Billionaire's Love

Chapter 560 - She Is The Most Beautiful Girl In This World.

"Where is she?" Martin asked Andrew on the call.

"In a meeting with her designer's. Why?" Andrew asked on the phone.

"I am downstairs of the agency." Martin answered.

"You came to pick her up?" Andrew asked with a chuckle.

"Yes." Martin answered.

"Ohh... Ohh... You came to pick up your girl? How cute?" Andrew asked making Martin roll his eyes at him.

"Seriously, Andrew?" Martin asked.

"Hahaha... She will be happy if she gets to know that you are here... She will be suprised." Andrew said.

"Yes. I want to suprise her... Or maybe... We can have dinner together outside... Though, I want to take her to date but I am just so busy to take her to date right now... I want us to be free for our date... It should be our time..." Martin replied.

"I can understand that. If one is not free in relationship... You can't take them out... It will be stressed and tired... It won't be a good date." Andrew said.

"Yeah... But thanks to Alexi... She is understanding me well." Martin replied.

"Of course, she will. It's her responsiblity to understand you." Andrew said making Martin take a deep breath. 

"Don't worry... She is a little busy too with her upcoming fashion week." Andrew said.

"Ahh... Yes... Fashion week... It was totally out of my mind. I think, I should take her out before she gets more busy with her work." Martin replied.

"Maybe... You should do that." Andrew said.

"Yeah... Just let me know when she has a free day... I will plan it anyhow..." Martin replied.

"Yes. Don't worry. I will text you her schedule of this week. You can plan your date According to it." Andrew said.

"Thank you, Andrew." Martin replied.

"No worries, Man. I will get back to work now. She might come down any minute." Andrew said.

"Alright... I will wait for her in the lobby." Martin replied.

"Alright. See you soon." Andrew said.

"See you." Martin replied as he ended the call.

Martin was about to walk towards the couch but was stopped by Someone calling him.

"Mr. Davis..." A sweet but flirty voice came.

Martin raised his eyebrows as he turned around to that voice and saw a sexy woman who wore a red dress mid thigh dress... And looks sexy. She has tons of make up and looks like, she just came out from the photoshoot. 

"Hello. Do I know you?" Martin asked making the sexy woman who looks like 22 years old chuckle as she walked towards Martin. 

"I am not sure if you know me or not... But I am sure you might heard my name... Alice Lewis." Alice said as she forwarded her hand for a shake hand. 

"Ohh... Yeah... The raising star... Right? I just heard it from Alexi. Said you earned the spotlight so fast in your career." Martin replied as he forwarded his hand and shook her hand. 

"Ohh... Ms. Julie talks about me?" Alice asked with a smile as she raised her eyebrows at him but she didn't left his hand.

"Umm... No... We don't talk about you... Though, it just... We were watching some fashion show... Where you were in it... So, she happened to told me about you." Martin answered.

"Ahh... Intresting. I thought, Ms. Julie won't even care about me and spotline... Ahaha... So, Superstars do care about us too." Alice said making Martin shake his head in no.

"Alexi is not like that... She cares about everyone... Even if they are in less position than her or higher. It doesn't matter to her. What matters to her is their sense of humour." Martin replied.

"Yeah... I have heard about her... Many said, she is a kind hearted." Alice said and Martin nodded his head in yes.

"Yes. She is... She is very kind." Martin replied.

"And that is why, you fell in love with her?" Alice asked making Martin smile brightly.

"Well... Yeah... But To be honest, I fell for her beauty first though... She is one of the beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life... But, after meeting her, I got to knkw about her... We used to fight a lot... She has a lot of attitude which I love obviously. Haha..." Maruin answered making Alice smile.

"You really do love her... Don't you?" Alice asked.

"I do. She is one of the amazing and beautiful girl I have ever seen in this world." Martin answered.

"More than me?" Alice asked as she smirked.

"Sorry?" Martin asked.

"You heard right? Is she beautiful than me?" Alice asked. 

"Yeah... In my eyes, yes. She is so beautiful than you." Martin answered making Alice smile.

"Haha... I am just kidding... Of course, you will tell that she is more beautiful than me because she is your girl friend... But yeah, I just asked because I am just trying to test you... I saw few guys who says I am beautiful than their girls... Just because not to make me feel bad at that moment... I am not sure if they are honest or not... But today, I saw you that you are honest. And said it on my face that you're girlfriend is way beautiful than me." Alice said with a smile.

"Well... I don't think, you should test him like this without knowing him." Suddenly a voice came making them both look at the voice and saw Alexi who looks beautiful in her black off shoulder slit side sexy dress which reached till her thighs. 

Martin smiled seeing her looking sexy... He didn't expect her to come out like this because he knows that Alexi always like to wear baggy clothes which makes her comfortable. But right now, she looks sexy with her long shiny legs which makes her sexy girl ever in this world. Everyone in the agency turn their heads and look at Alexi while walking on their ways...

Suddenly, he felt jealous seeing every guys eyes on her girl as if they will eat her once she gives them a chance.

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