All along, the peach blossom on her body has never been broken, opened one after another, he thought that she was a bad girl who liked to play, she was dirty.

Now she told him she was clean.

Lu Hanting's blood was boiling, and this feeling was like suddenly getting a baby. He didn't know what other men would think, whether he would be generous or not. He didn't care about her past, as long as her future, but he couldn't. He was extremely narrow-minded and jealous. As long as he thought that other men had got her, he would go crazy.

He wants to be her only one.

Now he asked her, is it a place?

Xia Xiwan was stiff and her ears were buzzing because she suddenly found a very important problem. She had a man, and the first and only man was him.

But what did she tell him?

She couldn't tell him at all.

So how does she answer this question?

The girl froze, a pair of bright Jian pupil complex looking at him, Lu Hanting's thin lips slowly left her eyes, drooping eyes asked, "how, you are not the place?"

Summer evening Wan Bei teeth bit a red lip, and then nodded hesitantly, "well, I am not a place, I have a man."


Lu Hanting felt that his enthusiasm and pleasure were quenched by a basin of cold water. He pursed his thin lips into a forest arc, "who is that man?"

Xia Xiwan doesn't know how to say. The past in Haicheng has been wiped clean with his terrible illness. She can't tell him the past, remind him of that memory, and let him know how sick he was.

He has been reborn.

Disease, nightmare, pain, all left him.

Xia Xiwan looked at him, "there is one thing I want to tell you, I I was married, had a brief marriage, that man is me Ex husband. "

Lu Hanting's pupil shrank suddenly. What was she saying? She even Married?

Look at her age is still very young, only 20 years old, she unexpectedly Had a marriage?

That man is her ex husband.

Lu Hanting felt that he was pushed into the cold pool. His eyes quickly became gloomy and cold, "do you love your ex husband?"

Of course.

Referring to Mr. Lu, Xia Xiwan's clear eyes are like a pool of flowing spring water, rippling out soft ripples, "I..."

"Enough! Stop it Lu Hanting pushed her away.

He has got the answer from her eyes, she loves him, she loves his ex husband!

Lu Hanting's two big hands hanging on his side tightened his fists and pulled his knuckles to "cluck" and make a sound. He had only one thought. He wanted to find out who the man was, and he wanted him to disappear from the world!

"Are you Angry? " Xia Xiwan stretched out his small hand to caress his handsome face.

Lu Hanting clasped her delicate wrist and didn't let her touch him. He looked at her cruelly, and his voice was full of tender sarcasm, "Xia Xiwan, who do you think I am, Jiepan Xia Xia Xia?"? Since you love your ex husband so much, why are you still divorced? You must have been abandoned. A woman that your ex husband doesn't want. How can you be confident that Lu Hanting will want me? "

Said Lu Hanting to shake off her little hands, "in my eyes, you are just a second-hand woman who has been played. Be calm and don't make trouble. If you want to climb into my bed, you'd better wait for the next life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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