Billionaire's Love

Chapter 580 - I Love You More.

The music never stopped playing in the background as Johnson wrapped his arms again around Samantha's waist and bought his one hands towards her chin and kept under chin making her look up at him.

He slowly bought his face closer to her face and kissed her nose making her blush. 

She looked away from him as she blushed but Johnson slowly bought her more closer to his chest as he buried his face in her neck which kinda tickled her and also, bought a big smile on her face. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his both arms around her waist.

He slowly made her turn around in his arms as they slowly danced with the slow music. 

Johnson slided her hairs to the one side as he started kissing her on the neck making her moan which bought a smile on his face because Johnson knows his wife can never resist his charm on her. 

"I love you, Samantha..." Johnson whispered in her ear making her Slowly turn her head towards him and saw him smiling at her.

She smiled back at him as she turned towards him again as she wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly as she kept her head on his chest.

"Don't ever try to leave me please... Or else... This heart will stop beating..." Johnson said as he looked down at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Samantha looked up at him and smiled brightly as she pressed her lips against his lips and peaked his lips. 

"I would never... Until I am Breathing." Samantha replied as she doesn't even know what the future holds them on... Because she doesn't know if she is giving fake promises to Johnson or not... But as far as she is genuine with him... She loves him and she never wants to leaves him no matter what! 

He is her life... Her breath... Her everything. 

He looked at her as if she is the only girl in this world that is beautiful right now...

The love in his eyes right now has made her heart melt right now... His innocent eyes made her heart warm. 

"I love you more, Johnson." Samantha replied as she kissed the corner of his lips making him smile brightly and that smile has bought a big smile on Samantha's face. 

Just then... Johnson had taken out a blindfold from his pocket making Samantha frown.

She raised her eyebrows at him but Johnson smiled which made her shook her head at him and she happily made him tie the blindfold around her eyes.

"Don't try to open the blindfold or don't try to peek from it, Mrs. Johnson Davis." Johnson wispered against her ear sending chills down her spine with the way he called her Mrs. Johnson Davis. 

She felt happy whenever he called with his name... Which always makes her remember that she is his... And only his. 

There is none to snatch her away from him. No matter what! And she is sure that Johnson will fight for her no matter what and understand her more than anyone in this world. 

Johnson suddenly picked her up in his arms making Samantha grasp but she wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile.

Johnson slowly took Samantha out of the house... And made her stand in the open garden... 

He slowly made her stand on her feet and slowly opened the blindfold with the soft music is still running in the background. The same tune that Johnson sang for Samantha.

As soon as Johnson opened the blindfold, Samantha's eyes widened to see the decor in the garden. 

She saw the red rose petals way everywhere and romantic lights everywhere.

And then a little far, and then she saw a cute big boat that covered with small lights in the lake which made Samantha's eyes wide.

"We are not going in that boat?" Samantha asked as she turned around Johnson.

"Of course, we are." Johnson answered making Samantha's eyes wide.

"What? We are going out for a boating? In this outfits and at this night?" Samantha asked.

"What wrong with our outfits and also, what's wrong if we go out at this night?" Johnson asked as she shrugged.

"You are crazy! You are just unbelievable... Be practical... How can you go with these outfits? I can't even sit properly!" Samantha said sadly which made Johnson smile.

"Don't worry... It's fine if your outfit gets spoiled. I have planned inside something though..." Johnson replied making Samantha frown.

"What do you mean?" Samantha asked making Johnson chuckle.

"Let's go..." Johnson said as he grabbed her hands and started taking her towards the boat.

They both stood in front of the boat making Samantha frown.

"Come on... What are you thinking about?" Johnson asked.

"Are... Are you really sure about this?" Samantha asked making Johnson roll his eyes.

"Samantha... Trust me." Johnson said making Her take a deep breath and she nodded her head in yes.

Johnson looked at some other way and from no where, three people walked out towards them.

"Huh?" Samantha asked and Johnson slowly got into the boat first and then he forwarded his hand towards her and one person made her wear flats by removing her high heels. So, she doesn't slip and falls down...

Other two people helped her grab her gown and she comfortably got into the boat.

Johnson and Samantha sat down in the boat as she took the support of Johnson's chest. 

While the two people got inside the boat and started moving it.

"Can I tell you something?" Samantha asked as she turned her head up at Johnson making him nod his head with a smile as he tucked her hairs behind her ear. So, he has a clear view of her face. 

"I have never been in a cute boat like this before!" Samantha said with a chuckle making Johnson raise his eyebrows at him.

"What? You have never been in one?" Johnson asked and Samantha shook her head in no.

"No... This is my first time." Samantha answered making Johnson laugh.

"Well... It's fine I guess.... Let's bring Anna sometime and let's take her in boat too!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded her head in yes with a smile as Johnsom wrapped his arms around her.

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