Billionaire's Love

Chapter 51 - Past-3


Liam and Cassandra sold the house and paid 2 million to Mr. Garcia and still should pay 3 Million to him and he gave them more time to pay back the money when Cassandra and Liam requested him a lot!

"Mom..." Samantha called Cassandra, who is working in the kitchen.

"Yes, Honey." Cassandra said.

"Here, take this..." Samantha said as she forwarded a cover to Cassandra.

"What is this, Sam?" Cassandra asked as she took the cover from Samantha.

"Please don't say to Dad about this." Samantha requested and Cassandra frowned and opened the cover and saw the money and Cassandra's eyes widened.

"Sam, from where did you get this much money from?" Cassandra asked angrily.

"Mom, I told you right that my school is keeping a cooking competition for students? I participated in it and won the 1st place and got this money as my prize. I know, it's so small amount but I tried my best as I can." Samantha said and Cassandra's eyes widened.

"But, you said. You need to pay the whole fee to participate in the competition?" Cassandra asked.

"Umm... Noah, my senior helped me in paying the fee and after I won the price, I gave him his money back and the remaining money is this!" Samantha said and Cassandra hugged her.

"You are so small for all these, Sam." Cassandra said.

"But, Mom... I can't just sit and see you guys struggling for earning money... I did what I can do!" Samantha answered.

"But, Sam..." Samantha cut off Cassandra in mid-sentence.

"No, but and if mom. Seeing my skills in cooking at a young age, a hotel offered me a job. They will give me training for the first days then they will give me a job as a chef." Samantha said.

"But, Sam..." Samantha again cut off Cassandra in mid-sentence.

"Mom, please... Let me do this... Please... You know, I and Alexi love you both a lot and we really can't see you struggling. We can do anything for you. Those people were near us when we had money but now those same people left us when we are in need of money... We saw the real faces of people in this struggle... No one until now contracted us to even ask how we are doing? Not even... Our grandparents." Samantha said as a tear fall down from her eye and Cassandra hugged her.

"It's okay, Sweety." Cassandra said as her tears fall down from her eyes too.

"It hurts a lot, Mom... Hurts a lot seeing our dad don't have any support in his life even though he has everyone in his life." Samantha said and Cassandra kissed her hair.

"It's okay, Sam. Those people are not worth it. We gave everything to them when they are in need... But, it's okay. We have faith that we will get out of this problem really soon." Cassandra said with tears and wiped Samantha's tears.

"Stop crying now. If your Dad sees us crying then it will hurt him too. You know, your dad don't want us crying, right?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes." Samantha answered and Cassandra gave a small smile.

"Mom, can you not tell dad that I gave you money and got a job in a hotel. If he got to know that I participated in a competition and working at a hotel then he will feel bad. Tell him, that you got a bonus in your work and keep a secret between us about my work." Samantha said.

"But, Sam. I can't do that. He will be really mad if we keep any secrets but this is your hard work, Honey. And your Dad will be proud of you." Cassandra said.

"Mom, please. I will tell him everything when times come but for now please don't tell anything about him. Please." Samantha requested to Cassandra and she signed and nodded her head.

"But, be careful. A chef is not an easy job." Cassandra said and Samantha nodded with a smile.

"Let's have dinner." Cassandra said and Samantha nodded and they both walked out of the kitchen and saw Liam thinking something deeply sitting on the couch.

"Liam, come. Let's have dinner." Cassandra said.

"No, Cassandra. I am not hungry." Liam said.

"Why?" Cassandra asked.

"I really don't know how to pay back the money to him, Cassandra. My salary is going for rent and other things and you started working too and your money is going for Samantha's and Alexi's school fees. How can we do this, Cassandra? How should we get out of this problem?" Liam asked.

"We are trying, Liam. We can't lose hopes." Cassandra said.

"I don't know, Cassandra. People are mocking Sam and Lexi while they go to school too and talking badly to them. Can't I do anything?" Liam asked as a tear fall down from his eye and Cassandra hugged him.

"Dad..." Alexi called and Liam looked at Alexi.

"Yes, sweetheart. Do you need anything?" Liam asked with a small smile and Alexi walked towards him and forwarded him a cover.

"What is this, Sweetheart?" Liam asked.

"I contracted to a modeling agency and got selected in one and this is the advance payment which they gave me... I know, you don't like that work but it's the only option for me to get nice money but I will promise you Dad I will not go in the wrong way." Alexi answered.

"Lexi, you are still small for all this... I will not accept my daughters working in their small ages... Am I not giving you something which you want or you don't trust your dad that you took this decision?" Liam asked.

"No, Dad. It's not like what you think! I love you so much but I want to help you. They are giving me a nice payment which solves our problems and can live happily. My dream is to become a model too. So, I tried and got selected in an audition." Alexi answered a tear fall down from Liam eye.

Alexi walked near him and wiped the tear.

"Dad, we are your daughters. How can you think that you are not satisfying us? You are satisfying us in everything... And only we can help each other with this problem, Dad. There is no one with us now to help us... Don't you trust your daughter, Dad?" Alexi asked and Liam hugged her.

"I trust you, Sweety. I trust you and Samantha more than myself but you don't have to do this... I will take care of it." Liam said with tears in his eyes.

"Dad, you tell us every time that family is most important in life and we are a family and we both love you and Mom a lot. We can do anything for you. Please don't stop and let me do this?" Alexi asked.

"Yes, Alexi... I'm a proud father today." Liam said with a big smile and kissed Alexi's forehead and Cassandra looked at Samantha and she shook her head in No to Cassandra and she signed.

"Thank you, Dad. You need to sign an agreement as I'm still minor." Alexi said and Liam nodded.

"I will, Alexi." Liam said as he don't have any other option as he is helpless at the moment and accepted Alexi to work.

Liam called Samantha near to him and kissed her forehead too and hugged her tightly.

"I love you both so much." Liam said.

"We love you too, Dad." Samantha and Alexi said at a time and hugged them both and Cassandra too joined the hug.

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