Li Yulan for a time confused, can barely squeeze out a smile, first perfunctory Xia Zhenguo, "I know, I'll let people to check."

"Mom, what's going on? Xia Xiwan has not been given by those men..." At this time, Xia Xiaodie ran out and asked.

Li Yulan glared at Xia Xiaodie fiercely and yelled at her, "shut up! Don't you think it's not chaotic enough? "

Xia Xiaodie looks at Xia Zhenguo and quickly shut up.

Three people are leaving here, when a reporter exclaimed, "my God, this is the Xia lady Li Yulan did it!"

Xia Zhenguo heard this sentence, the pace of a meal.

Li Yulan froze, her face pale. She looked back and saw that all the media reporters had flocked to her, and she was a burst of random shooting.

It turns out that the ID of Li Yulan's former agent has been blown out, and the hot search of microblog has raised a frenzy again, "Li Yulan" has ascended the summit strongly.

Since Li Yulan came out, the last peak of traffic was at the time of yellow trade, and now the flow has caught up with the last time.

No surprise, it was stepmother Li Yulan.

Li Yulan directed her former agent, who bought Weibo big V and ended up in a collective way, killing the poor wanwan goddess.

I remember that Li Yulan is an old opera character.

I still remember that the old actor had a room with a greasy hotel not long ago.

As expected, life is like a play, all depends on acting skills.

The media reporters surrounded the place, and everyone rushed to hand over the microphone and asked questions in succession,

Mrs. Xia, why did you design a pornographic photo door to frame Xia Xiwan?

Xia Xiwan grew up in the countryside these years, and married your daughter for joy. She did no harm to you. Isn't it too vicious for you?

Mr. Xia, do you know that Li Yulan framed your daughter?

Xia Zong, your pillow side person is so vicious, will you as a fool to play around, do you have the feeling of being cheated?

Xia Zong, why are you so shallow about Xia Xiwan's daughter? Are you spoiling your wife and destroying her daughter and losing humanity?

Xia Zhenguo was shocked to see Li Yulan beside him. He never thought that this thing was her being a demon.

Now being besieged by so many media reporters, Xia Zhenguo feels more embarrassed than ever before. His great reputation has been destroyed.

"Li Yulan, what's your explanation?" Xia Zhenguo's face was gloomy and ferocious.

Li Yulan's head is blank. She is sure that Ye Ling is helping Xia Xiwan twice.

All this is a trap set by Xia Xiwan.

Li Yulan stares at Xia Zhenguo. Now the evidence is overwhelming. She doesn't know how to lie for a moment. "Zhenguo, I'll explain this to you later. Let's leave here first."

Xia Zhenguo raised his hand and slapped Li Yulan in the face.


Li Yulan screamed and was thrown to the ground.

This time, Xia Zhenguo played particularly hard, her mouth was hit with blood.

"Li Yulan, I don't want to see you again!" Xia Zhenguo brushed his sleeves and left.

Li Yulan had never been so embarrassed. Her mouth was covered with blood, and a ferocious palm print suddenly appeared on her face.

The media reporters are shooting in disorder again,

Li Yulan, will Xia Zhenguo divorce you?

You are a snake and a scorpion. This slap is not much!

Li Yulan broke down and yelled, "don't shoot! No filming! Security, security! Come here , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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