Billionaire's Love

Chapter 296 - Accepting The Flaws!

"Good morning, Nick!" Alexi greeted Nick Kenley!

"Good morning, Lexi... How are you doing?" Nick asked as they both hugged each other! 

"Good! How have you been?" Alexi asked and Nick nodded his head!

"Pretty good! Busy with a tight schedule!" Nick answered and Alexi chuckled!

"I can understand!" Alexi replied making Nick smile! Martin cleared his throat to get his attention and Alexi smiled at him!

"Hello, Mr. Davis!" Nick said as he forwarded his hand for a shake hand! 

"Hello, Mr. Kenley!" Martin replied as he shook his hand!

"Heard you both are in a relationship?" Nick asked Alexi with a smirk and Alexi chuckled nodding her head!

"We are!" Alexi answered as she wrapped her arms around Martin's arms making him smile!

"Really? Like a serious relationship? Sorry... It's not my business to ask but who will believe that the too Hollywood A-lister got into a relationship who was at all into dating before?" Nick asked and Alexi looked at Martin with a smile!

"This guy... He changed me! Yes, we are in a serious relationship and not for fame or something! And that's really fine. Everyone is in doubt but I am in a serious relationship with Martin!" Alexi answered!

"Ohh... I... I mean... Sorry for being direct but Martin is a playboy... Umm... Why did you have to choose him?" Nick asked making Martin angry but Alexi's answer makes him smile from his heart! 

"Was, Nick! He was a playboy! He is not anymore! He changed himself because of me and where will I find a guy who changes himself because of a girl? But Martin did... I am so grateful for him to make my life a wonderful day by day! And now, I can't even imagine my day without him! He is my life, my happiness, my smiles and everything! I love this man so much that I didn't ever plan on letting him go!" Alexi answered with a bright smile looking into Martin's eyes! Martin smiled seeing her love in her eyes! He felt grateful at that time! He is happy that Alexi understands him very well!

"Wow... Now, I am really excited about knowing your love story! Please tell me how did you meet each other? Is it because of your sister Samantha Julie and Brother in law Johnson Davis?" Nick asked making Alexi chuckle and Martin rolled his eyes at him!

"Yes, that's how we meet for the first time through my brother in law Johnson Davis. He came to our home with his family! So, it's was a long story! I am not against telling you my love story but now I think we need to get to work! Or else, this boss might be angry because we are talking and not getting on to his works!" Alexi answered as she laughed out loud making Nick laugh out loud too! Martin again rolled his eyes as he saw them laugh out loud!

"Alright! Let's talk while we work!" Nick said and Alexi nodded her head with a smile!

"See you on sets!" Nick said!

"See you!" Alexi replied with a smile! Nick nodded at Martin and he nodded back! Nick walked away from them while Martin turned towards Alexi and wrapped his arms around her waist making her look into his eyes! Alexi was taken aback as Martin wrapped his arms around her waist suddenly but she smiled as he looked into her eyes deeply! She circled her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek! 

"What happened to my baby boy?" Alexi asked with a smirk!

"Don't talk to him!" Martin said making Alexi chuckle!

"Why love?" Alexi asked as she again kissed him on the corner of his lips!

"Don't! Or else..." Martin cut off in mid-sentence as Alexi kept finger went through his face seductively! 

"Or else?" Alexi asked looking into his eyes! 

"Uff! What are you doing right now?" Martin asked and Alexi smirked at him!

"What do you think I am doing right now?" Alexi asked as she again kissed him on his nose! 

"Are you trying to tempt me? Here?" Martin asked bringing her more close to his chest!

"What do you think?" Alexi asked with a smirk!

"Love, we are on sets... I am sure, the people back of me are watching us!" Martin said with a chuckle!

"Who cares if they see us or not? I am your girlfriend! I have every right to kiss you anywhere!" Alexi replied making Martin smile!

"What happened to you today?" Martin asked with a smile as he raised his eyebrows at her!

"What do you think?" Alexi asked making Martin roll his eyes!

"Love, come on... Go to your room and get ready!" Martin said and Alexi shook her head in no!

"No... Not until you kiss me!" Alexi replied!

"What? Kiss? Here?" Martin asked as he kept his hand on her cheek and Alexi nodded her head!

"Yes! Kiss. Here!" Alexi answered!

"Baby, why are you lovely Dovey today?" Martin asked with a smile!

"Am I? Am I not like this every time?" Alexi asked raising her eyebrows at Martin!

"No, you are but today... You are a little more!" Martin answered!

"Really? I thought I am like this every time..." Alexi replied making Martin chuckle! 

"Sweetheart... You don't at all have any idea what you are doing to me right now... I just want you to leave me right now and go to your room and get ready before I do something to you!" Martin said and Alexi smirked!

"Really? What I am doing you and what are you planning to do if I don't leave you now?" Alexi asked with a smirk!

"Ahhh... My girlfriend is so playful today!" Martin said as he smiled!

"Your girlfriend is playful every time! You just don't notice it!" Alexi replied with a growl!

"Alright... Alright! You are playful every time! Fine... Now, go and get ready, beautiful!" Martin said and Alexi shook her head in no!

"Huh?" Martin asked!

"No! I am not going!" Alexi answered!

"Why, beautiful?" Martin asked!

"Because you still didn't answer my question!" Alexi answered!

"What question, Love?" Martin asked making Alexi growl!

"You... Fine! Answer me, what I am doing to you right now?" Alexi asked making Martin smile brightly! 

"You are tempting me!" Martin answered making Alexi smirk!

"Am I?" Alexi asked with a smirk and Martin nodded his head!

"Yes, you are!" Martin answered!

"Then what are you thinking to do with me?" Alexi asked with a smirk!

"Love, please... Stop now!" Martin said making Alexi laugh out loud! 

"Don't laugh!" Martin said but Alexi didn't!

"Just answer me what do you want to do with me right now?" Alexi asked with a smirk making Martin sigh!

"Right now, I want to kiss you until we are out of our breaths!" Martin answered with a smile looking into Alexi's eyes! Alexi smiled seeing his love in his eyes and how his eyes shine when he said he wants to kiss her until they are out of their breaths! The love is so pure and innocent which is making them crave for each other! They don't at all want to be away from each other! Not even for a few minutes! It's getting so difficult for them to not to touch each other when they are around people but Alexi wants to break all the rules around her because she wants this man! She wants to show the world that how much good man she got for herself! A man who loves her so much! Accepting her every flaw is so hard but this man made it easy for her by accepting her as she is! She never wants to let go of this man ever! The love she sees in his eyes is totally different! She didn't ever expect from any guy that he will accept her as she is! It's hard for Alexi all these years but as soon as Martin Accepted her it got so easy for her! And the reason why Alexi didn't date all these years is that she was not at all sure that no guy will accept her knowing her past or her sister's! He would have to get disgusted by her or either her sister! But these two didn't ever felt anything like that but made them comfortable and are so possessive over them! This is what Alexi wanted and when she finally found it! She is finally happy for herself and Samantha! Martin frowned looking at Alexi starting at him with just a smile as in thinking about something but his eyes widened as Alexi talked! 

"Then kiss me!" Alexi said making Martin eyes wide! 

"What?" Martin asked!

"You want to kiss me right? Kiss me then!" Alexi answered with a smile!

"What?" Martin asked!

"Will you kiss me or should I kiss you?" Alexi asked looking into his eyes!

"But, Alexi... Here?" Martin asked but Alexi pressed her lips against his lips making him shock! 

The people around them widened their eyes but some smiled seeing their love and some git jealous and some got shy...

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