Fan Tian knows that this is the means of Xia Xiwan. Xia Xiwan lures her to come over quietly, and then takes off her shameful coat one by one, and lets her stand here to receive reprimand.

In fact, she has been with Xia Xiwan for a period of time, and is well aware of the means of Xia Xiwan. Therefore, she is so uneasy and afraid these days.

Xia Xiwan looked at fan Tian's pale face slowly, and she slowly hooked her red lips. "Teacher's mother, last night, my teacher took me home. I ate a table of dishes you cooked by yourself. My mother's craft is really better. If you go on like this, I'll depend on your family for dinner."

Mrs. Qiu and Xia Xiwan sing and agree, incomparably, "wanwan, you may come, but I'm afraid you won't come. Originally I was out of the hospital, but I heard my old man say you're coming, and I'll come back quickly."

Fan Tian's ears are buzzing and Xia Xiwan is calling Mrs. Qiu. What, mother?

That night, she always asked Xia Xiwan about her relationship with Academician Qiu. Xia Xiwan said that academician Qiu was her teacher and she was academician Qiu's student.

She told the truth at the time, but no one believed it.

It turns out that academician Qiu is really Xia Xiwan's teacher, and Mrs Qiu is Xia Xiwan's teacher's mother.


Everything is wrong.

Fan Tian is pushed into the abyss by thunder. It turns out that she is wrong and everything is wrong. Xia Xiwan and academician Qiu are just teachers and students. Last night, academician Qiu took Xia Xiwan to a guest and ate a table of dishes cooked by Mrs. Qiu herself.

God, what did she misunderstand?

Fan Tian's eyes overflow with uneasiness and fear. Xia Xiwan knows in advance. She knows what she and Li Yanran are planning. She just doesn't tell the truth and tries to plan.

What does Xia Xiwan want to do?

Fan Tian suddenly had a very ominous premonition. She immediately turned around and left. She wanted to leave here as soon as possible. She wanted to stay far away from Xia Xiwan!

What a terrible summer sunset!

At this time, the voice of Xia Xiwan came from behind, "fan Tian, since you are all here, you won't be naive and think that I will let you go like this?"

Fan Tian stopped, her eyes full of vigilance looking at Xia Xiwan, "you What do you want to do? "

Xia Xiwan got up and slowly walked over, "it's nothing. I want to give you back the needle that you pricked on me."

Fan Tian wanted to escape, but the cold light in her eyes flashed. Xia Xiwan had a long gold needle in her hand. She directly put the gold needle into her head.


Radio a.

Fan Tian hasn't come back. Li Yanran can only audition. Her voice is very sweet. She puts a soft voice to the radio station and says, "Dear listeners, this is the evening emotional column of the Academy of Sciences. I'm your anchor, Li Yanran. Tonight is not lonely. I will accompany you all the time."

Ye Ying looked at the real-time listening meter, and the staff next to her have given her thumbs up. "Director, the audition rate has broken the record."

Radio a has a very large audience base, plus Li Yanran's attraction. The first audition broke the record. Many people are listening to it outside.

Yelao nodded with satisfaction, worthy of being his granddaughter.

Li Yanran's beautiful face also had a proud smile. In fact, it was in her expectation that the audition broke the record. She just didn't know what was going on with fan Tian.

Then the door of radio station a opened and fan Tian came in.

Fan Tian is back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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