Billionaire's Love

Chapter 342 - You Are Beautiful!

The party almost came to an end as everyone started leaving the venue... And soon enough, everyone left... And only the family is left. They all sat down on and started talking about the party when Martin got up from the chair. 

"Yes?" Johnson asked.

"I want to make an announcement!" Martin answered making everyone frown.

"What is it?" Robert asked and Martin looked at Alexi. 

She smiled and got up from her chair and walked towards Martin. They both intertwined their hands and looked at each other. Everyone looked at them with a frown on their faces. Alexi smiled brightly and nodded her head at Martin.

"Alexi said yes... For my proposal!" Martin said making everyone eyes wide.

"What?" Everyone shouted with their wide eyes.

"Yes... Martin proposed to me 2 days back... Asking me... 'Will you marry me?' And I said yes!" Alexi answered with a bright smile.

"Oh my freaking god! We don't at all have any idea that you are going to propose to her!" Chitra shouted making Martin chuckle.

"Umm... I didn't tell to anyone!" Martin replied.

"Congratulations!" Samantha and Johnson said as they both walked towards Johnson Alexi and hugged them.

"Thank you!" Alexi replied hugging them back. 

"Congratulations!" Robert and Jessica said as they hugged Martin and Alexi. 

Everyone congratulated them while Liam and Cassandra just stood there with an unbelievable face. 

Alexi and Martin looked at each other as everyone congratulated them but Liam and Cassandra didn't. 

Johnson and Samantha looked at each other and Samantha sighed seeing Johnson raise his eyebrows at her. 

"Mumma... What happened?" Anna asked.

"Your Drama queen is soon going to get married too, Sweetheart!" Damon answered as he took Anna in his arms.

"Dama queen..." Anna called her with her baby voice and Alexi looked at her with a smile but her focus was on Liam and Cassandra.

"Mom..." Samantha called Cassandra and she looked at her.

"Why don't you congratulate them?" Samantha asked and Cassandra looked at Alexi.

"Sure..." Cassandra answered and she and Liam walked towards them.

"I didn't expect this coming but anyway... Congratulations!" Liam said looking into Alexi's eyes and she sighed. 

"Congratulations!" Cassandra said with a smile looking at Alexi and hugged her. 

"Thank you for accepting!" Cassandra said to Alexi.

They both hugged each other and Alexi nodded her head in thanking them.

"So... When is your wedding?" Damon asked and Alexi looked at him raising her eyebrows and just by seeing her. He shut his mouth.

"Ahh! We are just done with Johnson's and Samantha's wedding... We will take a little time... Then will think about the wedding!" Damon said nervously making everyone laugh.

"No one is talking about their wedding right now... Let them come to us telling us that, Marry us now... Then we will think about the wedding! Until then, let them be fiance and Fiancee." Robert said and everyone nodded their heads with a smile. 

"Alright... It's time to send them to home... They might be tired I guess!" Robert said making Samantha blush.

"Great! Damon replied. 

"Mumma and Dada going?" Anna asked making Damon chuckle.

"No, love... They are going to our mansion. And we will visit them tomorrow." Robert answered.

"No... I will go with them!" Anna said as she got down on her feet and walked toward Johnson.

He took her in his arms and kissed her check.

"We are going nowhere, love!" Johnson replied as Anna hugged him tightly and Johnson signalied them to continue with his eyes. 

"So, I and Jessica will stay over at Julie's House and we will return to the mansion when you both about to leave for your honeymoon. That is in 2 days." Robert said. 

"But Dad. We don't have any problem living you with us in the Mansion." Samantha replied.

"You both need privacy, Sam. Please, don't argue on this and go to the mansion and enjoy your wedding night." Robert said with a smile making Samantha blush.

"You're wish, Dad." Johnson replied.

"Before you go to your home please throw this bouquet for us?" Chitra said cutely while holding Samantha's bouquet in her hands.

"Sure... Why not!" Samantha replied and grabbed the bouquet and turned around throwing it at the girl and Sophia caught it.

"Shit... I still have time for my wedding but anyway congratulations, Sophia." Chitra said.

"Thank you." Sophia replied with a blush by looking at Andrew and he smirked and others smiled looking at them

"Baby, If you want our wedding to have as soon as possible then try to tell about our relationship to your dad first." Noah said with a chuckle.

"Oh... Yeah... I forgot to tell you about this. I already told him about you yesterday and he wants to meet you. So, be ready to meet him tomorrow." Chitra said making Noah eyes wide. 

"What? He is coming to New York tomorrow?" Noah shouted.

"Yes. And you know that he is so overprotective of me and not only my father but my brother is also coming with him. So, be ready to face them." Chitra answered as she laughed out loud.

"God, Girl. You are a headache. Why do you always so think of sudden?" Noah asked and Chitra shrugged making others laughed.

"Well... Its fine... Hope he approve Noah... We all are here with you Noah... Don't worry!" Damon said and Noah nodded as he sighed.

"Okay. Johnson, Sam. Leave now. I think you both are tired." Jessica said and they all nodded their heads as they bid bye to everyone. They all got into the car and soon reached to the Davis Mansion.

The mansion was so silent. No even maids and servants are present there... Samantha frowned as she walked inside the mansion. 

"Why is there no one here?" Samantha asked Johnson and he chuckled.

"It's our wedding night, Samantha. Everyone wants us to give us privacy." Johnson answered with a smirk making Samantha blush. She tried to walk a head but he grabbed her wrist and took her into bridal style.

"Johnson, what are you doing?" Samantha asked.

"Shhh... Just don't talk." Johnson answered and took hee upstairs to his room.

Samantha opened his room door as he can't open the door with her in his arms and got shocked as she open the door while Johnson took her inside.

Samantha saw the room is fully decorated with flowers and candles and it looks so beautiful.

'Oh, God! Not at all surprised.' Samantha thought to herself as she blushed. 

Johnson made her stand on her feet in front of the big mirror and started taking out the pins from her hair.

"Johnson, I can take care..." He cut her off in a mid-sentence.

"Shhhh... Let me do it." Johnson whispered huskily in her ear as he took every pin out of her hair and let it down on her shoulders.

He moved her hair to the one side and looked at her through the mirror and said.

"You are looking so beautiful. I can't wait anymore." Johnson said and attacked her neck hungrily.

She just moaned and moaned and he took advantage of it and made her turn to him and started kissing my collarbone.

"Joh...Johnson." Samantha said but he didn't listen to her and so Samantha again called him.

"John... Johnson... Listen... listen to me..." Samantha stuttered as she can't take out a word out of her mouth with the pleasure he is giving her but he even didn't listen to her at all.

Samantha kept her hands on his chest and pushed him slightly. So, he stopped kissing her and looked at her.

"What happened, Love?" Johnson asked as he cupped her face in his hands. Samantha stepped closer to him and looked into his eyes.

"Thank you for everything!" Samantha said with tears in her eyes and a big bright smile on her face. 

Johnson smiled and wiped teh tear away from her cheek and kissed her forehead. 

"You deserve this world. We got married today... Of course, it's not an easy start... But... I wish it will be an happy end. And yes, the struggles add normal in everyone's lives and I wish to go though it with you and your support and love. I am lucky to have you in my life as my wife. You are such a beautiful soul, Samantha and I love you forever and ever!" Johnson said looking into her eyes with a bright smile. 

"I love you too, Johnson and yes, I am ready to start this amazing journey with you." Samantha replied with a bright smile and 

Johnson sealed her lips with a passionate kiss and Samantha kissed him back.

He slowly moved to her neck and kissed there as her hands made her way to his chest. She is sure, he will leave Hickeys on her neck. He moved to the collarbone and his left hand moved his lips to her collarbone while his hands went to the back to her dress Zip.

He tried to zip it down as it got struck, he groaned with annoyance. He was struggling with the zip as he kissed he her all over her neck while Samantha got tired with his struggle.

"Just rip it, Johnson." Samantha said as she felt his smile on her neck.

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