Billionaire's Love

Chapter 378 - Farm House.

"Hahaha... Hahaha..." Alexi laughed out loud as Martin tickled her. 

"Yeshh... Yeshh... Hahaha... Hahaha..." Anna shouted as Martin tickled Alexi.

"Hey, you little devil... You should help me... But you are laughing?" Alexi shouted as Martin didn't stop her from tickling.

"Hahaha... No... I will not stop Martin... Haha... Yes, Martin..." Anna shouted as she jumped up and down with excitement.

"Do you want me to tickle her more?" Martin asked Anna nodded her head.

"Yeshhh..." Anna answered making Alexi wife her eyes.

"No... Please... No!" Alexi replied as she tried to move away from Martin but he didn't let her.

Martin grabbed Alexi by her waist and made her look into his eyes.

"Don't, Martin... Enough... It's getting hard to take a deep!" Alexi said making Martin smirk.

"Don't smirk... Or else..." Alexi cut off in mid-sentence.

"Or else..." Martin asked.

"You will get to know what I will do later..." Alexi answered.

"Really?" Martin asked and Alexi nodded her head in yes.

"Then try doing it!" Martin said.

"Not here, my love." Alexi replied making Martin raise his eyebrows at her. 

"Then?" Martin asked making Alexi smirk.

"Huh? Martin tickle her..." Anna shouted making Martin look at Anna.

"Yeah, Sweetheart!" Martin replied.

"No... Please..." Alexi said as she again tried to move away from Martin and she got to succeed.

"You little devil... You want tickles right..." Alexi said as she grabbed Anna and started tickling her.

"Hahaha... No... Hahaha... No... Stop!" Anna shouted making Martin laugh out loud.

"You said Martin to tickle me... But you don't want tickles... That's not fair..." Alexi said as she laughed making Anna laugh out loud too.

"No... No..." Anna yelled.

"Say sorry then!" Alexi said.

"Cholly!" Anna replied making Alexi smile and she kissed her forehead.

"Now... Get up..." Alexi said as she helped Anna get up from the garden grass.

"What do we do now?" Alexi asked.

"Horse..." Anna yelled as she jumped up and down.

"We just did horse race... Not anymore..." Alexi said.

"Why?" Anna asked.

"Baby, Horses need rest too right?" Alexi asked and Anna started thinking.

"Yeshh... They need rest!" Anna answered making Alexi kiss her forehead.

"Alright... How about we go inside the house for now and see Mine and Samantha's childhood pictures?" Alexi asked and Anna nodded her head in yes.

"Yeshhh... Let's go inside." Anna answered as she grabbed Alexi's and Martin's fingers in her hand. 

The 3 walked inside the house and Anna, Martin sat down on the couches while Alexi took fee albums from the cupboards.

"There are so many!" Anna said making Alexi chuckle.

"True... There are so many!" Martin replied and Alexi nodded her head.

"Yes... There are so many... Mom and Dad like to store our pictures." Alexi said and Martin nodded his head with a smile.

"Alright... You girls continue seeing them... I will go and bring juice for you both!" Martin replied and Alexi, Anna nodded their heads.

Martin got up from the couch and walked inside the kitchen. He took out his phone out and dialed a number. The person answered the call in a 5 rings.

"So, how's everything going?" Martin asked.

"Good. But we didn't find anything else... Then a man in hoddie." The guy from the other side answered.

"Can you see who is he?" Martin asked.

"No... We can't see who is he. But yeah... The camera got recorded the car he came into the school." The guy answered.

"Did you find anything from the car?" Martin asked.

"No... We inquired about the car and got to know the registered car number is fake but... It's a. Costly car... I mean, no normal car can enter inside the school because the school itself is rich..." The guy answered.

"Well... So, you didn't found anything until now?" Martin asked.

"No! We don't!" The guy answered making Martin sigh.

"I don't know what I should do right now... From the start, I feel there od something wrong... And something is going on... I am not clear about what is going on... But something really is going on..." Martin said.

"Don't worry, we will figure it out!" The guy replied.

"How many days will it take? I don't understand what is wrong? We can't even get any small clue... We tried getting a clue from the club the other day on Brother's and SIL's bachelor's party..." Martin said.

"We are trying our best... There seems like there is nothing... But we are only doing our work because of your insistence but nothing else... We are not even sure about your insistence..." The guy replied.

"You mean, I am worried about these silly?" Martin asked and the guy on the other side, sighed.

"I can't tell you anything right now, Martin... Only you feel things are messed up! I don't know why you are feeling like this!" The guy answered. 

"Alright... Did you got to know anything about Nick?" Martin asked.

"No... He is still not back to New York City!" The guy answered.

"I don't know, what you will do... But just keep an eye on him... I know he is dangerous... He can do anything... I feel something is going on... I will talk about this with Dad soon too... He might have any idea about it... He might take any information out!" Martin said and the guy nodded on the other side.

"Yeah..." The guy replied.

"And please... Do recheck with Anna's school and all... I want her safe no matter what when we get back... She is the heiress of the Davis Empire... She is already once got kidnapped... I don't want to risk anything... You getting it?" Martin asked.

"Yeah... Don't worry... We have security around the farmhouse you are in right now too..m you don't at all have to worry about it... Our security covered everyone in the family and About Mr. And Mrs. Johnson Davis... Don't worry about them too... We covered everyone..." The guy answered.

"Great! Just let them enjoy their honeymoon... They need privacy but be careful... If any scratch on them... You need to face the consequence... They already went through a lot... I just want them to be happy from now on... Their love deserves this!" Martin said. 

"Yes, Mr. Davis." The guy replied.

"Alright... I will see you later..." Martin said.

"Yeah... See you... If any information, I will let you know..." The guy replied.

"Alright!" Martin said and ended the call. 

He sighed as he ended the call and took a deep breath.

He turned around to get juice for the girls when he saw Alexi behind him with her eyes wide.

"Alexi..." Martin called.

"What the hell are you doing, Martin?" Alexi asked with her wide eyes. 

"Till where did you hear?" Martin asked.

"I heard everything... From Anna's school to Nick, the bachelor's party thing in the club, family and Johnson, Sam's safety..." Alexi answered making Martin sigh.

"Listen to me..." Martin said but Alexi shook her head as she shows him her hand to stop him.

"No... You are not doing anything wrong... By taking care of your family's safety... But why still about Nick?" Alexi asked making Martin sigh.

"I know... And let me explain about it!" Martin answered making Alexi chuckle.

"You still didn't let go of him?" Alexi asked.

"Will you listen to me or not? Goddammit!" Martin yelled making Alexi flinch and Anna who was on the other side of the room heard the yelling and started crying...

Martin and Alexi realised that they are loud enough that Anna could hear them out.

They both walked inside the living room and saw Anna sitting down on the ground with Album on her tighs and started crying so badly.

"We messed it up!" Martin said making Alexi sigh.

"You... You messed it up!" Alexi replied and she walked towards Anna.

"Anna..." Alexi said as she took Anna in her arms.

"My love..." Alexi said as she caressed her back as she cried on her shoulders.

"Anna... I am sorry!" Martin said and Anna shook her head in no.

"Why are you yelling? Did I do anything?" Anna asked and Martin shook his head in no.

"No, Love... You didn't do anything..." Martin answered as he took her in his arms.

"I am so sorry... I was angry with your dram queen... Not on you!" Martin replied.

"Why are you angry with her?" Anna asked and Martin wiped Anna's tears away from her cheek.

"Because she is becoming a bad girl." Martin answered making Alexi's eyes wide.

"What?" Alexi asked.

"Yes... You are becoming a bad girl." Martin answered.

"How dare you?" Alexi asked as she started hitting him on his shoulders.

"Ouch... That's hurts..." Martin answered as he looked at her.

"Very good... It should hurt even more..." Alexi replied.

"You are an evil lady!" Martin said.

"Yes... I am!" Alexi replied making Anna laugh at their fight.

They both turned around and looked at Anna who is laughing sheepish my seeing them.

"You are enjoying our fight?" Martin asked.

"Yes..." Anna answered as she laughed out loud and seeing her... Martin and Alexi laughed out loud too...

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