Billionaire's Love

Chapter 74 - Fight!

"Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for coming to my launch. I hope you enjoy the party." Martin said and the applause filled the hall.

"And I want to share something with you guys." Martin said and looked at Alexi and She frowned.

"Today. Today, I am in this position because of my only brother, Johnson Davis. Without him, I'm nothing today. And unfortunately, He is not here today but I know, he will be with me whenever I need him or his support." Martin said looking at Alexi.

"My dad, Robert Davis wants me to join our Own Interior Designing Company with my brother but I was not at all interested in his Company and always dreamed about to keep my own Gaming Company and it happened with the help of my Brother, Johnson Davis. My brother supported me to keep my own Gaming Company and Fulfilled my dream. And today, my company is Top in the Gaming Industry." Martin said with a smile and continued.

"Many think that we born with a silver spoon and got everything that we need before we ask anyone. And some think that we don't know the struggle, pain in our life just because we are born billionaire's." Martin said and looked at Alexi.

"Yes, I accept that we are born with a silver spoon and got handed everything we need on a silver plate before we asked anything in our lives but I don't accept you saying what is the meaning of struggle and pain." Martin said looking at Alexi and continued.

"We may be born billionaires but we had our own struggles and pains in our lives. Just by hearing rumors, doesn't mean that we enjoyed our lives to the fullest. No, you are totally wrong. There was a time in our lives when we cried too and that cry made us know about the pain." Martin said as he blinked his eyes with tears.

"We went through a lot too in our lives. So, please don't just jump on to conclusions before you don't know anything." Martin said looking at Alexi and continued.

"So, Please talk when you know about us and our struggle and pains. If you do that then I will really appreciate you." Martin said looking at Alexi but she averted her eyes away from him and walked away from there to the Bar.

"I sincerely thank each and everyone for taking time from your busy schedules and came to my launch. Now, LET'S PARTY." Martin announced on the microphone and the chatter filled in the hall. 

Martin grabbed the champagne from Sophia's hand and shook the bottle and popped it up and again the applaud filled the hall.

"Excuse me." Martin excused himself from the guests and looked at Alexi drinking whiskey.

"Can't this girl stop drinking? Doesn't she knows that we are flying?" Martin asked himself and started walking towards Alexi but got stopped as he looked at Andrew's serious face and walked towards him.

"She has a high tolerance for liquor. She will be okay!" Andrew said and Martin nodded.

"But... What was that, Martin?" Andrew asked with a low voice.

"Well, I want to know her this because she is ignoring me and angry on us from the day of Brother and SIL agreed to marry each other." Martin replied in a low voice too and when Andrew was about to reply Sophia walked towards them.

"I don't know, why did you talk like that but I think, you did wrong talking about this here. Johnson will not accept this, Martin." Sophia said.

"Well, I will take care of it later. Don't worry. Is everything ready to fly?" Martin asked and Sophia sighed and nodded.

"Yes... We are going out in 1 hour from the backside of the venue. So, the paparazzi can't see us and create a scene going us together. Our cars are already waiting outside and our bags already reached Airport." Sophia said and looked at Andrew and he winked at her making her blush.

"Okay. Btw, Sophia. You look so beautiful today." Martin said with a big smile making Andrew growled and Sophia blushed more.

"Man, she is mine. Don't you dare hit on her." Andrew said as he surrounded his arm around Sophia's waist and brought her close to his chest making her eyes widened and Martin laughed.

"Come on, Why would I hit on your girl when I already have my girl?" Martin asked with a smirk and Andrew growled.

"Whatever, but don't you dare come near this girl." Andrew said and Martin chuckled.

"Yeah, I got it." Martin said with a smirk looking at Sophia and making her blush.

"You blushing, Sophia?" Martin asked.

"Huh? Me?" Sophia asked with her wide eyes and Martin nodded with a smirk.

"No... Not... Not at all... It... It just... Hot here. Yeah... It's just hot here. That's it." Sophia said blushing deep red.

"God! Sophia. You look like a child who steals a candy secretly and got caught red-handedly." Martin said with a laugh making Sophia blush a deep red.

"Now, it's clear dude. You can take her to another date. She is still interested in you." Martin said to Andrew with a wink making Sophia's and Andrew's eyes widened.

"What?" Sophia asked and Martin shrugged his shoulder with a chuckle.

"This guy over here wants to take you on another date!" Martin said with a smile and Sophia looked at Andrew.

"You idiot, you talking about our dates with my boss? Do you want to take away my job from me?" Sophia asked Andrew and Martin laughed.

"Oh my god. Why are you firing at me? I just talked about it with my friend." Andrew said and Sophia shook her head.

"You guys are unbelievable." Sophia said and walked away from them and Martin laughed.

"Don't laugh. You are making me regret telling you about our date." Andrew said and Martin laughed.

"Ufff! You are still laughing. Okay, fine! I will laugh too when your Girl does the same to you too." Andrew said and just then they heard glass broken and turned around to the sound and Saw Alexi slapped Zac Effron. Martin and Andrew's eyes widened and ran towards her.

"What happened, Alexi?" Andrew asked holding Alexi by her shoulders.

"This bastard is touching me inappropriately and tried to kiss me." Alexi shouted angrily and tried to slap Zac Effron again but Andrew held Alexi so tightly.

"Calm down, Ale..." Andrew got cut off as he saw Martin punched Zac Effron and Alexi grasped.

"You bastard. How dare you touch her?" Martin punched Zac Effron on his face and he fell down on the floor due to the force and again Martin grabbed his collar and punched him again.

"Martin." Andrew called and went towards Martin and tried to stop him but Martin looks really angry and isn't ready to listen to anyone.

Martin lost his control and anger raised in him as soon as he heard from Alexi that he touched her inappropriately and tried to kiss her. 

Martin again punched Zac Effron's stomach and he falls down on the floor again.

"How... How dare you?" Martin shouted angrily.

"Martin, stop it. Every guest is looking at us. Come on, don't let this go to paparazzi now. They will create a big scene." Andrew said and grabbed Martin by his shoulder and the security came to help him.

"But, this bastard..." Martin tried to say but Andrew grabbed Martin's hand and Alexi's hand and signaled Sophia to follow him and she nodded and he took them out of the venue from outside and made them sit in there cars.

"You are going to the Airport. We will reach there soon." Andrew said and Martin sighed angrily.

"Martin, Understand." Andrew said sternly and Martin nodded.

"Leave now." Andrew said to the Driver and he started the engine and drove off.

"Gather COO, Managers, and the PR here. Now." Andrew said sternly to Sophia and She nodded.

"Yes." Sophia replied.

"I will just come back soon." Andrew said and Sophia nodded and he walked inside with Guard.

"Get Zac Effron treated soon and update me about him and take care of the guest." Andrew said to the security as they all walked inside. 

"Yes, Sir." The security head said and Andrew grabbed the microphone.

"Hello, I'm Andrew Miller. Alexi Julie's Manager. I'm so sorry for whatever happened just now. I am really so sorry for ruining your night. I hope you understand and enjoy the party." Andrew said on the microphone and kept it aside and excused himself and walked out of the backside of the hall with security and saw few members standing with Sophia.

"Andrew." Sophia said and everyone turned towards him.

"I don't have time for introductions. So, I am getting to the point. I don't want any controversy on this. I don't know, what you will do but I want things to be clear until Martin returned back. I want everyone to stop this matter to go out. Understood?" Andrew asked sternly.

"Yes, Mr. Miller." The COO said and Andrew nodded.

"Take care of the guest. We are leaving now." Andrew said and everyone nodded and Andrew and Sophia got into their car and drove off to the Airport.

Andrew took out his phone as soon as he got into the car and dialed his PR.

"I guess you got to know about the situation?" Andrew asked on the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Miller. You don't have to worry. We will take care of everything." His PR manager said on phone and Andrew ended the call.

"Don't stress out. Everything will be alright." Sophia said and Andrew nodded and looked at Sophia.

"Alexi is an A-lister and Zac Effron will not let go of this so easily. He may even sue my agency or Martin or Alexi." Andrew said as he kept his hands on his head.

"Your agency?" Sophia asked and Andrew's eyes widened.

"Umm... " Andrew stuttered.

"Andrew, what do you mean by your agency?" Sophia asked and Andrew sighed and looked at Sophia.

"Okay, fine... MA is my agency. I mean, My Dad is the Chairman and CEO now but I will soon take over it as his one and only Child." Andrew said and Sophia's eyes widened.

"What? Where Alexi is working as a supermodel is your agency?" Sophia asked with her wide eyes and Andrew nodded.

"Yes." Andrew said and turned towards her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about this before." Andrew said and Sophia shook her head.

"It's okay but... It just feels weird that you are an Agency owner. But, I should have got this doubt when you take me on a date in an expensive car!" Sophia said and Andrew chuckled.

"Well, I don't want to keep my identity secret but I want to know about People's personalities around me. So, I just kept it a secret but I kept this secret in Industry for almost 11 years now." Andrew said.

"Oh my goodness... Does Alexi know this?" Sophia asked.

"They are like my family, Sophia. So, yes. Julie knows about this and the members to whoever you are going to meet tomorrow but still, Davis and Andreson don't know about this." Andrew said as he took her on to his lap.

"Hey, what are you doing? The driver can see and hear us." Sophia said.

"And I know, how to keep his mouth shut too." Andrew said.

"Omg... Shut up now." Sophia said and sat beside him and he growled but pecked her lips making Sophia's eyes widened and blush and Andrew winked at her.

Soon, Andrew and Sophia reached the Airport and got off the Car and the security walked towards them.

"Mr. Miller, Mr. Davis and Ms. Julie are already in the plane. And this is your Pilot." The head security said and Andrew nodded and shook hands with them and the Pilot walked inside the plane.

"Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it." Andrew said with a polite smile.

"It's my job, Mr. Miller. Have a safe flight." The head manager said and Andrew nodded.

"Thank you." Andrew said.

"Your welcome, Mr. Miller." The head security said and Andrew and Sophia walked inside the plane and settled on their seats and the plane took off to Florida...

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