Billionaire's Love

Chapter 393 - Honeymoon-16

"That's not fair..." Johnson said making Samantha giggle.

"It's fair, hubby... Order yourself... I am not gonna give you mine." Samantha replied.

"Ohh really?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

Johnson got up from his chair making Samantha raise her eyebrows and he walked towards her side making her frown. 

"Huh?" Samantha asked as Johnson sat close towards her. 

"What?" Samantha asked and Johnson moved even more closer to her and kept his hand on her cheek.

"Johnson... What are you doing?" Samantha asked and Johnson kept his fingers on her lips.

"Baby..." Johnson said making Samantha look at him.

"Yes?" Samantha asked.

"You know that I love you a lot right?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked at him with his small innocent eyes. 

"Why are you asking me this right now?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head.

"Answer it... You know right?" Johnson asked and Samantha looked at him for a few minutes before nodding her head.

"Yeah... But..." Johnson cut off Samantha in mid-sentence.

"No, but..." Johnson said making Samantha frown.

"Huh?" Samantha asked.

"I love you a lot... But... This food is so tasty that I want to cheat with you right now for this food." Johnson answered as he grabbed the spoon and started having the food from her side making her eyes wide. Samantha chuckle seeing him.

"You... Such a bad person..." Samantha said as she hit him on his shoulders.

"Huh? What bad? I love this food! Order more please." Johnson said making Samantha roll her eyes.

"Are you serious? You are cheating... You took what I ordered and told me to order more?" Samantha asked. 

"Well... Don't forget that you told me to have this... If not, I would have been without eating this!" Johnson answered making Samantha growl.

"I just don't want you to be like that without tasting this amazing food... But you... You are stealing my food. I just gave you them for tasting!" Samantha replied and Johnson shook his head in no.

"You still gave me... That doesn't matter..." Johnson said making Samantha sigh.

"This is mine..." Samantha said as she was about to take the food from Johnson.

"And so you are!" Johnson replied making Samantha look at him with a blush and Johnson smiled.

"Alright... Here you go!" Johnson said as he took the spoon full of the food and bought it close to her mouth and Samantha looked at him with a smile.

"Come on... Open your mouth!" Johnson said and Samantha opened her mouth and Johnson feeds her making Samantha smile brightly.

"It's so tasty right?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head with tears rolled in her eyes.

"Yes... It is!" Samantha answered with a broken voice and Johnson stopped eating and looked at her eyes.

He frowned seeing her eyes teary and he didn't understand why her eyes are teary.

He moved closed to her and took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles.

"What happened, Samantha?" Johnson asked sweetly making Samantha smile even more brightly with teary eyes. She shook her head in nothing and hugged him tightly keeping her head on his chest.

Johnson wrapped his arms around her waist and caressed her hair and kissed her hair. 

Johnson frowned not knowing what happened to Samantha suddenly. He took a deep breath and cupped her face and wiped off the tears that are on the corner of her eyes and kissed her forehead. 

"If you don't want to tell me... Then don't... But I don't want to see these tears in your eyes, love!" Johnson said as he looked into her eyes. 

"These are not tears..." Samantha replied as she chuckled.

"It's just so overwhelming... Seeing you trying your best to do the things that make me happy... It making me overwhelmed... Your heart is so pure, Johnson... You don't want to make me disappointed or sad... Even though, you don't want to be here... You are here with me... And trying to do everything just for me... Thank you so much!" Samantha said making Johnson smile.

"Silly girl... How many times should I tell you to not tell me sorry? You are my wife and I care about you and your happiness... Your happiness is what matters to me." Johnson said as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Your happiness is my happiness... Do you know that I feel very happy when I see you happy around me?" Johnson asked as he looked at her in the eyes.

"I will be on cloud nine seeing your happiness... Your happiness means a lot to me... I am here for you to see your happiness... And I will do anything to see that happiness in your bright shining eyes." Johnson said as he kissed her eyes. 

"Don't ever think like that... I will come wherever you want me to until you are happy with it... I love you the most in this world." Johnson said as he again kissed her forehead.

A few of people kept starting at Samantha and Johnson. They all smiled seeing how cute and happy they both look with each other. They thought how lucky they both are to find each other who loves each other more than anything in this world and blessed them in their hearts that they are together like this time death do them apart and be strong for each other no matter what life throws at them.

"Alright... So, no cheating on my food then... You can order yourself." Samantha said as she giggled and took the food to her side making Johnson smile at her and shook his head at her cuteness. 

"Alright... I will order for myself... Do you want to eat more?" Johnson asked making Samantha's eyes widened.

"You are gonna order more for me?" Samantha asked and Johnson nodded his head.

"Eat your tummy full... I don't mind anything!" Johnson said as he patted her on her stomach making Samantha giggle and Johnson chuckle.

"Yes, please... Order me... Ummm... The grilled fish... That looks just cooked... That looks fresh too!" Samantha said making Johnson smile and he nodded his head in yes.

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