Xia Xiwan is standing here, his clear eyes fall on his straight figure, looking at him in the boundless world crazily looking for her.

All the memories seem to go back to a few months ago, the last day he left. He climbed the tree carefully and humbly, and gave her three eggs to hatch with her.

White eyes suddenly turned red, covered with a layer of crystal clear water mist, Xia Xiwan wanted to cry and laugh, made himself like a fool.

At such a moment, she understood the present Lu Hanting. Now Lu Hanting is like a proud little Gong Ju. His heart is always contradictory and awkward. He clearly likes her. He likes her.

Xia Xiwan suddenly feels that Mr. Lu has never left. Lu Hanting is Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu is Lu Hanting!

This kind of cognition fills her whole chest, Xia Xiwan flies to the past and hugs Lu Hanting's refined waist from behind.

At the moment when the girl's soft body was pasted from the back, Lu Hanting's tall body suddenly became stiff. At the same time, his tight nerves relaxed. His two big hands hanging on his side pulled a fist. He turned around and looked at her coldly, "Xia Xiwan, who let you run around, just because I said you two words, do you play a small character to run out? It's very dangerous outside Do you know the risk? "

Just now he was angry. Any man could not accept that his favorite girl had been married. He just wanted to calm down, but when he looked up, he found that she had disappeared.

She's always so disturbing!

Xia Xiwan looked up at him with a handshake and a smile, "do you care about me?"


Lu Hanting found that his reaction was a little extreme, he pursed his thin lips, a handsome face immediately very ugly, "No."

Xia Xiwan stood on tiptoe and put two small hands around his neck. He put his big black eyes in front of him and blinked, "you have it! You care about me

She is not a question, but an affirmative.

Lu Hanting can't stand her taking the initiative to hook him up. What tricks does she play now?

He stretched out his hand and pulled her arm off. "Xia Xi Wan, don't touch me!"

"Then I Can I kiss you

Summer evening line together, kiss his thin lips.

The sweet fragrance of the girl's body invaded and lingered under his nose. Her mouth was sweet, like what kind of milk candy she had.

Lu Hanting doesn't like sweet food, but he likes sweet girls.

His tall body was frozen.

Xia Xiwan naturally noticed his reaction. The cold wind had dissipated a little heat, but when she met him, she was ignited again.

Xia Xiwan held his handsome face and deepened the kiss.

She has married him, and she has done all the intimate things, but generally he is the active party and dominates the rhythm. She will follow.

Now it's one of her rare initiatives. She kisses him like he does.

Lu Hanting wanted to refuse. The big palm hanging on his side loosened, pinched and loosened again. But even if he tried his best to push her away, he couldn't push her away.

He was so stiff that he gave her a kiss.

At this time, Xia Xiwan let go of him. Her face was so red that she looked at the vivid life. Her voice was small and delicate and asked him, "do you want to..." Kiss again? "

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