Billionaire's Love

Chapter 216 - New York!

"Anna... Anna got kidnapped!" Johnson said with tears making everyone wide their eyes.

"What?" Samantha asked losing her balance but Johnson held her tightly.

"Samantha, you okay?" Johnson asked as he took her out from the tub and made her stand on her feet.

"John... Johnson... Anna. My baby?" Samantha asked with tears.

"Sam, calm down!" Alexi said as she walked towards her.

"Samantha, nothing will happen to Anna." Johnson replied as he hugged her but Samantha shook her head.

"No... I... Anna, my baby... We need to go to New York. Now!" Samantha said with tears and Johnson nodded at her.

Johnson looked at Martin, Lucas, and nodded his head and they nodded their heads at him. They both walked away and Johnson made her wash her legs. They all soon got I did their cars and directly went to the airport.

The Airport management team walked toward them and directly took them inside as their security deals with everything. 

They all soon got inside the private jet and the jet took off.

Samantha's tears were not stopping at all and Johnson just couldn't do anything. He is so confused himself about this and seeing Samantha getting broken he couldn't think of anything that just consoling Samantha.

Everyone is so shocked to hear about Anna's kidnapping because the mansion and Julie's house is totally covered with strict Security. Everyone is confused about how this kidnapping happens. 

"Johnson, don't worry. Anna will be alright!" Noah said and Johnson sighed.

"I don't know... I don't know, how this happen?" Johnson asked as his hands went through his hair.

"Bro, no one knows how this happens but you shouldn't get worried. If you do, SIL will get more worried. Look at her, she became a crying mess. Anna is everything to her... But, what the hell is security doing?" Martin asked with anger and Johnson just shrugged with anger.

"This is a big plan. No one can easily just kidnap with that security! But, why Anna?" Andrew asked.

"Because Anna is an easy target. She is a child. She doesn't know anything. But... The thing is who can kidnap her? If we think some competitor kidnapped her then no one knows who is Anna because no one knows Johnson and Samantha are adopting Anna yet. Only close people know that Johnson and Samantha are adopting Anna as soon as they get married!" Lucas said and Johnson sighed.

Johnson looked at Samantha who is crying and the girls are trying to console her.

"I will not leave that bastard who kidnapped my daughter. I will never!" Johnson said with anger and looking at his dangerous voice Lucas, Martin, Andrew, Noah looked at each other. 

The jet landed in New York. It was a long flight for everyone but still, everyone went to Davis Mansion. Johnson tried a lot to console Samantha and he succeeded. 

Johnson made Samantha sleep for a few hours while he thought about the kidnappers.

Everyone soon reached Davis Mansion and as soon as they all reach the mansion, Johnson and Samantha are the first ones to walk inside and started asking the questions.

"Sam, don't worry. Nothing will happen to Anna!" Cassandra said to Samantha as they both hugged each other.

"Mom... Anna, what is she going through right now? Did she eat anything? She must be hungry! What if she eats something which is allergic to her?" Samantha asked the questions with tears and a tear falls down from Johnson's eyes.

Johnson walked towards Samantha and Cassandra stepped back.

Johnson turned Samantha towards him and cupped her face in his hands.

"Anna will be alright! Nothing will happen to her. Just trust me. I will bring our daughter back to us!" Johnson said looking into Samantha's eyes and she hugged him tightly.

"Please... Bring her to me as soon as possible! Please, Johnson... She is my life. She is so innocent to go through all these... Please, I request you!" Samantha replied with tears as she hugged him tightly. 

Tears rolled in Johnson's eyes but he never let them down in front of her. Because Johnson needs to be strong for Samantha and Anna. 

"I will. I know, how much Anna means to you, Samantha! I will bring her back. Trust me!" Johnson said as he kissed Samantha's forehead and wiped her tears away.

"I trust you! Just bring her back safely. I will be so grateful for you!" Samantha replied and Johnson shook his head.

"She is my daughter too! It's my responsibility to keep her safe. I will do everything in my hands to bring her safe, okay? Just don't cry... You need to be strong. If you cry, I can't be strong and I can't think about what I need to do! Please don't cry for me?" Johnson asked as he wiped her tears away and Samantha nodded her head.

"I will not!" Samantha answered with tears eyes and Johnson kissed her forehead. Johnson turned around to Robert, Liam, Damon, and Thomas.

"We need to talk!" Johnson said and they all nodded.

"Please wait in my office!" Johnson said and they all went to his home office. Johnson looked at Lucas, Martin.

"You know what to do?" Johnson asked and they both nodded walking out of the mansion dailing someone on their phone. 

"Let us hell you too!" Noah said and Johnson nodded with a small smile then Noah, Andrew went to Johnson home office too.

Johnson looked at Jessica and nodded his head at her. She nodded back and walked towards Samantha.

"Please eat something rest for a few hours. You haven't eaten anything from the past 12 hours." Johnson said cupping Samantha's face.

"No... I don't have any appetite." Samantha replied.

"Samantha, I will bring Anna back. You need to have some energy waiting for Anna. Please have something!" Johnson said looking into Samantha's eyes and she nodded.

All girls followers Samantha to their rooms while Alexi stood beside Johnson.

"Don't you want to take a rest?" Johnson asked Alexi.

"I want to listen to how this kidnapping happens. Let's go to your office." Alexi answered as she walked towards Johnson's office and he sighed.

Johnson walked inside his office and sat on the couch in front of Robert and Liam where Damon, Thomas sat beside him ok the other long couch while Andrew, Noah sat on the single couches.

"How it happens, Dad?" Johnson asked with a stern voice and anger can be clearly seen. 

"We all were good until yesterday. We planned to go to Damon's house. So, I thought it might be safe as nothing happened that we needed security. So, I said, no security but they didn't listen to me and came with us!" Robert said and Johnson looked at him sternly.

"And?" Johnson asked patiently.

"And I accepted two people to come as security. So, on the way to the Damon house, Anna wants to grab some toys store at the regular toy store from where she bought toys from the past few days." Robert said and Johnson nodded.

"And I agreed. We both went inside the toy store and she went to grab some toys while I look at others and then... When I again looked at her, she was not there!" Robert said as tears rolled in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Johnson asked.

"I... I look around the store and she vanished." Robert answered as tears fall down from his eyes.

"Where is the damn security?" Johnson asked.

"They were on the floor with unconscious!" Robert answered.

"What?" Andrew asked.

"And you didn't hear anything? Anna's shouts?" Johnson asked.

"No, I didn't!" Robert answered making Johnson frown.

"How can this be possible?" Noah asked with a frown.

"We need to go to the store!" Johnson said and Andrew nodded.

"Dad, please come with us!" Johnson said as he got up from the couch.

"I am sorry, Son!" Robert said with tears.

"How can you be so careless, Dad?" Johnson asked trying to control his anger.

"I... I really don't know how this happened!" Robert said and Johnson looked at somewhere else.

"It's alright, Uncle Robert... It's not your fault. We shouldn't waste time and should think about what we need to do!" Alexi said and Johnson sighed walking out of his office. 

Johnson took out his phone from his pants and dialed his PA.

"I want the security network team to be in my mansion in 1 hour. You get it?" Johnson asked angrily.

"Yes, Mr. Davis." The PA said and he ended the call.

"I will come with you!" Alexi said and Johnson nodded. 

Johnson got inside his car in the driver seat while Alexi got inside the passenger seat. 

Johnson started the engine and Andrew, Noah follows him behind his car in the other car.

"Why don't you call the police in chief and take his help?" Alexi asked.

"Legally?" Johnson asked.

"Yes. Is something bad... I mean, they will look more deeply into this, right?" Alexi asked and Johnson nodded.

Johnson dialed the police in chief and talked with him and soon reached the store.

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