On the dance floor.

Lu Zixian and Xia Xiwan were dancing. Lu Zixian said, "wanwan, although my elder brother has lost his memory, he seems to like you very much."

"How could it be?" Xia Xiwan quickly denied, "he doesn't like me, but he hates me. He thinks I'm a schemer, and All kinds of insults to me! "

Xia Xiwan did not want to package Lu Hanting. Raise her when the mistress of this matter to say.

Lu Zixian listened to this words, meaning unknown hook a thin lip, "is it?"

Is this really the case? Lu Hanting hates her?

In his opinion, Lu Hanting doesn't hate her at all, but likes her. He likes her to the point of losing control and going crazy.

"Of course it is," Xia Xiwan nodded forcefully. "Anyway, he is engaged to Li Yanran now. My Mr. Lu is dead. I don't want to have anything to do with him now. I want to draw a clear line with him!"

Lu Zixian smiles and doesn't speak. He remembers the way Xia Xiwan ran to kick Lu Hanting just now. Anyone who sees it will want to say that Xia Xiwan is used to by Lu Hanting.

Lu Hanting let her kick like that, and finally let go because she hurt her foot.

She and Lu Hanting have never changed.

Always loved.


A dance is over, Xia Xiwan excuse to go to the bathroom, left the party hall, she is looking for Yeying's room.

In fact, Xia Xiwan is not sure whether the key is in Li's house or at night's house. Now I can only take a chance. Yeying and Li Junmo have not divorced, so Yeying's room must be the master bedroom.

The master bedroom is the best.

Xia Xiwan avoided all the people, pushed open the door of the master bedroom room and walked in.

The Li family is magnificent like a palace. The master bedroom is also low-key and luxurious. It has a special moat. Xia Xiwan looks around and then opens the drawer of the bed cabinet.

Soon, she saw a small brocade box in the bottom drawer. She quickly opened the brocade box, which contained a key.

Xia Xiwan's eyes lit up. She felt that this key was the key to the forbidden area. She found it!

Xia Xiwan takes away the key and leaves the master bedroom. She quickly returns to the party hall.

But walking in the corridor, there are two people in front of me, Yeying and Li Yanran.

Xia Xiwan's slender feather Jie trembles. She secretly pulls the key, but there is nothing on her face. She just straightens her delicate back and calmly looks at Yeying and Li Yanran.

Li Yan Ran tugged his fist, arrogantly asked, "Xia Xiwan, what is the relationship between you and brother Han Ting?"

Xia Xiwan hooked a red lip, "if I say I have nothing to do with Mr. Lu, I can't even talk about my friends. Do you believe it?"

"Xia Xiwan, are you lying to a fool Li Yanran didn't believe it.

"Look, no matter what I say, you don't believe it. You'd better ask Mr. Lu directly. Why waste time on me?" With that, Xia Xiwan lifted his feet and left.

Li Yan Ran held back a belly of fire. Now Xia Xiwan's light attitude is more like adding fuel to the fire. She gritted her teeth, "Xia Xiwan, brother Hanting is my fiance, you hook. It's shameless to lead someone else's fiance!"

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