Li Yan Ran's eyes lit up, but he didn't understand.

Ye Wuyou nods, he looks at the delicate figure of xiaxiwan downstairs, breaks into the line of sight, and slowly hooks his lips, "I hope she really has some skills. Don't fall down so quickly, or it will be meaningless. I will be very disappointed."


Xia Xiwan went downstairs and just got out of the radio hall, those media reporters who had been waiting for him swarmed up and handed in their microphones.

Xia Xiwan, the hotline of radio station D has been knocked out today. What do you want to respond to the query and abuse of the whole people?

Xia Xiwan, is station D closed? Have you been expelled from the station?

Xia Xiwan, who do you like about Lu brothers? General manager Lu or academician Lu?

Xia Xiwan is not the first time to face the camera, but the combat effectiveness of these media reporters in the capital is several times stronger than that of Haicheng. She lowers her hat on her head and chooses to be silent and does not respond.

She wanted to leave quickly.

But it's useless. It's all the heads that are oppressed. Everyone is in a crazy crowd. She has no way out at all.

At this time, a woman who didn't know where came out. She stretched out her hand to push the summer evening line for a while, and broke into a big curse and said, "little bitch, how can you still have the face to come out! My husband is the fox spirit outside to hook. Lead away, and finally the family was destroyed, I hate you the most, I see you will hit once

The mad woman raised her hand and fanned directly to Xia Xiwan's face.

Xia Xiwan was pushed by surprise just now, but she didn't stand still. At this time, she felt a fierce palm wind blowing to her face. The cold cold light quickly overflowed from the Jian pupil of Xia Xiwan's eyes.

But Xia Xiwan did not act, then a white and beautiful hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the wrist of that crazy woman.

Xia Xiwan looks up and sees a cool and beautiful face, which is Lu Zixian.

Lu Zixian came.

Lu Zixian coldly put that crazy woman away, he lifted his thin lips, "you dare to move her hair, I will let you know that the destruction of your family is not your worst ending."

The crazy woman fell back a few steps, and then fell to the ground in a panic.

Lu Zixian is not often angry, but his temper is really cold to the extreme, sharp, let people shudder.

Lu Zixian came to Xia Xiwan in front of him. His cold black eyes looked at her, overflowing with warmth. "Wan Wan, is it OK, has she hurt you?"

Xia Xiwan shook his head, "No."

"That's good. I'll take you home now." Lu Zixian put out his arms around the fragrant shoulder of xiaxiwan and protected her in his arms.

This scene can be said to make the whole audience boiling. Everyone carried the camera and kept taking photos. They handed the microphone to Lu Zixian, academician Lu. You are here at the right time. Do you know your fiancee is cheating on your brother?

Academician Lu, will you still marry Xia Xiwan?

Academician Lu, will your brothers turn their eyes on Xia Xiwan?

Academician Lu

At this time, Lu Zixian suddenly stopped. He looked at the indifferent opening of those cameras and said, "I have settled the engagement with Xia Xiwan, so she doesn't have the saying of cheating."


Has the engagement been broken?

Who would have expected Lu Zixian to announce directly in front of these media reporters that they had terminated their engagement? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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