Xia Xiwan hum. Now she just needs to wait.

Ye Ling lies on the rattan chair. She has a red skirt with a sling. Her skin is like chicken protein just shelled. Her face is delicate and beautiful. She is lazy and full of fresh water. She is a natural beauty.

"Wanwan, since you go back, it's like fighting every day. Let me say, let your Mr. Lu disappear them all."

"No, I've said that I want to maintain my spiritual independence and be a woman who practices both inside and outside."

Ye Ling looked at Xia Xiwan and said, "wanwan, men conquer the world, women only need to conquer men."

Xia Xiwan winked vaguely, "Ling Ling, I am not you, and I have no lord of gold."

"Well, I'm also professional, and my service makes him feel worthwhile."

Looking at Ye Ling's soft and beautiful appearance, Xia Xiwan wants to be crisp, let alone a man. She gets up and says, "Lingling, let's go shopping mall."

Ye Ling blinked and said, "buy a gift for Mr. Lu?"

Xia Xiwan admires the five body throwing ground, "yes, that Li Yulan did not put money into the account, one million, and it Mr. Lu is on a business trip And brought me a gift... "

Li Yulan didn't know that Xia Xiwan grew up with medicine and was invincible. Those overpowering drugs didn't work for her at all.

In the hospital, she pretended to faint and then cleaned up the men in black with a silver needle.

Ye Ling mixed with the entertainment industry, found a plastic surgery woman who was somewhat similar to her and took a few photos.

Because it was a side face and wearing a veil, Li Yulan did not notice for a while, and then something happened.

Li Yulan into the account of the million all to Xia Xiwan pocket, Xia Xiwan really did not know that she should be so valuable.

One million is definitely not a small number. She has not had so much money.

The agent came to the nanny car, carrying two beauties all the way to the mall, two people instantly became the most beautiful scenery in the mall.

Ye Ling asked Xia Xiwan curiously, "wanwan, what gift did Mr. Lu buy you?"

"Round, a little milk cat."

"Look, Mr. Lu coax you into being a little girl."

Xia Xiwan's heart was sweet, "Lingling, what gift do you want to give Mr. Lu?"

Xia Xiwan bought a gift for a man for the first time. I don't know what to buy.

Ye Ling lowered her hat and tried to make herself less dazzling in the crowd. "If it was me, I would buy a set of sexy pajamas to wear on my body and give myself to him."


Xia Xiwan suddenly felt that he shouldn't ask Ye Ling this question. Mr. Lu has enough color and can't encourage his unhealthy tendencies!

Xia Xiwan looks at men's clothes. His clothes seem to be hand-made, so there is no need to buy them.

Soon, Xia Xiwan stopped and she looked at the man's belt in the window.

The memory suddenly goes back to the bar that night, he let her open his belt

The snow-white earlobe of summer sunset is red quickly.

At this time, I heard Ye Ling's heavy "cough" and "cough" two times, "wanwan, too much."

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