Billionaire's Love

Chapter 238 - Samantha Is Mine!

Alexi took Lucy downstairs and Lucy eyes falled on Teddy. 

"Who is he?" Lucy asked.

"He is the reason Sam is like this now!" Alexi answered.

"What?" Lucy asked and Alexi sighed.

Noah and Alexi told everything to Lucy and she listened to everything patiently. 

"Oh my god! This is so messed up!" Lucy said and Alexi nodded.

Lucy looked at Teddy and walked towards him.

"Why did you told that?" Lucy asked.

"I don't have to answer you!" Teddy answered and Lucy slapped him hard on his face.

"Bastard. What do you think of yourself? That poor girl would have gone to depression again with your words. She became alive again after 5 whole years when Johnson came into her life... 1 bastard took her teenage away and you now... Why do you bastards even born on this earth?" Lucy shouted at Teddy with tears as she grabbed him by his collar and Noah, Alexi ran towards her.

"Aunt Lucy..." Noah called her as he didn't ever see her like this before. 

"Johnson... He looked after Samantha when she is going through hell but you... You ran away from her as soon as you heard she got... Raped? What a man or lover you are?" Lucy shouted again as she pushed him away making him stumble back.

"Do you know that how many times she tried to commit suicide not knowing what is her fault is getting raped? You don't! Because you were a sick bastard and still is! Because you came to see her as soon as she revealed herself as Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels Founder! You thought she might not be the same again!" Lucy shouted and Alexi grabbed her by her shoulder as she was falling down on her knees. 

"Aunt lucy..." Alexi said as she broke down in her arms. Lucy hugged her tightly and cried in her arms.

"I am scared now, Alexi... I am scared I might not treat her well. I don't know... I am trying to give her treatment and make her forget everything from 5 years but it hurts her daily... I couldn't do anything! I can't see her like this... I am scared that I might not be the Samantha that I wanted to see again!" Lucy said with tears as she hugged her tightly and Alexi cried in her arms too.

"I am sorry... I really sorry!" Lucy said with tears and Alexi shook her head. She wiped her tears away and made her stand on her feet. 

Alexi gave her a glass of water and made her calm down. 

Alexi looked at Teddy and walked close to him.

"Alexi!" Martin said as he grabbed her wrist and she looked up at him.

"Don't... It's not the time yet!" Martin said.

"What?" Alexi asked raising her eyebrows.

"You are angry... Leave him... We will talk later to him!" Martin said and Alexi released her wrist from Martin's grip.

"Are you crazy? My sister... Your Sister in law... Is suffering and how can you be so calm?" Alexi asked him with tears.

"Alexi, I am not calm but I want to beat the shit out of him for bringing SIL to this state but it's not the time." Martin said and Alexi shook her head in No.

"No... I will kill him today..." Before Alexi finishes her sentence they see Johnson getting down the steps with anger and just walked towards Teddy and punched him on his face making everyone grasp.

"You motherfucker... Just because of you, my love is like that. You bloody bastard... How dare you?" Johnson shouted with tears as he again punched him and Blood started coming on from his nose but still, there is a smug clearly on his face. 

"Johnson..." Alexi said and Lucy said at a time.

"Brother!" Martin said as he walked toward him.

Noah and Martin held Johnson's shoulder and Noah shouted on the guard.

"Kick him out of the hotel. Now!" Noah shouted and the guards nodded.

Teddy smirked and pushed the guards.

"Johnson... Even if you love Samantha or Samantha loves you... I don't care... Because Samantha is mine. I am not going to leave her." Teddy said and Again Johnson tried to release himself from Noah and Martin grips.

"Shut up... Kick him out. Now... If he is one more minute, I don't know what I will do!" Alexi shouted at the Guards and they take Teddy out of the penthouse.

Lucy sighed and she closed her eyes.

Noah made Johnson to sit on the couch and he sighed. 

Martin gave him a glass of water and he drank it.

"Dadda..." They all heard Anna's voice and they all looked up at the voice. 

They all saw Anna on the corner of the wall as she hides there.

A smile spreads on Johnson's face and his anger calmed down as he looked at Anna. 

"Why are you hiding there, sweetheart? Come here." Johnson said with a smile.

"Why... Why did... You punch that man?" Anna asked with tears and Johnson sighed looking at her tears.

Johnson got up from the couch. He walked towards Anna and kneeled down on his knees. 

Johnson cupped Anna's cheek and gave her a heartwarming smile.

"He did bad, baby... And Dadda doesn't like bad people. As he is a bad man, Dadda punched him." Johnson said and Anna raised her eyebrows.

"What did he do to become a bad man?" Anna asked.

"He was trying to steal your toys... And who steals something is called bad, right?" Johnson asked and Anna nodded her head.

"Good, you punched him... Will he come again to steal my toys?" Anna asked.

"No... I will not let him come here again... I will make sure he doesn't come here. Don't worry!" Johnson said as he took Anna in his arms and Anna smiled.

"Dadda, where is Mumma?" Anna asked.

"Mumma? She..." Johnson stuttered and Anna nodded. 

"Where is Mumma, Dadda?" Anna asked.

"She is taking rest, Anna... Mumma is tired it seems... She went to take some rest!" Lucy said and Anna nodded with a small smile.

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