Night carefree come, meet with the summer sunset line!

Xia Xiwan is still easy to face now. She has no expression on her face. She just holds the medicine box, straightens her chest and passes him by.

In the past four days, Wuyou has been looking for xiaxiwan, but he has almost turned over the whole imperial capital city, but he still can't find Xia Xiwan.

No worry at night suddenly has a feeling that the summer sunset line is not hidden in the most dangerous and also the safest place?

Therefore, the night worry free came to the hospital to see Li Yanran.

Night carefree footstep steady walk to ward, he does not squint, did not look at the passers-by on both sides, at this time Xia Xiwan with him, his step suddenly a meal.

Night worry suddenly stopped.

He turned around and looked at Xia Xiwan, who was still a man with a thin figure and a duck cap on his head.

Night carefree that pair of blue pupil overflows to look at and look at, he utters a way, "you, stop!"

Xia Xiwan in front of her naturally heard the voice of worry free night, but she did not stop, just walked forward as usual.

Night worry free voice did not let her panic on a point, but as always calm and calm.

She didn't stop!

Night carefree that pair of blue pupil turn over gush out hawk like sharp light, he immediately goes forward, go to catch the summer sunset.

But at this time, suddenly a nurse came to push the car, directly hit the body of night carefree, the way to night carefree was blocked.

The nurse quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Night carefree look up, in front of the figure of summer sunset line has disappeared in the corner.

"Go away!" Night carefree will that nurse to push aside, and then raise feet to chase summer evening line.

He pursues to the elevator, Xia Xiwan has already taken the elevator down.

Night carefree quickly reached out to press the elevator key, but at this time all the elevator keys went out, the elevator suddenly stopped, unable to run.

Night carefree left the elevator, the twinkling of an eye to run into the corridor, he used the fastest speed downstairs.

When he got to the front door of the hospital, he just saw the bottom of the black nanny car, which had already sped away.

Ye Wuyou stares at the black nanny car, quickly takes out his mobile phone and says to the end, "go check a car, license plate xxxxx..."

Before ye Wuyou's words were finished, I saw the back window of the black nanny car in front of me slowly sliding down, and then a small white hand stretched out, which made a gesture to him.

Xia Xiwan stretched out the middle finger, and then pointed to the next ratio.

Ye Wuyou's blue pupil shrank suddenly. He was not sure just now, but now he is. That is Summer sunset!

He guessed correctly that she was hiding in the most dangerous and safest place. She even disguised herself as another person, swaggering under everyone's eyes.

Moreover, she also made a middle finger downward gesture to him, which means naked provocation and contempt for you, loser!

She laughed at him as a failure!

Soon, the black nanny car was out of sight.

Night carefree suddenly pulled the mobile phone, these days xiaxiwan is like a mouse playing in the clapping room, seeing her exhausted, but suddenly she ran into the air and bit him unexpectedly.

Night carefree tongue tip of a right cheek, that pale and sick pretty face showed a gloomy smile, very good, she has successfully attracted his attention!

So many years, he did not match, she is the first!

…… , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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