Billionaire's Love

Chapter 81 - Sorry!

"Lexi, You called me?" Andrew asked as he walked towards Alexi on the lawn.

"Don't act innocent, Andrew. Tell me, why in the bloody hell you stopped me at the beach when I was going to save Sam from those bastards?" Alexi asked and Andrew sighed.

"Not only that but also when I was going to talk to Johnson?" Alexi asked Andrew angrily.

"Calm down, Lexi. I know you are overprotective of Sam but what I did was the right thing for Samantha and Johnson." Andrew replied.

"Right thing? You saw what happened to Sam today right? Then, why didn't you go and help her?" Alexi asked Andrew.

"Yes, but you also saw what Johnson did to those bastards." Andrew replied amd Alexi shook her head.

"What if something happens to Sam again?" Alexi asked as a tear fall down from her eye.

"But nothing happened to Sam. You can't be with Sam every time, Lexi. Sam is engaged and will get married in 3 months. I want Sam to trust Johnson and I also wanted to know that can Johnson keep Sam safe or not? But today. My doubt got clarified." Andrew said and wiped Alexi's tears and hugged her.

"You know everything about Sam. Then why do you want Sam to be with Johnson, Andrew? You can't just trust him in a few days of knowing him." Alexi said.

"Look, Alexi. I know, it's so hard to trust the people after what happened to you guys. But, there is nothing wrong with Johnson. He is a good guy and a reputable person. I know, you want Samantha to be with the one who can keep her safe every time, and Trust me, Johnson is the one for her. He will keep her safe." Andrew replied as he took Alexi's face in her hands.

"How can you be so sure that Johnson is the one for her? We don't know anything about them and they are rich, Andrew. They can get any girl they want..." Andrew cut off Alexi in mid-sentence.

"Lexi, you and Sam called me and Noah as your Brothers. Then, how do you expect your brothers will let you marry without knowing about the family or the person you are going to marry?" Andrew asked with a small smile and Alexi frowned.

"What do you mean?" Alexi asked.

"I and Noah did a background check on them. We want to make sure about the family too. I know, it's wrong but we needed to do this for Samantha." Andrew said.

"And what do you got to know about them?" Alexi asked.

"Lexi, Johnson's mom's name is Cynthia. She died when Johnson was 12 years old and when Martin was 7 years old. Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cynthia meet at a party and fell in love. Later, they get married and after 1 year of marriage, Mrs. Cynthia gave birth to Johnson. They were a happy family until Mrs. Jessica entered into their life. She used to be Mr. Robert's Secretary when he was the CEO of Davis Company." Andrew said.

"Then?" Alexi asked.

"Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jessica went to another town for business and there they both took a wrong step and the result is Martin. They both kept the relationship secret until Martin was 3. But somehow, Mrs. Cynthia got to know about there relationship and told Mr. Robert to bring them to there mansion without picking up any fight because there is a child with Jessica like Johnson, who was also born to Mr. Robert. She doesn't want Martin to be called as an illegitimate child and don't want to grow up without a family." Andrew replied and continued.

"Mrs. Cynthia has seen Martin as her own son. She made the relationship between Johnson and Martin as real brothers and gave Davis name to Martin. But after Mrs. Jessica came into there house everything started changing slowly. The distance between Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cynthia grew more. They both started fighting more and more and at last, she went into depression and committed suicide!" Andrew said and Alexi's eyes widened. 

"Oh my god." Alexi said with her eyes wide.

"Yes, Lexi. And from then Johnson started hating his dad and stepmom and still does and until now, Johnson blames his Dad and his stepmom for his mom's death. But Johnson sees Martin as his own brother and supported Martin to keep his own dream project to start a video game company because Johnson knows if his mother was there with them she would have supported Martin to reach his dream." Andrew said.

"Johnson didn't have a happy life, Lexi. He didn't get a mother's love and affection. He just wants to make a family for himself and want to be happy with his family." Andrew said with a small smile and Alexi got into her thoughts.

Alexi knows that Jessica isn't his biological mother but she doesn't know that Johnson hates Robert and Jessica. She doesn't know that Cynthia did suicide and that reminds Alexi why Johnson was broken when he saw Samantha on Hospital bed. Alexi doesn't know that Johnson went through all these in the past. She is just thinking that must have pained a lot for Johnson to look at his mother in pain. Alexi talked so rudely with Johnson and Martin without knowing what they are and she doesn't know how to react to all these now!

"Yes, Lexi. Whenever you talked rudely to Johnson. He just kept his mouth shut in front of you because he knows you are overprotective of Sam and just wanted her to be happy with her life." Andrew said and her eyes widened in shock.

"How do you know, I talk rudely with Johnson?" Alexi asked and Andrew chuckled and replied

"I know you from the past 10 years, Lexi. I know you more than yourself. That's why I got the information about them." Andrew replied.

"Let me just ask you one thing, Lexi. Did you see Johnson with any other girl before? I believe, he may sleep with some girls but he is a guy and he has needs. But, did you heard any rumors that he is a bad guy?" Andrew asked and Alexi shook her head in No.

"Then why are you doubting about him. Johnson is the most eligible bachelor of America. He will not throw himself on girls but girls throw themselves on him. Johnson is a nice guy and perfect for Samantha. Make friendship with him, trust him, get to know him. Then you will not regret making Johnson and Samantha one." Andrew replied.

"Okay, Fine. I will do as you say, Andrew." Alexi said to Andrew with a bright smile.

"Good and apologize to Johnson too." Andrew said.

"What? Why should I?" Alexi asked.

"Lexi, you hurt him with your words. So, You should apologize to him." Andrew answered.

"Andrew, you know right that Alexi Julie, the A-lister will not apologize so easily but it's okay. I will do it for my sister." Alexi replies with a bright smile and Andrew laughed.

"Good girl. Now, Let's go in." Andrew said with a smile and they both walked inside the house and Andrew went to his room which he shares with Noah and Alexi went to Johnson and Martin room which they share.

Alexi hesitated but knocked on the door and a voice came from inside "Come in."

Alexi slowly opened the door and Johnson, Martin looked up from there Laptops and got shocked to see Alexi there.

"Can I come in?" Alexi asked.

"Of course, Alexi. Come in." Johnson answered and Alexi walked inside the room.

"I guess, I'm not disturbing you?" Alexi asked and Johnson got up from the couch.

"No. You are not, Alexi. Tell me, do you need anything?" Johnson asked.

"No, but Can I talk to you for a few minutes." Alexi asked Johnson.

"What do you want to talk about?" Martin asked.

"Can you be shut your mouth for a few minutes." Alexi said and Johnson chuckled.

"You..." Johnson cut off Martin in a mid-sentence.

"Sure. Tell me, Alexi. What is it?" Johnson asked.

"I... I am so... Sorry for everything I have told to you. And I would like to give you a chance to court my sister but before that, I want to get to know you better. If that's ok with you. We can also be friends." Alexi rumbled what was running in her mind and the shock that's what Alexi see on there faces mainly Johnson but he smiled.

"Wait... What did you just say? The great Alexi Julie apologized to my brother. Alexi, did you wake up on the wrong side of your bed or what?" Martin asked with a shocked face.

"Martin." Johnson scolded and turned to Alexi.

"No need to be sorry, Alexi. I know you are overprotective of Samantha because of whatever her past is! Just know that, even if I got to know about her past, I will not judge her cause I truly love her." Johnson replied making Alexi eyes wide in shock.

"What the hell? You love, Samantha?" Alexi asked Johnson with a shocked face and Martin chuckled.

"Yes, Alexi. I fell in love with Samantha at first sight." Johnson answered with a smile.

"But Sam..." Johnson cut me off in mid-sentence.

"Alexi, I know Samantha doesn't believe in love but I will try my level best to make her believe in my love and I already confessed it today to Samantha that I love her." Johnson said and Alexi's eyes again widened in shock.

"You did what?" Alexi shouted.

"Yes, Alexi. I confessed it to Samantha that I love her." Johnson answered.

"And she... Did she say anything and what was her reaction?" Alexi asked with her eyes wide.

"No, she didn't say anything back. I guess I need to wait for her answer." Johnson said and Alexi frowned and started thinking.

If Samantha didn't say anything to Johnson then she is trying to give a chance to Johnson. Whatever it is, Alexi wants to give a chance to Johnson and trust him with her sister. And Alexi doesn't want her sister to be in her past as She should have someone in her life. Maybe, Johnson is correct for Samantha.

"You will not hurt Samantha, right?" Alexi asked.

"Not even in my dreams." Johnson said sincerely and a tear fell from Alexi's eye.

"Promise me." Alexi said.

"I promised you. I will not ever hurt your sister." Johnson said wiping her tear away and Alexi smiled brightly.

"Let's make my sister fall in love with you." Alexi said smiling brightly.

"Yes." Johnson replied smiling brightly.

"Friends?" Alexi asked and forwarded her hand towards Johnson.

"No." Johnson said and Alexi frowned.

"Why?" Alexi asked.

"I don't have any sister. So, will you become my sister?" Johnson asked opening his arms wide.

"Hell, Yes, brother." Alexi replied and hugged Johnson and they both laughed and Martin growled and cleared his throat.

"Will not you say sorry to me, Alexi?" Martin asked and Alexi released Johnson from the hug and turned towards Martin and asked.

"Why should I?" Alexi asked raising her eyebrows.

"Because you also talked rudely to me." Martin and replied and Alexi chuckled and replied.

"I don't feel bad for talking rudely with you. In fact, I feel so great to get a chance to talk rudely to you." Alexi said and stick out her tongue like a kid and ran out from there before Martin got a chance to speak and before Alexi closed the door and get out she heard Johnson's laughing out loud and Martin cursing.

Alexi went to the room which she and Samantha share. Alexi opened the door and saw Samantha sitting on the couch with her eyes closed and her head in her hands.

Alexi went to Samantha and called her.

"Sam." Alexi called and she opened her eyes and looked at her.

"Lexi." Sam replied and Alexi sat beside her.

"What are you thinking about?" Alexi asked Sam as she kept her head in Samantha lap.

"Nothing. Just thinking about some work stuff." Samantha answered with a small smile by caressing Alexi's hair.

"Sam, Is there anything you want to say to me?" Alexi asked Samantha and Samantha frowned.

"No, there is nothing." Samantha replied without hesitating and Alexi nodded her head thinking why, Samantha keeping a secret that Johnson confessed her and about the bastards who, tried to harrase Samantha. But, Alexi knows that Samantha is keeping all these from her because she doesn't want to give Alexi any stress.

"Sam, I apologized to Johnson." Alexi said looking at Samantha.

"Really?" Samantha asked with a smile and Alexi nodded.

"Yes, Sam. I was wrong about him and behaved rudely." Alexi said and Sam laughed and said.

"It's okay. But, I am glad you both settled everything that happened between you." Samantha replied and Alexi smiled brightly.

"Okay, We are flying back to New York tomorrow. So, go and change. We will sleep early." Samantha said and Alexi nodded her head and got up and changed into pj's and got under the covers with Samantha and they both cuddled each other.

"Lexi, I need you the day after tomorrow in my office at exactly 11:30 am. I maybe not home tomorrow. So, I am telling you now. Okay!" Samantha said.

"Why sis? Is there any problem?" Alexi asked.

"You will know when you come to the office." Samantha answered and Alexi nodded.

"Its okay, Sis. I will be there on time." Alexi said and Samantha nodded her head and they drift off to sleep.

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