Billionaire's Love

Chapter 388 - Honeymoon-11

"Amaxi has a good view..." Johnson said and Samantha nodded her head as they both got out of the car.

"Let's go inside?" Samantha asked and Johnson nodded his head with a smile.

They both walked inside and the MD and managers walked towards them.

"Umm... Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Davis... I am Gabriel Jones. You didn't inform us about your arrival..." The MD said as he forwarded his hand towards Samantha.

Samantha shook his hand and then Johnson shook his hand.

"Well... We just were to be here... So, though to check up on Amaxi..." Samantha replied with a smile.

"Alright... Do you wanna have a look at the hotels? Let me lead you the way!" Gabriel said with a polite smile.

"No... It's fine... You guys can get back to works... We both will manage it!" Samantha replied and Johnson nodded his head with a smile.

"Alright... Do you want to have anything?" Gabriel asked.

"No... Not right now..." Samantha answered and Gabriel nodded his head with a polite smile.

"Alright... Have a great day, Mr. and Mrs. Davis!" Gabriel said with a polite smile.

"Thank you. You too!" Samantha replied and they all walked away from there...

Samantha and Johnson turned towards each other and smiled brightly.

"Amaxi looks great here..." Johnson said abd Samantha nodded her head.

"True..." Samantha replied as she looked around the interior.

"Let's walk around..." Samantha said and Johnson nodded his head as he wrapped his arm around her waist and bought her close to him. Samantha smiled as Johnson wrapped his arm around her waist.

They both were walked around when Samantha felt that someone's eyes broadening at her... She frowned and turned around suddenly making Johnson frown.

Samantha looked around but she couldn't find anyone and saw everyone is looking happy around in their own works. 

"What happened, love?" Johnson asked as he kept his hand on her shoulder but she suddenly flinched making Johnson frown deeply.

"Samantha, it's me..." Johnson said.

"Huh?" Samantha asked as she turned around to him.

"Yeah... Sorry..." Samantha said as she touched her head. 

"What happened, Samantha?" Johnson asked and Samantha shook her head in no.

Johnson saw her frowning and looking around and a small sweet drops are clearly visible on her forehead.

Johnson looked around but he saw nothing...

"Johnson... Let's go..." Samantha said and Johnson nodded. Samantha turned around and walked ahead leaving Johnson. He frowned at her and walked behind him. He saw her feeling uncomfortable and looking around as she walked. 

Johnson looked around too but he couldn't find anything that can make Samantha uncomfortable. He started walking beside her and was about to grab her hand but Samantha didn't let him. 

He wanted to ask her what is wrong? And suddenly what happened to her that is making her anxious... But he doesn't want to make her more uncomfortable.

"Samantha..." Johnson called as he grabbed her by her wrist and made her turned towards him.

"Yes?" Samantha asked.

"You alright?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"Answer me honestly!" Johnson said and Samantha again nodded her head in yes.

"Samantha, I am your husband... I know you well enough... What's going on?" Johnson asked.

"I told you, it's nothing..." Samantha answered.

"Alright... Alright... Calm down! Let's have a juice... Please... I am thirsty." Johnson said and Samantha nodded her head and they both walked to a little juice store that is near the beach. 

They both sat down at the table but still, Johnson saw Samantha looking around but not at him. He felt her uncomfortable but looking at her, he got to know that something is going on in her little mind but he was not sure about what! 

He saw her being good until a few minutes back and suddenly, she started behaving weirdly... Like something happened and now, he is not sure about what happened to her suddenly? Seeing her that he is sure that, she is trying to figure out something... He wants her to tell him about what is making her uncomfortable. So, that he can talk to her about it...

But Johnson thought were going to her flinching... Because Samantha didn't ever flinch with his touch... She used to when they first meet but later, Samantha never flinched with his touch. She even told him once that she can feel his touch but suddenly, she flinches after so many days... That is making him confused, scared as well... At the same time! 

Mostly, Scared... He is not sure about what is going on in her head... If something silly is going on... Then, he wants to clear it... He is scared that she might suddenly think anything about her past that might affect her... 

He looked around and saw a few men are looking at Samantha. He sighed and looked at Samantha.

He got up from the chair making Samantha look up at him.

"What happened?" Samantha asked and Johnson walked around towards her and sat beside her.

Samantha raised her eyebrows at her. He took her hands and felt the cold in this hot weather. It making him think more about what she is actually thinking about that her hands are this cold in this hot weather. 

He looked at the men from the corner of his eyes and saw them still staring at her. 

Johnson wrapped his arms around her neck and pressed his lips against her lips making her eyes wide.

Samantha badly needs that kiss right now and so, she didn't resist it and kissed back Johnson. Johnson smiled feeling her relaxed in his arms as he kissed her. They both kissed each other passionately not caring if anyone is watching them... They just are in each other's love that needs love to them... Right now. Johnson knows what can make her forget about things in her mind and so, he kissed her and also, he is jealous that people have their eyes on his wife... As he is possessive over his wife... He wants to show people around that who she belongs too!

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