Billionaire's Love

Chapter 362 - There Will Be Hard Days, But They Won't Last.

They all got out of their cars and walked inside the mansion.

"I will start cooking..." Samantha said and Johnson nodded his head.

"SIL, let me help you..." Martin replied and she nodded her head.

"Johnson, let's play a video game..." Alexi said.

"Alright... But give me a few minutes... I will just get fresh and will come back soon." Johnson replied and Alexi nodded her head while Samantha and Martin walked inside the kitchen. 

Samantha started taking out all the vegetables and started chopping them while Martin started helping her.

"SIL, When are you adopting Anna?" Martin asked.

"Well... I don't know... We didn't talk about it until now... Maybe, as soon as we come back from our honeymoon..." Samantha answered making Martin smile.

"I want her in this home as Davis soon. I can't wait for her to call me uncle." Martin said making Samantha smile.

"Yeah... I know... Everyone loves her a lot... She will be so happy with everyone." Samantha replied.

"True... As soon as she becomes Davis... None will have any right to claim her... Like her father or anyone... As he is behind bars... Right now... He will not get legal rights a lover her... She will be happy with us..." Martin said and Samantha nodded her head with a smile.

"I know, and Johnson just said that he is missing her a lot... Wish, we could meet her once before we leave for our honeymoon..." Samantha said and Martin saw the sadness in Samantha's eyes but he didn't reply anything and smiled to himself as a plan hit his brain. 

"Yeah..." Martin replied and Samantha gave him a small smile.

"SIL, I will just come back..." Martin said and Samantha nodded her head. Martin walked out while Samantha started cooking. Soon enough, Martin returned and started helping her in the kitchen. 

"Martin..." Samantha called and Martin looked up at him. 

"Yes, SIL?" Martin asked.

"Don't leave Alexi... Please." Samantha said making Martin blink his eyes.

"SIL..." Martin replied.

"No... Just listen to me..." Samantha said and Martin nodded his head.

"No matter what... Try to understand her... I know she is a hothead woman... But she is so kind at her heart. I know she takes every decision so quickly without thinking twice... But this is her nature... From childhood... She is like this... She is not a woman who gets satisfied so easily... She needs something more in her life... She always used to look for adventure in her life... Either it may be, her professional life or personal life... Al these relationships are so new for her... She is not an adjustable person... So, please bear with her... Until she settled down with you... This is a request from me to you... Please... Look after her... If she doesn't listen to you, try to make her understand calmly... She will only listen to us when we talk calmly with her than shouting or talking rudely with her... She is really so different than other women's." Samantha said and Martin nodded his head with a smile.

"I know, SIL... I know everything... You don't have to worry about Alexi... I know, small things in a relationship are normal... She is an A-lister... Many will be behind her... I will take care of her in that but... This can't go for a lifetime... Can it? She needs to understand from my point of view too that I have the right to tell her what to do and what not to do... It's not like, I am stopping her from doing what she likes... I am just trying to stop her which is not at all good for her... But without understanding that, she is taking me wrongly in a few things by just thinking that I am jealous of others... Well, that's true that I am jealous of few people... But that is only in her thing... I have everything... I am rich, handsome. I have fame... I have my own company... I am my own boss... I don't have to get jealous of other things when I have everything in my life... I choose her to be my life because I love her... But stick to my words, SIL... I changed for Alexi... I changed my whole behavior for her... Not simply... But because of her love... I know, it hurts her when the paparazzi say that she is just a fling with me like everyone was... And so, I want to marry her... It hurts me too when people say that but I can't change the past... Can I? If I can, I would definitely do it... But I can't..." Martin said and Samantha gave him a little smile. 

"I am really sorry for all the trouble she is causing you... I am really sorry. But this is how she is... We couldn't change her... She is the Alexi... We know and is... We did a lot for us even before we ask anything... She did a lot... She is very precious to me... I can do anything for us... Because she is the one who saved me when I was about to die... Not once, not twice... But thrice... Who would be so kind heart as her? I will do anything... No matter what... I will not look after anything even if someone asks me that, if I can die to show my love for my sister then I will take my life... Without even thinking for a second... She is so important to me than myself... Without her... I wouldn't be here today... I would have died a long back ago... If not for her looking after me... I don't know what I would do..." Samantha said as she chuckled.

"Life plays around a lot with us... And that life shows us the hard times so many times than a happy day... Happy days go so fast but hard days past so long... Because you handness, your hard work, struggles, stress and what not? But on happy days, you will only feel happiness... Hard days make us learn a lot of things than a happy day... Thats why, we always remember hard days than happy days in our happy... Even if we are happy, we remember those hard days... Thats the special you have on hard days... There will be hard days in everyone's lives but they wouldn't last long. It just that, you need to cherish no matter what days they are!" Samantha said with a smile.

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