Billionaire's Love

Chapter 85 - The Innocent Samantha You Know Was Dead Five Years Ago!

"Sam." Alexi and Noah said at a time with their eyes wide and Johnson and Martin looked at them. Samantha looked at Noah, Alexi, and assured them with her eyes.

"Okay?" Xavier asked and Samantha nodded with a smile.

"Yes." Samantha replied and Xavier smiled.

"You are asking me for the new resort and your name on the resort and benefits of that resort too, right?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, only that resort." Xavier replied with a smile.

"You have 13℅ shares and according to that I have already given you 1 Washington Hotel and 2 biggest Resorts and 1 Casino in Las Vegas, right and you still want 1 more resort?" Samantha asked in a dangerous voice.

"No, I don't want anything except the new resort which the construction is going on. Take away all my other hotels, resorts, and casinos. Just give me a new resort." Xavier said. 

"No." Samantha said and Xavier frowned.

"I don't want your hotels, Resorts, and casino back." Samantha said and Xavier frowned deeply and Noah, Alexi raised their eyebrows at Samantha.

"Then?" Xavier asked.

"Give me your 13℅ shares of Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels." Samantha answered with a smile and Xavier's, Noah, and Alexi eyes widened.

"I will write Washington Hotel, Las Vegas Resort, and Casino in your name permanently and the new resort too but you should give me your 13℅ shares of Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels. You will not have any connections with Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels again." Samantha said with a smile.

"Sama..." Samantha cut off Noah in mid-sentence as she shows her hand to him to stop talking and he did.

"Okay. I will give you my shares." Xavier said making Alexi and Noah's eyes widened again.

"Very well. Then, take the first file. Read it and sign it." Samantha said and Xavier nodded and took the file and started reading it.

"Everything is alright." Xavier said.

"Then, sign it." Samantha replied and Xavier nodded his head and grabbed a pen from the pen stand and when Xavier was about to sign it, Samantha stopped him.

"Before you sign it, let me just tell you this. Julie's cafe and the new resort are not one." Samantha said and Xavier's eyes went wide and the pen falls down from his hand.

"What?" Noah and Alexi shouted at a time.

"Yes, I made Julie's cafe separate from the resort. If you want you can check the second file." Samantha replied and Xavier immediately took the file and checked it and next Alexi took the file from Xavier and read it and gave it to Noah.

Noah and Alexi released a heavy breath after checking the file but Xavier still has a shocked face.

"How can you do this, Samantha?" Xavier shouted.

"Then, How can you change your words, Xavier? Tell me, When we were starting Amaxi Hotels, you asked me to give you 13℅ shares in Amaxi because I asked you to give me Julie's cafe permanently to me when you are only worthy to get 5℅ shares in Amaxi according to your investment in Julie's cafe but I gave you 13℅ shares in Amaxi cause you helped me to start Julie." Samantha shouted back with anger and Xavier lowered his head down.

"I made a resort around the cafe and turned Julie's cafe into the Resort to merge it with Amaxi because Amaxi will grow 2 times bigger than now but you. You are asking me the resort after you got to know how much Julie cafe is important to Amaxi!" Samantha said and chuckled.

"Then, you asked me to give you 13℅ shares in Amaxi because Amaxi gives you more money than Julie's cafe but now you are ready to give me back the same 13℅ shares of Amaxi back to me because of Julie's cafe." Samantha replied and Xavier Sighed.

"Julie will give you more than 1 time what Amaxi 13℅ shares giving you now, Right?" Samantha asked with a dangerous tone and Xavier didn't speak anything and Noah, Alexi smiled sheepishly.

"But unfortunately, Julie's cafe and Resort are separated now. Without Julie's Cafe, the new resort is compared to 3℅ of the shares that you own in Amaxi and the interesting news is, I already made Julie's cafe on my name permanently." Samantha said making Xavier eyes wide again.

"What?" Xavier asked.

"Yes. If you want, you can check the last file." Samantha said with a Smirk.

Xavier took the last file from the coffee table and checked it.

"How? When... When did you do this? I remember... I remember I didn't sign any of these documents?" Xavier asked and Samantha chuckled and answered.

"I didn't become the owner of the famous and popular Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels and Resorts just like that, Xavier. I have my tricks to play on people, who are wrong!" Samantha said and Johnson had a proud smile on his face.

"Samantha." Xavier said.

"Okay, For your satisfaction I will tell you." Samantha replied and said.

"Yesterday, you were here. The manager gave you some files to sign and he said they are work files when you asked him, Right?" Samantha asked and Xavier nodded his head in Yes.

"Like every time you don't check the work files and kept your signatures in every file the manager gave to you and with purpose, I intentionally kept the documents in those files." Samantha replied making Xavier's eyes widened again.

"You... You are not the innocent Samantha I know." Xavier said and Samantha chuckled.

"Xavier, The innocent Samantha you know was dead five years ago and you know, she will not ever come back again and let her guards down." Samantha replied and Xavier sighed.

"You think, I'm a fool to not recognize you and your intentions. You think, I'm a fool to accept whatever you do and ask for?" Samantha asked sternly.

"What do you think about me, Xavier? Tell me?" Samantha asked.

"Sorry." Xavier replied.

"Sorry?" Samantha asked and Xavier looked down.

"Your sorry will not change anything, Xavier. I have this sorry from you many times. But still, you say sorry." Samantha said.

"I am really sorry this time." Xavier replied and Samantha chuckled.

"Fine! But, from next time don't try to pull these tricks in front of me. Can't now you know who is more powerful here!" Samantha said with a dangerous tone and Xavier nodded his head and got up from the couch and was about to take a step to go out but Samantha's voice stopped him in midway.

"Xavier, I am leaving you every time because you helped me when I needed the help most and once upon a time you told me to be aware of someone but I didn't listen to you and to which I regret it now but again you helped me to stand on myself for that, thank you." Samantha said and got up from the couch and walked towards him.

"You know, how much you mean to me. Don't think, I'm leaving you every time just because of this reason." Samantha replied.

"You are a good person but becoming a bad person. I don't know, what changing you? Maybe some person or something. I don't know, but I am just letting you know that whatever it is. Share it with me. Maybe I can help you in this." Samantha said.

"You were there with me when I needed you and I am promising you that I will be with you whenever you need me. I know, you can't and will not share it with me but just try to share it with me. Please." Samantha replied with a cracked voice and Johnson frowned.

"But, from next time I am not going to tolerate your Shitty behavior." Samantha said Xavier took a deep breath and nodded his head. Samantha smiled and clings on to Xavier's arm.

"I'm sorry." Samantha said with her cute puppy eyes and Xavier smiled with his teary eyes and ruffled Samantha's hair.

"Hey, don't do that. I'm not a kid anymore." Samantha said with a smile and Xavier wiped the tears which formed on the corner of his eyes.

"Come, I will introduce you to someone." Samantha said and took Xavier bear Johnson.

"Meet my Fiance Johnson Davis." Samantha said and left Xavier's arm and grabbed Johnson's hand and intertwined their hands. Johnson looked at Samantha with a shocked and surprised face as she intertwined their hands.

Not only Johnson. Alexi and Noah looked shocked as Samantha intertwined their hands and smiled.

"I know!" Xavier replied and Samantha frowned.

"How?" Samantha asked.

"Your rings are same." Xavier answered and Samantha looked at their both rings and smiled at Johnson and that smile made Johnson's heart flutter.

"Yeah..." Samantha said with a smile.

"I hope you take care of her well." Xavier said to Johnson.

"Yeah, I will." Johnson replied as he wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist and it gives butterflies to Samantha in her stomach.

"Let's have lunch in penthouse. You can meet Anna too." Samantha said to Xavier.

"No, Sam. Not now. Maybe Next time. Say, hi to Anna from me." Xavier replied.

"Okay, I will." Samantha answered.

"I will take my leave now." Xavier said and Samantha nodded and Xavier walked out of the office and a tear falls down from Samantha's eyes but wiped it before anyone sees it but unfortunately, Johnson saw it already.

"Excuse me." Samantha said with a cracked voice and went to the restroom.

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