Billionaire's Love

Chapter 227 - Love!

Mature content ahead! 

Johnson closed his room door and walked inside. He saw Samantha reading a book leaning towards the headboard. 

"She slept?" Samantha asked and Johnson nodded with a smile.

"He wants to sleep near Dad and mom. So, they took her and she is fast asleep there!" Johnson answered and Samantha nodded with a smile. Her attention again went to the book and started reading it. 

Johnson climbed the bed and went close to Samantha. She looked up ad Johnson but again she turned her gaze normally towards the book.

Johnson for irritated with her behavior as she behaves has like, she didn't care about him and whatever he does, Samantha rolls her eyes. 

"Samantha!" Johnson said and Samantha hummed.

"Hmmm..." Samantha hmmed.

"Samantha!" Johnson again called.

"Hmm..." Samantha again hmmed.

"What the hell with your hmm?" Johnson asked irritatedly.

"Then, what should I say?" Samantha asked looking at him and again her gaze went to her book. 

Johnson sighed and just went in between her arms keeping all his weight ok her. He keeps his face on her boobs and smiled at her.

"Huh?" Samantha asked moving her book aside and looked at his puppy eyes face.

"What are you doing?" Samantha asked.

"Looking at my beautiful soon to be wife!" Johnson answered.

"Don't try to flirt, pervert!" Samantha replied and Johnson kept his hand on her thigh making her moan.

Samantha wore black soft silly gown pajamas which is making Johnson go crazy for her. Her milky white skin is suited so perfectly with the black gown and knowing that Samantha didn't wear her undergarments is making him go crazy. His groin in his pants is not helping him much. That little man is getting so hard seeing his wife look so beautiful for him. If he waits for more, then his groin will tear his pants and come out of his pants.

"Ahhh!" Johnson said and Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"What happened?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head in No. 

Johnson looked down and saw his bulge. Her eyes immediately popped out as soon as she saw his bulge. 

"This is what you do to me!" Johnson said and Samantha blushed.

Samantha pressed her lips against Johnson and they both kissed until they are out of breath. They showed how much they love in that kiss. 

Johnson left Samantha's lips as he felt she is out of breath. Johnson saw a smirk is forming on Samantha's lips while he raised his eyebrows at her.

"Lay down on the bed!" Samantha said and Johnson frowned.

"Huh?" Johnson asked and Samantha pushed him and made him lay on the bed. She got up from the bed and hovered over him. Johnson eyes widened seeing her hover over him sitting on his bulge. Samantha started unbuttoning Johnson's shirt and took out his shirt. Johnson liked this Samantha more than the shy one. Seeing her Johnson desire to get her is increasing.

Samantha slowly bed down on to his ear and started kissing his earlobe. Samantha sucked the top part of Johnson's ear then runs her tongue along the inside. Johnson and Samantha are roaming around their bodies as Samantha started giving pleasure to Johnson. Samantha's fingers went to his neck and traces her fingers up slowly through his beard over to his scalp and eventually, Johnson's hand entangled his hand with Samanthas hair. Samantha then went to Johnson's neck to his adam's apple and started sucking him keeping her tongue flat and light, not too much pressure but hitting his T-spot of the thyroid.

Then, Samantha slowly went to his nipples. She slowly started licking from his areola inward, like an ice-cream cone but never touching tongue to nip. Getting closer and closer until he flicks his nipple with her tongue and then she gently bites it. 

Samantha looked at Johnson and saw him closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. Je was about to get up when Samantha again stopped him and again made him lay on the bed.

"It still not yet finished, Husband!" Samantha said with a smirk and kept her hand on his bulge.

Samantha unbuttoned Johnson pants while his eyes widened.

"Samantha!" Johnson said.

"Shhh!" Samantha replied and took out his pants dropping them on the floor. She took out his boxers and dropped them all on the floor leaving Johnson in his backed gloriness. Johnson was shocked seeing Samantha taking out his pants and boxers without any shyness. 

Samantha slowly kept her hand on his lower abdomen and slowly her hand went to his groin. Samantha leaned in and took his penis in her hands.

"Samantha, it's fine... You don't have to do this. Leave it!" Johnson said.

"Shhh! I know I don't have to... But I want to, Johnson!" Samantha replied and that one sentence made him smile brightly.

Samantha hand to move his foreskin up and down over the head of his penis. Samantha kept her two hands on his penis making two tight rings around his penis with her thumb and index finger stacking them one on top of the other in the middle of his shaft. Samantha started twisting the rings in opposite directions moving the from the middle to the top and base of his shaft at the same time. 

"Ahhhh!" Johnson moaned out loud with pleasure and Samantha smiled.

"Yes!" Johnson said as he breathed in and out deeply. 

Samantha didn't wait for more and just took Johnson swallow cock inside her mouth making Johnson open his eyes. She pulsed him just below the head, applying a hard pressure against her rigid tongue and lips and sucking hungrily. 

Johnson smiled and his fingers went to her hair and tightened up. 

"Slow down!" Johnson said as Samantha looked up at him. 

"We have all night!" Johnson said moaning out loud.

The hard pressure of his cock filling her mouth, hurting her a little because her hunger is so great. Instead of running from her hunger, however, she submitted to it fully, taking him deeper than she ever had before.

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