Billionaire's Love

Chapter 514 - You Will Try To Hurt Her!

"You getting it?" Leo shouted as he looked into her eyes.

"Yes... Yes..." Mia said as she nodded her head in yes and Leo left her... Making her cough so Badly.

"Are you out of your mind?" Mia yelled as Leo relased him. 

"You are trying to kill me? How should I trust you?" Mia yelled making Leo sigh in frustration.

"I told you, don't try to do anything... And don't act smart infront of me... I am more dangerous than anyone... You don't at all know how bad I can be... So, just listen to me and try to do your part of the work... I am trying to help you but you are getting on my nerves!" Leo said with angry.

"Fine... Gosh..." Mia replied as she sat down on her couch and grabbed the glass of water. 

She gulped the water in one go and tried to calm her down.

"Don't at all try taking my name infront of her. Even though, she will be scared but she will be alert of you... She will know that, we both are working together and trying to break them both apart... And one word from Samantha to Johnson... You and me... Both will be dead... He won't leave us no matter where we go and hide in this corner of the world." Leo shouted making Mia sigh.

"Fine... Fine... I won't tell your name to her... J didn't thought of this..." Mia said.

"That is why, I told you. You are dumb. Hope you do this job well..." Leo replied making Mia growl.

"Don't try to insult me near Samantha. I already hate her to my core... And now... This woman is making my life a living hell!" Mia said making Leo sigh.

"I don't care about you. Until you don't try to give her clues away then we are safe... If you tried it... Then we both had to face the heavy circumstances. Just keep that in your mind." Leo said and Mia nodded her head in yes. 

"I will... You don't at all have to worry about it..." Mia got cut off in mid sentence as Leo talked.

"No... I should be worried because I don't know what will you do if you get mad. Just like now... You will try to anything to make Samantha hurt." Leo said making Mia.

"I won't do anything and hurt your girl I promise that... Now happy?" Mia asked as she sighed. 

"Yes. But..." Mia cut off Leo in mid sentence.

"Look... I have no other intentions on anything or anyone... I have got everything on my plate from childhood... But It's hard to get Johnson... I only want him... If I had him, I don't care or want to care about anyone!" Mia said. 

"Great! You just want him... And nothing else... But if you ever tried to hurt her in any other way... You need to face me first... Because you still has no idea who I am... I can be so dangerous... And no one... I mean it, no one... Not even your father will fund out where you were and where did you disappeared too! Everything will be just so calm and your father can never find you!" Leo replied as he looked into her eyes.

"I don't know who you are! I am trusting you blindly but if anything goes wrong... Then, I am not going to be involved in anything... Keep that in your mind." Mia said.

"Don't worry... If I don't get Samantha in my life... I won't let you have Johnson to in your life!" Leo replied with a smirk.

"What? How can you just say that? And who the hell are you decide that? You are such a..." Mia cut off in mid Sentence as Leo Chuckle.

"I am what?" Leo asked as he took a step near her.

"If I help you, I am good buy if I don't... Then I am not? Huh?" Leo asked as he looked into her eyes. 

"Umm... I don't meant that... But, I can still try to get Johnson in my life... Whatever happens... Right?" Mia asked making Leo laugh out loud.

"You can't and I won't let that happen!" Leo answered.

"But why?" Mia asked.

"I just want Samantha to be happy... That is true... But near me. If anything goes wrong... I will give her the hurt that she had to bare for her the whole life time..." Leo said as he smiled at her. 

"I don't really understand why are you so hell adamant on hurting by yourself?" Mia asked as Leo Chuckled.

"While me... I don't at all want to hurt Johnson... This is what love is right... Then why do you want to hurt the girl you love?" Mia asked with a confused face making Leo Chuckle.

"She is the girl... Who hurts me... By marrying someone else. She promised me that, she will only love me for this life time but she loved someone else. She didn't at all wait for me or tried to understand me." Leo said making Mia frown at him.

"She betrayed you?" Mia asked making Leo smile at her.

"Maybe..." Leo answered.

"How bad is she! She had lost a guy who loves her a lot!" Mia said making Leo Chuckle.

"I do love her a lot... But, she didn't tried to understand my love for her... She is the girl who thought that I can't keep her happy!" Leo said.

"But... You will right? She tried to understand you... You would both have an amazing life!" Mia replied.

"We would... But she broke up with me... And though that I would hurt her... And I am not good for her. So, she left me!" Leo said.

"Oh my... She just left you?" Mia asked and Leo nodded his head in yes.

"She left me... But..." Leo answered but cut off in mid sentence as he looked up at her making Mia frown at him.

"I did left a scar on her to make her remember who she deserves too!" Leo said making Mia frown.

"And that is?" Mia asked.

"See you later... I have better things to do than telling you about my story!" Leo said and just walked out of Mia's house even before, Mia can stop him. 

"Gosh... This guy is so different!" Mia said as she sighed.

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