Lu Han Ting directly out of the big palm, a buckle Xia Xi Wan slender Hao wrist, to pull her over.

Oh, my God!

The whole audience was shocked. What is Mr. Lu doing? Grab people in broad daylight? You want to be your sister-in-law?

Lu Hanting did not succeed, because Lu Zixian clasped Xia Xiwan's another slender Hao wrist and caught her.

Now the situation is that Xia Xiwan is held by the two most favored children of the Lu family at the same time!


The whole court takes a breath of air conditioning. Here we come. Eat melon and upgrade again. What's the situation?

General manager Lu put aside his fiancee and didn't take a look, but he went to rob his brother's fiancee, didn't he General manager Lu is in love with his prospective sister-in-law?

It seems that the entertainment headline of tomorrow is that Xia Xiwan falls in love with the two brothers of the Lu family. On the birthday of laotaijun, the two brothers fight for the US people's Congress?

Behind the Li Yan Ran already gave a beautiful small face to gas slant, cold Ting elder brother is crazy, he unexpectedly goes to rob summer evening line?

Now a lot of eyes fall on her, most of them sympathize with watching good plays. Li Yanran has never lost face like this. Before, all around her were all kinds of envy and flattery. What's the matter today?

Lu Hanting and Lu Zixian hold Xia Xiwan at the same time. Lu's deep and sharp eyes fall on Lu Zixian's handsome face, then lift his thin lips indifferently, "let go!"

Lu Zixian laughed angrily, "brother, it's you who should let go! Xia Xiwan is my fiancee. Do you want to rob me

Lu Hanting pursed his thin lips into a white arc. From Li Yanran's mouth, he knew that she was going to be Lu Zixian's companion. When she came to attend the party, he became abnormal.

When she entered the door just now, she was wearing this long skirt with suspenders and starry sky. It was the most beautiful appearance. But she took Lu Zixian's arm, and she was Lu Zixian's fiancee.

Never a moment let him so clearly realize that she is Lu Zixian!

This cognition makes him intolerable. In fact, he hates that he is out of control because of her again and again, but there is a voice echoing in his ear. Countless voices are yours! Go and get her back!

Now Lu Zixian asked, are you going to rob me?

Lu knew that once he answered, he would declare war!

Lu Hanting rolled out a few words from his throat, "yes, how?"

He not only declared war, but also provoked.

Strong and domineering personality, he is Lu Hanting, right!

All present and Li Yan Ran's face suddenly changed. Lu Hanting really wants to compete with Lu Zixian for Xia Xiwan!

I didn't expect that the two natural favourites of the Lu family didn't fight for family property, but now they are fighting for a woman!

Xia Xiwan has tightly twisted her eyebrows. She really doesn't know what Lu Hanting is doing. She wants to keep a low profile in this party because she comes with a purpose. She has to sneak into Yeying's room to look for the key. But now Lu Hanting is so noisy, she has become the focus of the whole audience, and there are countless pairs of eyes staring at everything.

Lu Zixian is about to take action. Xia Xiwan has raised her bright Jian Tong to look at Lu Hanting. She has a clear voice and says, "Mr. Lu, let me go!"

Xia Xiwan chose Lu Zixian!

Lu Hanting's narrow eyes were like ink splashing out, thick and dangerous. He looked at Xia Xiwan coldly, and now he wanted to strangle her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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