"Yes, Prof. Xia, where were you that night?" Asked Xiao Tao.

I'm sure it's the last time I'm going to make a choice

Xia Xiwan and ye Wuyou's face-to-face contest will soon come.


Ye Ying rushed to Li's house urgently. She asked the maid, "where is the old lady?"

"Back to Madam, the old lady is in the study."

Night Ying directly ran up the building, stretched out his hand to open the door of the study.

In the study, old lady Li and the lawyer were discussing something. She suddenly burst in and let old lady Li quickly raise her head. Old lady Li looked at Yeying with displeasure, "now you don't understand the politeness of knocking at the door before entering the door?"

Ye Ying goes in, and she grabs the lawyer's letter that has been drafted. The content is really a statement that Lu Hanting and Li Yanran have already peacefully terminated their engagement.

Night Ying gas not to a place, she directly the lawyer's letter into a ball, force in the garbage can.

"Mrs. Li, you..." The lawyer was stunned.

At this time, old lady Li waved her hand, "Lawyer Wang, you go down first. It's hard for you today."

"Yes, old lady." The lawyer retired quickly and respectfully.

Old lady Li took off the old glasses on her face and looked at Yeying, "Yeying, you come just in time. I don't need to inform you any more. I want to make a statement."

"Mom, Yanran is your granddaughter. Have you ever thought about her? Is there only summer sunset in your eyes? Wake up Ye Ying said excitedly.

"Pa" a, Li old lady patted the table and rose, her face cold and sharp look to Yeying, "Yeying, the person who needs to wake up is not me, but you, I ask you, who instigated Yan Ran to cut his wrist to commit suicide?"

Ye Ying's face turned white. Did the old lady see anything?

The old lady picked up a book and smashed it hard at Yeying. "Those tricks you played were not enough for me to see. What Zixian liked was Xiwan. How could he suddenly want to marry yemingzhu? What I can see is that you think the old fox Lu sijue of the Lu family can't see it. He even agreed to the marriage. What do you think it means

"You're stupid. You think you're playing with everyone. In fact, it's you who are really stupid. I don't care about your broken things. But Yanran is my granddaughter. You even instigated her to commit suicide by cutting her wrist. Yeying, I think Yanran is going to be destroyed in the hands of your mother who is not good at heart!"

"I don't care how you play, but I don't allow any Li family to participate. I like Xiwan, and this statement is also taken out for her. But Yanran is my granddaughter, and I have made plans for her. When she is well, I will send her to study abroad. There I have paved the way. As long as she is obedient, don't waste my efforts, her future will be splendid Light

Night Ying pupil shrinks, the old lady unexpectedly Should you send Yanran away?

Yan Ran was spoiled and spoiled since childhood. When she went abroad, she would be unaccustomed to all kinds of things. How could she live a delicate and comfortable life in the imperial capital?

Ye Ying thinks that the old lady is on purpose. She has separated her mother and daughter on purpose. She has been living for so many years. She has only Yan ran around her. The old lady's heart is so cruel!

If the old lady really paves the way for Yanran's future, why not stay in the imperial capital? Why not find a way to let Yanran marry Lu Hanting, be the eldest and youngest grandmother of the Lu family, and be the mother of the Lu family in the future?

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