I know that the night of the night is no worry!

It seems that all of the recent events are night carefree in fueling the flames, night home has all the artillery fire concentrated on her body.

Now the night is dark, she is bright, and the situation is very unfavorable to her.

"I see, Mr. Lu. Thank you." Finish saying Xia Xiwan is ready to leave.

But Lu Hanting grabbed her and said, "are you leaving like this?"

Xia Xiwan stopped, "general manager Lu, are you really retiring with Li Yanran?"

"Yes." Lu Hanting nodded, but his look is very arrogant, to the effect that I am not because of you, you should not be too proud!

This time the summer evening line falls shallow hook a red lip, smile.

Lu Hanting felt that she was a little strange. Now her eyes were black, and the light pouring out of her eyes was enchanting. Whenever she was this time, she would be calculating people.

"Xia Xiwan, what kind of abacus are you doing?" Lu Hanting frowned.

Xia Xiwan flashed a long feather Jie, looking at him innocently, "Mr. Lu, what kind of abacus can I make? I'm waiting to be beaten."

"Who's going to hit you?"

"Of course Night home, you think you and Li Yan Ran's marriage so smoothly retired? Wait. They're trying to drown me in my mouth. " Finish saying the summer evening line forcefully took back own slender Hao wrist, lifted the foot to walk.

She's just leaving so smartly?

The whole night family has been planning how to deal with her, she even left so manly, Lu Hanting really wanted to hammer open her small head to see what she was thinking.


Xia Xiwan returns to Xia's home. She doesn't do anything. Instead, she opens the first volume of medical classics left by her mother.

This medical book records the deep relationship between medicine and poison. Xia Xiwan stopped on that page and looked at it for a long time.

At this time, blue smoke pushed the door and put a plate of fruit in Xia Xiwan's hand. "Wanwan, you have been reading medical books since you came back. Have you encountered a very difficult problem?"

Xia Xiwan closed the medical book, but she still didn't say anything. She just looked at LAN Yan and said with a smile, "Lan Ma, you and Xia dad haven't been traveling yet. Why don't you go out for a tour tomorrow?"

Blue smoke suspiciously looked at the summer sunset Wan, "Wan Wan, you this is intentionally will our expenditure go?"

Xia Xiwan was coquettish with blue smoke. "Lan Ma, can you not be so smart? I just want you to travel for a period of time. When the matter is over, I will call you back."

"Wanwan, we're gone. What can you do? Your Xia dad and I can't rest assured of you. Now there's a lot of wind and rain outside. How do you plan to solve it?"

Xia Xiwan cunning hook lip, smile like a little fox, "Lan Ma, to tell the truth, I don't know how to solve it, I always feel that I am in a fog now, many people know some secrets I don't know, which makes me very passive, I have a lot of confusion."

"But I feel that I have reached the breakthrough point. Once I break through, I can catch all those people. So, LAN Ma, you and Xia PA go on a tour. I have my own arrangements for things here. Don't worry. I'm the daughter of the Xia family and do great things!"

Xia Xiwan patted his chest with pride.

Blue smoke affectionately touched her small head, and held her in his arms, "OK, we don't ask anything, anything listen to you."

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