Xia Xiwan was confused. She had already done a good lesson to the two scum men and women. She moved out of the house and never let herself be wronged again. But now the development of things is completely beyond her expectation.

He said that nothing happened to him and Huarong.

He said he liked her.

Be caught off guard to express the summer evening line blinks the slender feather quick, "you What you said is true? "

Lu Hanting hooked his lips, lowered his voice, low-level magnetism, with the power of demagogues, "it's true. If you don't believe it, I'll go to the hospital to prove that I'm still in Male? "

Xia Xiwan immediately raised his feet and kicked him, cheater, man can't do this inspection.

Lu Hanting kicked her, and there was a footprint on her trousers. He didn't care. The little turtle went to Huarong for him, which he had never expected.

Lu Hanting stretched out his hand to hold her small face, lowered his head, and kissed her red lips across the veil, "wanwan, be good with me, OK?"

Xia Xiwan has always wanted to stick to her heart, not to give anyone the opportunity to hurt her, but now in the man's low husky coax voice, the wall in her heart suddenly collapses.

She has fallen in love with him.

Xia Xiwan can't resist his heart any more. When he is away, she will miss him. When he is hurt, her heart will hurt. When he is with other women, she will be jealous of going crazy

It's a strange feeling.

Xia Xiwan was clever enough to let him kiss, but his tone was fierce. "You have to think about it. I'm very fierce. If you have other women outside, I'll hit people!"

Lu Hanting's eyes overflowed with a bit of indulgence and joy, "have I ever said that you are the most charming with your savage appearance?"

Xia Xiwan heart sweet, she quickly pushed Lu Hanting away, and then ran back to his room.


Huarong hasn't left yet. She lost too badly tonight. She must teach Xia Xiwan a good lesson from Lu Hanting, and then drive Xia Xiwan out.

At this time, Lu Hanting came out of the study. Huarong quickly met him and sobbed, "Han Ting, that maid beat me. You can see that my body is injured. You must avenge me."

Huarong wants to cuddle up to Lu Hanting.

Lu Hanting kept silent. He was disgusted by the artificially added perfume in Huarong. He began to miss Xia Xiwan's sweet girl's fragrance. She just left his arms just now.

"Director Hua, you don't have to go to work in the company from tomorrow. You leave Haicheng by yourself and don't appear in my sight again."


Hua Rong was shocked and frozen on the spot. She looked at Lu Hanting incredulously, "Han Ting, what's wrong with you? It's not true. What did I do wrong?"

Lu Hanting finally took a look at Huarong. "Your biggest mistake is to seduce me in front of my wife Lu."

Lu ma'am?

That maid?

Huarong's face turned pale.


In the bedroom.

Xia Xiwan came out of the bath. Lu Hanting had already taken a bath in the next room. He was half leaning on the bed reading a book with a dark blue silk Pajama on his body.

Usually two people sleep separately, she sleeps in bed, he sleeps on the sofa, now he directly sleeps on the bed.

Although she admitted her own heart, but this development is not too fast?

Lu Hanting lifted his eyes from the book, his eyes fell on her, and then reached out to pat his bed inside, "come up."

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