Billionaire's Love

Chapter 257 - These Scars Are Reminding Me Of You... Always!

"Mumma, I am sleepy!" Anna said as she walked towards Samantha.

"Oh... Baby, let's go to our room." Samantha said as she took Anna in her arms and Anna nodded.

"Excuse me..." Samantha said and Everyone nodded their heads.

Samantha got up from the couch and took Anna upstairs. 

Johnson got out from his couch and excused himself too and followed Samantha to their bedroom upstairs.

Samantha opened their bedroom door and walked inside closing the door behind her back. She laid Anna on the bed and covered her with a comforter. Just then, the door got opened and Johnson entered inside. 

"Ohh... You here?" Samantha whispered as Anna just drift off to sleep.

"Yeah... I just want to change into sweats. Is she asleep?" Johnson whispered back as he walked towards Samantha and Anna. He walked around towards the other side of the bed and looked at the innocent face of Anna. 

Johnson kept his hand on Anna's head and caressed her hair. 

"She must be tired today!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded with a smile looking at Anna.

"She is!" Samantha replied with a smile as she kissed Anna's forehead.

Johnson sat on the bed and looked at Samantha.

"Aren't you tired yet?" Johnson asked.

"No." Samantha answered.

"You didn't sleep well from the past two days!" Johnson said.

"Either you!" Samantha replied with a small smile looking at Johnson.

"Yeah." Johnson said as he sighed keeping his head on the headboard.

"Is everything alright?" Samantha asked and Johnson looked at her. He gave her a small smile and nodded his head.

"Yes! Just some business issues!" Johnson answered.

"Can I help you in any way?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head.

"No. It's fine... I will manage it!" Johnson answered.

"Do tell me if you need any help!" Samantha said and Johnson nodded as he kissed her nose tip.

"I will!" Johnson answered with a smile looking into Samantha's eyes.

Johnson tucked Samantha's hair behind her ear as they were disturbing him to see Samantha's beautiful face by covering her beautiful face. 

"What are you looking at?" Samantha asked blushing.

"Nah! Just thinking how much I got lucky to have such a beautiful wife!" Johnson answered.

"I hope you didn't forget that we aren't yet married!" Samantha said and Johnson chuckled.

"We will in one more month and then you will be mine forever!" Johnson replied making Samantha blush.

"I really can't wait to make you mine!" Johnson said.

"Even, I can't wait for you to be mine!" Samantha replied and Johnson smiled.

"I have seen you ate so less! Does something happen?" Johnson asked and Samantha chuckled.

"No... Nothing happened! I just don't feel like eating!" Samantha answered and Johnson nodded.

"Have some fruits?" Johnson asked.

"I will. Later... Now, go and get a shower!" Samantha said and Johnson nodded.

"I will... Wanna join?" Johnson asked.

"Shhh!" Samantha said as she kept her finger on her lips and pointed towards Anna.

"She is asleep though!" Johnson said and Samantha shook her head at Johnson.

"Huff! Alright! I will have it alone... Guess, I need to have a cold shower... Because my wife looked so tempting!" Johnson said and Samantha rolled her eyes.

"Stop talking and go and have your shower!" Samantha replied and Johnson rolled his eyes.

"Fine!" Johnson said as he growled. Samantha smiled as she shook her head at Johnson who was walking inside the restroom.

Samantha checked her emails until Johnson shower.

Samantha looked up at from her laptop as the restroom door got opened and Johnson walked out with just a Towel around his torso. 

"I know, I look Hot!" Johnson said as Samantha just stared at his hot body.

Samantha closed her eyes with embarrassment while Johnson chuckled.

"You know, I would have shown you how much hot we can get too if you would have showered with me!" Johnson said with a wink and smirk while Samantha's jaw dropped to the floor. Johnson walked inside their walk-in closet with a laugh seeing Samantha's face dropped. 

Samantha realized herself and got up from the couch. She walked inside the walk-in closet and saw Johnson looking out for his sweats. 

Samantha smirked and walked inside the closet. She just only kept a finger on his back and brought it down till where his town hanged on his lower waist.

"If you wanna play then I am ready but..." Johnson cut off as he grabbed her finger by his hand and turned her to face him towards him. 

"Our families are downstairs... I don't want them to hear your moans... Do they?" Johnson asked as he buried his face in her neck.

"Johnson... I am sticky!" Samantha said keeping her hands on Johnson's chest.

"So?" Johnson asked.

"You just showered... Let me shower too!" Samantha said.

"So... Can we continue this after you get a shower?" Johnson asked with a smirk.

"Not at all, Mister... Go downstairs and look at what mom and dad want... I will come downstairs as soon as I get a shower!" Samantha answered and Johnson growled.

"You are no fun!" Johnson said and Samantha laughed out loud.

"I know that!" Samantha replied making Johnson sigh.

"Alright! Go and get a shower. I will be downstairs!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded.

Johnson released Samantha and she walked towards the restroom.

Samantha closed the door of the restroom and walked towards the mirror.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She removed her clothes and kept staring at her scars...

A tear falls down from her eye as she looked at those scars. 

"Why are you back?" Samantha asked herself in the mirror.

"Why are you back when I am happy?" Samantha again herself in the mirror as another tear falls down from her eyes.

"Why are you back when I am trying to forget about the nightmare you gave and was happy with Johnson! Then why did you show up suddenly in front of me again?" Samantha asked herself again with tears looking at her scars on her body.

"These scars are only reminding me if you... Only you even when I am happy with Johnson!" Samantha said to herself as another tear falls down from her eye.

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