lu Hanting handed the fructose to her, "little maid, peel it off, I want to eat it."

Xia Xiwan resisted the impulse to beat him and peeled off the candy, then stuffed the small colorful candy into his mouth.

Here you are!

Lu Hanting ate the candy she had fed. Tut, it's so sweet ~

"can you let me go down?"

Lu Han Ting narrowed his deep narrow eyes and asked her curiously, "little maid, do you have any ultimate goal?"

"The ultimate goal?"

"Yes, the ultimate goal of the little maid is not On the master's bed? "

Xia Xiwan's white earlobe suddenly turned red. Unexpectedly, he played rogue again. She quickly squeezed his small fist and hammered him hard.

Lu Hanting grabbed her small hand and wrapped her soft, boneless hand in his palm, laughing low and joyfully.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside, Huarong traveled the whole Youlan garden and came back.

Xia Xiwan quickly pushes Lu Hanting away and stands up.

Huarong came in. She looked at Lu Hanting lovingly, "Han Ting, this orchid garden is so beautiful."

Lu Hanting also stood up, he did not see Huarong, but light way, "dinner is ready, eat it."


In the dining room.

Lu Hanting and Huarong sat on both sides of the restaurant. Xia Xiwan did not sit down to eat, but went into the kitchen to help serve.

Xia Xiwan came out with a pot of soup in his hand. Then he heard Hua Rong say, "Han Ting, I suddenly think of a document that needs your signature. It's too late today, so I'll stay here instead of going back?"

Lu Hanting looked at Xia Xiwan and nodded, "OK, you can stay here tonight."

Huarong will stay for the night.

It's also the drama of discussing documents late at night. We are all adults. It can be said that there is a lot of firewood and firewood to live in a room with only one man and one daughter.

Lu Hanting could not fail to understand Huarong's naked desire for seduction, but he agreed.

Xia Xiwan thought that he had just brought a woman home for dinner, but he had not thought what would happen to them at night. Her brain was stunned and her fingers were scalded by boiling soup.


Xia Xiwan twisted her eyebrows.

The next second, Lu Hanting pulled her scalded finger in the past, "how can you be so careless? Does it hurt?"

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