Billionaire's Love

Chapter 395 - Honeymoon-18

"Yes." Samantha answered to the woman making her smile.

"Great! Let me get your size." The woman said and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

Th woman took out Samantha's size and looked up at her.

"Do you just want to wear libaa or the skirt inside too?" The woman asked and Samantha looked at Johnson making him chuckle.

"How would I know? It's your wish..." Johnson said to Samantha.

"Umm... What is the difference between them both?" Samantha asked the woman.

"It's nothing, love. Both are the same. The name of the libaa is Dhivehi Libaas. The Libaas is a full-length gown that can be worn single or with a wrap-around skirt called Feyli. The unique aspect of the dress is the artistic embroidery which enhances and embellishes its beauty. The vibrant designs and colors of the dress adorned with gold and silver linings are a treat to the eyes. The embroideries have a special name called Kasabu Viyun in colloquial language. The dress is worn by the women especially during religious or festive occasions and even during any cultural events. That's why, you can see many many wore libaa here." The woman replied and Samantha nodded her head. 

"Wow... This is just so beautiful!" Samantha said with a smile and the woman smiled back at Samantha.

"Alright... I will wear that skirt too!" Samantha said and the woman nodded her head with a smile as she grabbed a skirt.

"Come with me inside... I will wrap this for you!" The woman said and Samantha nodded her head. She turned towards Johnson and he nodded his head with a smile.

Samantha followed the woman inside the store while Johnson waited outside the stall and looked around. As he looked around a pearl necklace catch his eyes. He walked towards it and looked at it carefully. It was an handmade necklace and he smiled knowing that it will suit Samantha perfectly.

It bought it immediately and kept it safely. He didn't expect the necklace to be expensive but it is... And he smiled knowing that there will be an expensive thing here too. 

"Johnson..." Samantha called and he turned around and his eyes widened as he saw Samantha in the red long full-length dress. 

"Wow..." Johnson said as he looked at Samantha. He walked towards her and stood in front of her.

"You look beautiful!" Johnson said as he looked at from head to toe. 

"Really?" Samantha asked and Johnson nodded his head in yes.

"Yes, my love. You look gorgeous!" Johnson answered as he kissed her forehead and tucked her hair strands behind her ear.

"Thank you!" Samantha replied with a smile.

Johnson and Samantha looked at the woman and saw her smiling brightly looking at each other.

"Thank you!" Johnson said to the woman.

"My please, son!" The woman replied and Johnson paid her the double amount for making his wife look gorgeous.

"Are you comfortable in this?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"Yes... I am!" Samantha answered.

"Alright... Let me click a few pictures then!" Johnson said making Samantha nod her head with a smile and he clicked few pictures of her as she gave him few poses. 

"You really look gorgeous. Wish I could kiss you here!" Johnson said with a wink as Samantha but him on his shoulder making her blush. 

"Why don't you try it too?" Samantha asked with a pout making Johnson chuckle. He wrapped his arms around Samantha.

"No, love... I will look so bad in it..." Johnson answered.

"We will not know until you wear it!" Samantha replied.

"People will laugh at me, love!" Johnson said with a smile.

"Please... I really don't want to were it!" Johnson said making Samantha sigh.

"Alright!" Samantha replied and Johnson kissed her forehead.

Just then, a big drums sound make them look at the other side.

"What is going on there?" Samantha asked.

"A dance..." Johnson answered.

"Woah... Many men are going to dance at a time?" Samantha asked.

"I guess so too... They will be around 20. If I am not wrong!" Johnson answered.

"Oh my... That's a lot." Samantha said and turned her head and looked at the dance as they also looked at the singers singing for the dancers and saw the every dance member wore this traditional wear. 

"Wow..." Samantha said.

"Yes... It's beautiful!" Johnson replied as they both saw the men's dancing with drums in their necks thumping them and in a few minutes, a few woman joined them and they all started dancing. And soon enough, the men's left and the woman's alone started dancing in their traditional wear. Everyone is enjoying looking at the dance while Johnson and Samatha too. 

"Wish everyone is here with us today... They would have been enjoyed it a lot too with us!" Samantha said.

"I will enquire about when it happens again... We will come back with our whole family here again." Johnson replied.

"Really?" Samantha asked with her cute puppy eyes and Johnson nodded his head with a smile.

"Yes." Johnson answered.

"Wow... You will bring me here again soon?" Samantha asked.

"Of course, I will... When my wife enjoy these little things." Johnson answered and Samantha hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much!" Samantha replied and Johnson kissed her hair. 

"I love you so so so much!" Samantha said as she kissed his cheek making him chuckle.

"I love you too, Love... And I am sure, like you... Everyone gonna be enjoy this festival." Johnson said making Samantha smile brightly and she nodded her head in yes. 

"Do you still want to look around or should we go home?" Johnson asked.

"I want to be here... But I am tired!" Samantha answered as she kept her head on his chest and Johnson chuckle.

"My baby is tired... Let me carry her to the car." Johnson said and Samantha looked at him.

"No... I can walk!" Samantha replied making Johnson chuckle and he nodded his head and they both walked towards their car as she carefully clutching to her dress.

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