Billionaire's Love

Chapter 570 - Passionate Love.

MATURE CONTENT. Read at your own risk or skip this chapter. 

Martin saw her ample breasts pushing against her silk dress and his eyes were drawn to the soft skin of her cleavage.

His cock stirred at the thought of taking Alexi again after so long.

He moved closer to her and he gently stroked her shoulders, rubbing her tense muscles.

He didn't get much response at first and then he could feel her holding her shoulders tight and not relaxing at all. Slowly, however, he could feel her shoulders starting to move and relax and then he heard the click as she placed the cup on the counter and placed her hands on the table beside her. While he massaged her shoulders he bent and pulled her silky hair back from her soft neck before placing his lips against her lovely sweet tasting skin. 

Martin heard her soft moan when he kissed her and he could feel a sudden drop in her shoulders as she relaxed.

He spent a few minutes kissing her neck and nibbling at her ears, all the time he could hear her breath getting slower as she relaxed under his ministrations.

Now that Alexi is relaxed, he intended on getting her turned on.

Slowly, Martin started to rub lower down her front, tracing the contour of her bra under her dress and he felt her body start to tremble.

He held his breath and without pausing he deftly undid the button of her dress, and then the next one. Alexi didn't at all stop him.

Continuing down , he undid all remaining buttons on her of her dress and he returned to stroking her soft and sensitive skin.

He drifted his hand across her tits and he felt her stiff nipples through the thin material of her black lace bra. Her breathing started to get quicker when he touched her tits and he guessed she liked them being touched the most and was anticipating what was going to happen just as he was.

He ooked down at her beautiful body and saw her the soft skin of her cleavage and the young tits encased by the lace bra and a mini skirt. 

Bending over he took one of her tits in his mouth and sucked through the lace material while gently flicking her tongue over her nipple.

Martin heard a low moan when his mouth first touched her and he knew he was getting somewhere.

Encouraged, he spent some time kissing, fondling, sucking and licking her tits and she responded by moaning and trembling as she sat in his kitchen.

Emboldened he reached round and undid her bra, pulling it down to reveal her young tits. And what wonderful tits they were; soft, smooth and pert as they stood there without the support of the bra. Eagerly he returned to his sucking and licking and she moaned louder at the touch of his mouth and tongue on her bare young tits.

Still touching and kissing her tits, he eased himself down so he was kneeling, and carefully moved between her legs, gently forcing her legs apart as he moved closer.

He couldn't resist touching her long sexy legs and he softly slid his hands up the outside of her legs, and then the inside. Her body quivered when he touched her legs.

He slipped his hands up, under her mini skirt and stroked higher on the inside of her soft thighs. His own heart was beating faster now that he was getting closer to his prize.

Alexi was wearing matching black lace panties and he dragged his finger across her pussy over the thin fabric. He felt her voluntarily spread her legs wider and she moved against her hand that she was so turned on from his attention to her tits.

He pushed and rubbed around her pussy entrance, her lace panties getting wet as he pressed them into her slit.

Deftly he moved her panties to one side to open up her pussy to his hands. Now he stroked her bare pussy with his hands. Her moans were louder and he rubbed up and down her pussy, spreading her juices that gave away her excitement and which also makes him feel excited. 

Bending down he brought his head close to her pussy and he breathed in deeply, inhaling the delicious aroma of young pussy. He moved even closer and licked her pussy, and she tasted wonderful.

Finding her clit he discovered that it was engorged and he licked around it before sucking on it gently. At his touch she gave out a yelp, and then a slow moan and her hips bucked as she moved against his tongue.

He moved a finger to her pussy entrance and traced around it while he sucked her sensitive clit. He pushed his finger forwards, parting her pussy lips and easing inside her, up to the first knuckle and then the second. He heard a gasp from her pretty lips as she felt his finger invade her tight pussy but she didn't move away.

Her gasps became faster when he started to rub the inside of her pussy, his finger sliding across her g-spot in a gentle rhythm. Then he started to fuck her young tight pussy with his finger, thrusting his finger in and out of her in time to his licking her clit. Her pussy was clamped around his finger but he managed to slip in a second finger and continued to fuck her while she groaned and moaned above him.

His fingers were covered in her sweet juices and he could sense she was close to cumming. He kept up the regular rhythm on her clit and fucked her harder by sliding his fingers deep with every thrust.

Suddenly he felt her pussy clamp even tighter around his fingers and then her pussy started to pulse around them. Martin heard her cry out, "Oh my God, yessss..." and she screamed as he continued to lick her clit.

Her orgasm seemed to last for minutes as she squirmed against me, forcing his fingers deeper, until she gradually slumped back onto the counter and relaxed.

Martin brought his fingers out of Alexi's pussy as he straightened his back, looking up at her. He saw a contented look on her pretty face and her eyes were half closed with a half smile on her red lips.


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