Chabang, "..."

It's like It's the Xia family, right?

Xia Bang looked at the old lady who stood up and jerked.

Old lady Li has been the mistress of the Lu family for so many years. Now she has a fierce and pressing air. The scolded man's legs are soft and almost paralyzed.

At this time, a beautiful evil spirit appeared, "don't scare him, grandma, it's me!"

When they looked up, it turned out that it was Xu shaonan, the young master of the Xu family, the prince who was not afraid of heaven and earth.

He's here!

Old lady Li looked at Xu shaonan with an expression of unwelcome. She really regarded this place as her home. "How did you come?"

"Grandma, of course I did it for..." Xu shaonan's peach blossom eyes fell on the face of Xia Xiwan It's summer evening

The prince spent his name outside. Changing women was like changing clothes. Xia bang and LAN Yan quickly pulled Xia Xiwan behind him, "Xu Shao, did my wanwan offend you?"

"Of course not. I'm here to marry Xia Xiwan!"


Xu shaonan wants to marry Xia Xiwan?

People are shocked by this heavy explosive. After old lady Li wants to recognize Xia Xiwan as her granddaughter, Xu shaonan comes and wants to marry Xia Xiwan as his wife!

At this time, Xu shaonan clapped his hands mysteriously. Soon, many servants came out, and those servants carried boxes one by one.

People are very curious, "Xu Shao, what are these boxes?"

Xu shaonan opened the box. "In this box is gold, in this box is Pearl agate, in this box is silk..."

One box after another opened, there were precious things in it. Everyone's eyes were straight. A lot of money!

When Xu shaonan came to Xia Xiwan, he drew a vicious arc on his thin lips. "Xia Xiwan, these are my betrothal gifts. I want to marry you as my wife!"

Oh, my God!

Looking at the whole imperial capital, Xu shaonan is probably the only one who can carry out the boxes of treasures for betrothal gifts.

Everyone confirmed that this is not a dream. Xu shaonan really wants to marry Xia Xiwan!

Xu shaonan's romantic character leaves peach blossom debts everywhere. Everyone is guessing which girl will take him in later. The prodigal son will not change his money. Now this girl appears and turns out to be Summer sunset!

Xia Xiwan's clear Jian Tong looked at Xu shaonan and refused directly, "Xu Shao, I think you are joking. You'd better carry these boxes back. I won't marry you."

"Xia Xiwan, why don't you marry me?" Xu shaonan asked.

Xia bang and LAN Yan want to block Xu shaonan, but old lady Li takes his hand first. She grabs Xu shaonan's ear and scolds him fiercely, "you're deaf. If you don't marry, you don't need any reason!"

"Don't be afraid of wanwan. Grandma is here to make decisions for you."

Xia Xiwan, "..."

People, "..."

At this time, his subordinates came back in a hurry and said, "the leader, madam, it's not good. Outside Someone is coming from outside again

What, anybody else?

The crowd ate melons one after another this evening, and they couldn't think of who it was this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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