Billionaire's Love

Chapter 347 - I Love You.

Alexi wore a blue jeans and a white crop top and left her hair down on her shoulder. She looked absolutely stunning even in casuals. And she grabbed black shoes and wore them. She grabbed the bag and walked out of the room and to the downstairs. She looked around but didn't find Martin anywhere in the living room. She heard noises from the kitchen. And she walked towards the kitchen. She saw Martin cooking something for the dinner. She walked towards him and cleared her throat. He turned to the sound and saw Alexi. He looked at it from head to toe and sighed. He again turned around and started doing his work.

"Martin..." Alexi said as he turned his head.

"Martin..." Alexi called again but Martin didn't turn again.

"Are you still angry with me?" Alexi asked.

"No... I am mad at you!" Martin answered.

"Martin..." Alexi called as she kept her hand on his shoulder but he took away her hand away from his shoulder.

"Enjoy your dinner with Nick." Martin said making Alexi sigh.

"Martin... Please... Don't do this." Alexi replied.

"Do what, Alexi?" Martin asked.

"You are mad at me because I am going out with Nick. Isn't it?" Alexi asked.

"Of course, yes. I already accepted that, Alexi!" Martin answered.

"You are just jealous." Alexi said.

"I agreed on that too I guess..." Martin replied making Alexi sigh. 

"It just that's it?" Alexi asked.

"What do you think, Alexi?" Martin asked. 

"Why would I ask if I know, Martin?" Alexi asked making Martin sigh. 

"And do you think are you in a state to accept the words if I tell you what I think about Nick?" Martin asked making Alexi frown.

"Depends on what you are thinking." Alexi answered making Martin chuckle.

Martin suddenly pinned her to the counter making Alexi look up at him. 

"Martin..." Alexi said looking at him.

"I don't really understand why do you trust him so much... What did he do to you that you trust him a lot? He did nothing to you until now... Neither to us... He didn't at all helped us in any way until now... I got a feeling that he is no good to even stand beside my girlfriend. I know that he is no good for my girlfriend. Not now neither in the future... Then, why do I have to think about him in a good way?" Martin asked in a dangerous face looking into Alex's eyes making her blind her eyes at Martin.

"Martin..." Alexi called but Martin just kept staring at her. 

"Martin..." Alexi shouted as she pushed him away making him stumble back a little.

"Are you even understand what you are even talking about?" Alexi shouted making Martin sigh. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. 

"Martin... Do you gave any such idea on what he should help you?" Alexi asked making Martin sighed.

"In what way you are thinking to get his help?" Alexi asked a little irritated.

"Look, Alexi... I think... We need to stop this discussion here. He might be waiting for you in the hotel. So, go and enjoy your date with him." Martin said as he turned around and was about to walk out of the kitchen when Alexi grabbed his wrist. 

"Wait..." Alexi said as she grabbed his wrists and he looked up at her.

"What?" Martin asked.

"Answer my question." Alexi answered.

"What question?" Martin asked. 

"It seems like, you hate nick... I don't know why, but I want to know why!" Samantha answered making Martin chuckle.

"Well... If you think that, let it be... I hate Nick then!" Martin replied.

"I am really not understanding you right now, Martin. What is wrong with you?" Alexi asked.

"Now, you think that something is wrong with me. Huh?" Martin asked.

"Martin... For the god's sake... Can you please try to talk well?" Alexi asked.

"Alexi... I don't think, we need to talk about this right now... So, I will just tell you to let it go and just go to your date!" Martin answered as he tried to turn around again but Alexi held his wrist again.

"It's not a date." Alexis said and Martin nodded his head.

"Yes... It might not be for you... But I am sure, it's for him. At last... He is going on a date with the girl he wants to..." Martin said making Alexi frown.

"What do you mean, Martin?" Alexi asked. 

"I mean nothing." Martin answered. 

"Martin... Get this straight in your head first of all... I am your fiancee... And I am going to be your wife one day. That means, I love you... You understand... I love you and only you... No matter whoever comes into my life and goes... I just don't care about them because you are important to me in my life. You are what I want in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am going out with another guy doesn't mean, it should be called as a date. It might just be a friendship too... If you don't trust him... Then at least trust me on this... Don't worry, I will never break your trust in me... So, you can rest assured!" Alexi said as a tear falls down from her eyes and Martin just kept staring at her.

"See you." Alexi said walking away from him and to outside of the mansion. Martin released himself and started walking behind her calling her name.

"Alexi... Alexi... Wait." Martin called but Alexi got inside her car and drove off from the driveway without listening to Martin. 

"Why doesn't she try to understand me?" Martin asked himself as he sighed and just then, his phone rang. He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at the caller id.

"Brother..." Martin said as he swiped his finger and answered the phone.

"Hello, Brother..." Martin said on the phone.

"Hey, Martin... It's me, Samantha." Samantha greeted him on the phone.

"Hey, SIL. How are you doing and brother?" Martin asked.

"We are doing, Martin. How about you and Alexi?" Samantha asked.

"Good, SIL." Martin answered.

"Can you hand the phone to her, please? She is not answering her phone." Samantha asked.

"Ahh... SIL, she... She..." Martin stuttered.

"What She, Martin?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... She..." Martin again stuttered.

"What happened and what's going on, Martin?" Samantha asked.

"SIL, Alexi is not home." Martin answered.

"What? Where is she? It's the night... She can't be at her agency... But, didn't she took off from her schedule for a while?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... Yeah... She did, SIL." Martin answered.

"Then where is she, Martin? Where did she go too?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... She went out with Nick." Martin answered making Samantha's eyes wide at the other side.

"What?" Samantha asked.

"Umm... Yeah, SIL..." Martin answered.

"When?" Samantha asked.

"She just left a few minutes ago." Martin answered.

"You didn't stop her?" Samantha asked.

"Why will I, SIL?" Martin asked.

"Martin, you are her fiance. If you don't stop her from going out with another man then who will? I have seen him at our wedding... He looks at her differently. I don't trust him. What if something happens to her tonight?" Samantha asked.

"SIL, first of all... She will never to me if I say her to don't go out with Nick. She looks at him as a good friend. I know that but he doesn't at all look after her as a friend... I am sure about this. But still, she doesn't want to believe me... It doesn't matter who I am to her. She will go out even though I said no and... Nick will not do anything to her. Don't worry. I have called up the hotel management to keep an eye on NicK... The hotel owner is a good friend of mine... So, I took his help. Don't worry, SIL. She will be alright and will reach home safely." Martin answered and He heard Samantha taking a relief breath.

"What happened? What did he do this time?" Martin heard Johnson saying the other side?

"Why will he think that I will do something every time?" Martin asked on the phone making Samantha laugh out loud.

"No, he didn't do anything. It's Alexi's fault this time." Samantha was trying to explain Johnson but Martin stopped her.

"SIL, no... It was no one's fault... It just a little misunderstanding. I will clear it with her as soon as she reaches home... It just that, she thinks that everyone she meets daily and is around her is good people... She doesn't understand the real intentions of them easily... She is such a kind-hearted. There is no fault of hers here." Martin said making Samantha smile.

"You are so good for Alexi, Martin... Hope she understands you and loves you as much as you do her." Samantha said and Martin smiled.

"She is the good one for me, SIL... It just that, she doesn't know the real intentions of Nick... If she gets to know about it... She will stay away from him for sure." Martin replied.

"Yeah... I will talk to her later too... So, you don't worry too... Everything will be alright. Okay?" Samantha asked.

"Yeah, SIL." Martin answered.

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