In the face of Xia Xiaodie's ecstasy, Xia Yanyan's delicate face did not show her face. She just whispered, "Xiaodie, I've arranged a foreign school for you. These days, you can fly over to study abroad. You don't have to worry about the family affairs."

Xia Xiaodie was stagnant. She didn't hear that she wanted to study abroad. "Elder sister, why do I want to study abroad? Do you not like me and want to drive me away?"

Xia Yanyan took Xia Xiaodie's hand and said in a soft voice, "Xiaodie, you are my sister. How can I not like you? Xia Xiwan came back obviously for our family. It's easy for you to stay here. You can rest assured to study abroad. I'll call you on time for the monthly living expenses."

When it comes to the cost of living, Xia Xiaodie is a bit excited, and she is not Xia Xiwan's opponent. These times, she always suffers from injuries and losses. It's good to go abroad to study. Anyway, she has food and drink.

"Sister, you can give me as much living expenses as I want."

"Well, it's up to you." Xia Yanyan also fondly shaved Xia Xiaodie's nose.

Xia Xiaodie skipping away, "then I'll go back to pack things now."

Xia Yanyan stands in the spot and looks at the back of Xia Xiaodie's leaving. The smile on her lips gradually disappears, and her eyes show cold disgust.

Her sister is a waste, leaving her by her side will drag her down.

At this time, the body behind the sound of footsteps, Xia Zhenguo came, "Yan Yan."

Xia Yanyan turned and recovered her delicate and gentle appearance. "Dad, how did you come here so late? I will take care of you here. You go back to have a rest."

Xia Zhenguo looks at Xia Yanyan with satisfaction. She is a gifted girl who has won him honor since she was a child.

His greatest hope is to carry forward Xia's medical care. Xia Yanyan, who returned from the saint Li College of state F, is all he hopes for.

Today's Xia Yanyan is dressed in a pink dress. Her face is beautiful and charming. Her actions and actions are the gentleness and elegance of Haicheng's first lady.

Xia Zhenguo's eyes showed appreciation and love, "did you just let Xiaodie study abroad?"

Xia Yanyan nodded, "Dad, Xiaodie is not young. She needs to grow up. Her mother doted on her since childhood and lacked education for her. I have contacted good foreign schools to let her go for further study. Most of them are famous children. I hope Xiaodie can make some friends and make more ways."

Xia Yanyan is quiet. She tells Xia Zhenguo that the university is a rich second generation. If Xia Xiaodie talks about a good boyfriend, she may not lose out to Suxi.

Xia Zhenguo is really more and more like Xia Yanyan, this daughter can always talk about his heart, "well, Xiaodie's business is up to you, I don't care."

Xia Zhenguo then transferred to his theme, "Yan Yan, you have heard about Xia's medical treatment. The company is going bankrupt, and now it needs a lot of money."

Xia Yanyan hook lip, "Dad, don't worry about money. I have a way."

Xia Zhenguo has always known that her daughter has the ability, but now that she has accepted so readily, Xia Zhenguo is still a little unconvinced. After all, Xia's medical treatment is in the stage of collapse and needs a large sum of money. However, Xia Yanyan has been studying and has just returned home. How can she get so much money?

Xia Yanyan knows Xia Zhenguo's doubts, but she doesn't answer them. Instead, she says, "Dad, I can help you with Xia's medical treatment, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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