Billionaire's Love

Chapter 101 - Caffeine By Amaxi Hotels.

Samantha walked downstairs and went to her office.

After some time of doing work... Someone knocked on her door and opened it and Quency walked inside seeing some files...

"Good morning, Sam. I was busy in a meeting and it is time for another meeting..." Quency stopped in a mid-sentence as she looks at Samantha

"What happened, Quency?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... You are in this outfit for the office, today?" Quency asked with a shocked face and Samantha rolled her eyes.

"You are saying something before, Quency?" Samantha asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, Sam. Everyone is in the conference room for the meeting." Quency said and Samantha nodded her head and got up from her chair and went to the conference room.

Samantha walked inside and saw everyone shocked face looking at Samantha.

But the guy her eyes laid on is smirking at her and looked from head and toes talking with Noah.

"Good morning, everyone." Samantha said as she sat on her head chair.

"Omg. What's with your outfit, today, Sam?" Noah asked.

"What happened to my outfit?" Samantha asked Noah rolling her eyes.

"You look more casual today than professional." Noah answered.

"And you are glowing." Noah replied with a smirk looking at Johnson and Samantha and she felt embarrassing!

"Let's start the meeting." Samantha said in a professional tone and saw from the end if her eyes that Johnson and Noah sighed looking at each other and Samantha smiled and shook her head looking at them.

"Okay, Guys. This is Johnson Davis. Davis interior designing company's CEO and he is going to renovate our Hotel's." Samantha said.

"Johnson, He is Mr. Wilson. Head manager for all the departments and others are department heads." Samantha said and Johnson nodded.

"Nice to meet you all." Johnson said and they all nodded there heads with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Davis." Everyone replied.

"Ok guys. We are going to start the renovation in a week and I want you guys to spread the news about renovating our Hotel with Davis Interior Designing Company in the homepages of both our Independent and Brand sites. So, Our customers can immediately be aware of our construction taking place during their stay." Samantha said as she looked into a file.

"Please link the announcement to a landing page with more information. So that customers are able to understand exactly how our Hotel's renovation will affect their stay." Samantha replied and continued.

"While, 'We're renovating!' may get the point across, use any zinger lines. Avoid long, ungainly lines. That means write either short, attention-grabbing lines that make every word count, especially the first and last three words. It should be short, powerful, and direct." Samantha said.

"Zinger lines?" A department head asked.

"Yes, Using Zinger lines will help guests to understand that the renovation is a positive change that they ultimately benefit from. This makes guests feel that our Hotel cares about their Comfort and ultimately feel more connected with our brand." Noah answered with a business tone and a stern face.

"Yes, Create a hub of information for our guests by adding a renovation landing page on our Independent website. Publish about what changes are being made and the scheduled date and as well as of the new spaces and photos of the model rooms or suites and behind the scenes of our construction. So that curiosity of our guests increases and they look forward to the new change in our hotel and our hospitality." Samantha replied.

"Make sure to spell out exactly how our renovation will be taking place. So, that guests will be aware that the construction won't be happening in the room next door to them or even on the same floor and update the page to reveal new photos that showcase before and after compassion and go the extra mile to make guests feel included in the renovation process by providing an update in each room outlining the renovations to takes place that day." Samantha said with a business tone and Johnson smiled looking at her.

"Guests will appreciate our hotel has taken time to keep them in the loop and won't be surprised to see new mattresses being haunted through the lobby if they are warned in advance." Noah replied and all nodded their heads.

"Okay, Samantha." Mr. Wilson said.

"But Ms. Samantha. Some concerned guests will be asking Hotel employees about the changes and how the renovation will affect their stay?" A department head asked Samantha.

"Then Use the landing page as an opportunity to answer many frequently asked questions and provide General managers contract information in the daily printouts. So, Guests can voice their feedback and concerns directly to the Hotel management rather than posting a scathing review on Trip advisor for the world to see." Samantha said sternly and he gulped.

"Why? Can't you give the numbers?" Samantha asked.

"We... We can, Ms. Samantha." The department head stuttered.

"Then, don't stutter. If you are confident then talk good without stuttering. If you are like this how will you manage your teams?" Samantha asked sternly.

"Sorry, Ms. Julie. It will not repeat again." The department head replied.

"You better not." Samantha said sternly.

"Yes, Mam." He replied again.

"Okay, Sam. We will do that and get the work done." Mr. Wilson said.

"And about Julie's Resort?" Samantha asked.

"The presentation is soon going to ready, Ms. Julie." Mr. Wilson answered and Samantha nodded.

"Meeting adjourned." Samantha said and all got up from their chairs and went out of the conference room.

"It's a great idea, Sam. This plan will work out." Noah said and Samantha nodded with a small smile.

"So, how was your date last night?" Noah asked and Samantha got up from her chair.

"Don't you have any work, Mr. CEO?" Samantha asked and Noah growled.

"Johnson, you tell me. How was your date last night?" Noah asked Johnson and he looked at Johnson with a smirk and Samantha widened her eyes and shook her head in No.

"Come on dude. Don't look at her. Tell me, how was your date last night?" Noah asked.

"Noah, why are you so eager to know about our date?" Samantha asked.

"What? Don't I have a right to know how my sister's date was?" Noah asked and Samantha rolled her eyes.

"You... Stop now. Go to your work. Johnson, come with me. I will show you, your office." Samantha said and grabbed Johnson's arms.

"Ahh! I got to know, you kissed?" Noah asked Samantha with a wink and her eyes widened and she looked at Johnson.

"You told him already?" Samantha asked Johnson.

"Yes." Noah answered and Samantha's eyes widened.

"You guys are unbelievable." Samantha said as left Johnson's arm and Noah chuckled and walked out of the conference room and Samantha stormed out of the Conference room and Johnson smiled and followed her.

"What?" Samantha asked as she turned around to him.

"You said, you will show me my office?" Johnson asked.

"Quency will show you." Samantha answered.

"But, you said you will show me. What happened now?" Johnson asked as he grabbed her soft hand in his strong hands.

"Umm... Fine. Come, I will show you." Samantha said and turned around and walked towards Johnson's office and opened a door and they both stepped inside.

"You like it?" Samantha asked as Samantha walked towards the big glass window and looked out at the New York view.

"Yes." Johnson whispered in her ear as he wrapped his hands around her small waist. 

"Okay, I will go now." Samantha said as she tried to release herself from Johnson.

"Huh, leave me. This is an office." Samantha said as Samantha turned around in his big arms.

"Oh, really?" Johnson asked as he made her leaned against the big glass window holding her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her.

"Johnson, what are you doing?" Samantha asked with a heavy breath closing her eyes as Johnson lips pressed on Samantha's cheek.

"Kissing my soon to be wife." Johnson replied looking into Samantha's eyes and she just got starting at in his eyes.

"I didn't say anything to Noah." Johnson said and Samantha frowned.

"Huh?" Samantha asked.

"I didn't say anything to Noah. He is just teasing you." Johnson replied with a chuckle.

"What?" Samantha asked with her eyes wide.

"Yes, he was just teasing you." Johnson said as he played with Samantha's hair.

"That idiot... I will take away his CEO position now. What did he think of himself?" Samantha asked as she cursed Noah and Johnson laughed.

Samantha just kept staring at his beautiful laugh and she smiled looking at his laugh and saw how pure it is. This is the first time, Samantha saw Johnson laughing with his whole heart.

"I know, I'm handsome. Don't look at me like that." Johnson said as he smiled looking at her blushing.

"Who said, you are handsome?" Samantha asked and Johnson chuckled.

"Well, my beautiful fiancee said." Johnson replied as he got close to her.

"Oh, really? Then, go and do romance with her. Not with me, Mr. Johnson Davis." Samantha said as she pressed his nose with her finger and Johnson frowned looking at her pressing his nose with her finger.

"Awee, your nose is cute." Samantha replied as she kissed his nose.

"Oh... My lips are cute too. Wanna try?" Johnson asked as Samantha blushed.

"No... Get to your work now. I have a meeting." Samantha said with a small smile and Johnson growled and Samantha chuckled and released herself from his arms and walked out of the office.

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