The news of old lady Li's coma quickly spread, and a media reporter rushed over with her camera. This time, Yeying accepted a small interview. She was crying and very sad, saying,

my old lady's body has always been very strong. Recently, there are too many things happening to Yanran. We are afraid that the old lady is too old to bear, so we have not dared to tell me But today I don't know where the news leaked. The old lady heard that Yanran cut her wrists and committed suicide and entered the hospital. She was so anxious that she couldn't wake up on the spot because of myocardial infarction. Now the doctor says the situation is not optimistic, and I don't know when the old lady will wake up.

Ye Ying blames Xia Xiwan for the accident of old lady Li. This time, Xia Xiwan's accusation is getting bigger and bigger. Everyone resents her injustice.

this Xia Xiwan is really a killer. She caused miss Yanran to commit suicide by cutting her wrists. Now the old lady is worried that her granddaughter will also be admitted to the hospital.

I think this summer evening is going to destroy the family of Li Ye and his family.

Xia Xiwan is too bad!

After the interview, Yeying accompanied in the intensive care unit, the ward is very quiet, the old lady is in a coma, and the cardiac detector nearby is not very good.

At this time, Li Yanran Ran Ran came to see her mother-in-law in a daze. She didn't feel sad at all. Instead, she took a breath of relief and thought of her love for Xia Xiwan. Li Yanran felt that she was in a coma and should have been in a coma for a long time!

Li Yan Ran whispered to the night Ying, "Mommy, how do you start, won't you be found?"

Yeying made a "Shh" gesture, this thing is very safe, no one will notice, of course, her mouth is very tight, do not want to discuss this matter.

Li Yan Ran clearly nodded, "Mommy, let's go. Anyway, grandma has a nurse here. You go with me. I'm afraid of being alone at night."

"Well, let's go."

Ye Ying is just pretending to be. Now that the media reporters are gone, she certainly won't accompany the old lady. She hates the old lady.

Night Ying with Li Yan ran out.

But just out of the door, there are two figures in front, the most front is a very handsome and noble man, Li Junmo is back!

Old lady Li said that Li Junmo would come back tomorrow, but Li Junmo had come back this evening.

Li Junmo is wearing a black coat with a black suit of the same color, business vest and tie. It seems that he has just come down from the summit business meeting. His face is extremely handsome, as if carved. He came with vigorous steps. His noble blood makes him look unattainable and indifferent.

At that time, the two great masters of the imperial capital, Li Junmo was noble, and Lu sijue was deep.

Night Ying's step suddenly, she didn't expect Li Junmo to come back at night, now his Junrong strong into her sight, let her a heart suddenly "plop plop" jump.

Li Yanran also saw Li Junmo, she immediately surprised a suction, directly ran up, "Daddy!"

Li Yan Ran rushed to Li Junmo's arms.

Li Junmo stretched out his healthy arm and caught Li Yanran. Li Yanran rubbed his beautiful face in Li Junmo's arms and acted coquettishly, "Daddy, you finally come back. I miss you so much."

Li Junmo reached out and touched Li Yanran's small head. After all, he was his own daughter, and he was the same as the old man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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