Xia Xiwan thinks for a moment that this engagement was made between her mother and Lu Hanting's mother. The whole Lu family, old lady Lu, Lu sijue and Liu Zhaodi should all know her mother.

However, they did not know that she was Lin Shuiyao's daughter.

Xia Xiwan's heart moved, and she felt that she had found a path that mummy had gone through. She did not know if there was any footprints left on this road. She had to go.

"OK, Zixian. I'll go with you." Xia Xiwan nodded and agreed.

At this time, LAN Yan quickly said, "Lu Er Shao, it's OK for you to take Wan Wan back to the Lu family, but you must protect my wanwan, your mother..."

"Blue mother!" Summer sunset line quickly interrupted the blue smoke.

Although LAN Yan's words have not been finished, Lu Zixian has already noticed something. He still knows his mother very well. Even if he doesn't ask, he can guess that it was probably during this period when he left the imperial capital that his mother was looking for Xia Xiwan for trouble.

Lu Zixian's beautiful brows and eyes were covered with a cold air. He didn't say much, but said in a low voice, "wanwan, believe me, my mother won't trouble you again. I've been living outside these years. Except for a trip back to the Lu family today, we won't see them in the future."

LAN Yan nods with satisfaction. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a fatal problem. Lu Zixian's words left here mean that Xia Xiwan will not be wronged again.

Xia Xiwan doesn't need Lu Zixian to show up for herself. Last time, Liu Zhaodi didn't get a good deal. She didn't want to tell Lu Zixian about it and let him be in a dilemma.

But now that she is Lu Zixian's fiancee, her relationship with Liu Zhaodi has become different. Lu Zixian's saying this saves a lot of trouble.

Xia Xiwan nodded, "yes, good!"


Lu family.

Because Lu Zixian called back and said that she would take her fiancee back home tonight, Liu Zhaodi went into the kitchen and began to prepare a sumptuous dinner.

Liu Zhaodi was very happy. She looked at Lu sijue in the living room. "Sijue, what do you think Lin Shuiyao's daughter looks like when she grows up?"

Lu Si Jue looked down at a financial newspaper in his hand and answered in a indifferent voice, "it should not be bad."

"It must be. If you think about Lin Shuiyao's elegant demeanor in those days, her daughter must not be bad. Moreover, Lin Shuiyao's status is extremely noble and superior to all living beings. She comes from Kyushu..."

Liu Zhaodi's words stopped abruptly. She was so frightened that she almost let out Lin Shuiyao's identity just now.

Liu Zhaodi takes a look at Lu Hanting. Lu Hanting has already arrived. Now she is leaning lazily against the sofa with her mobile phone in her hand. Obviously, she doesn't pay attention to her words.

Liu Zhaodi was relieved.

Lu Hanting really didn't hear what Liu Zhaodi was saying. Now he was fidgeting with his mobile phone. All he wanted was the birthday party of the Xia family.

Is there any famous childe present? Does Xia Xiwan have a blind date? Does she have a new love These questions lingered in his mind.

Lu Hanting doesn't want to pay attention to the birthday party of the Xia family at all, but his heart still can't help but float to Xia Xiwan's body.

At this time, the doorbell of Lu's house rang.

Liu Zhaodi quickly ran over, "it must be Zixian who came back with his fiancee!"

Liu Zhaodi opens the door.

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