Billionaire's Love

Chapter 95 - Samantha's Past! (Date Part-2)

(Warning- This chapter contains mature content. If you don't like it or aren't comfortable then you can skip the part.) 

Johnson and Samantha sat on the quilt. The night with sparkling diamonds all over the velvet sky it was pleasant weather. The garden lighted with mini fire lamps and in the center, the low square table with burning candles on it. The white cushions placed on a silky cloth to make them comfortable gave a cozy look. The green pastures were wet with droplets of fog and the chill breeze caressed their skin. The weather was chilly but still, the place holds warmth.

"Hahaha... Hahaha..." Johnson laughed.

"You know, I have never ever laughed like this before." Johnson said laughing.

"I don't know that you will be this free with me." Johnson replied with a smile.

"Johnson, I need to tell you something." Samantha said seriously.

"Samantha, let's enjoy this moment for now." Johnson replied.

"Johnson, please listen to me, please. It's a serious matter which I want to tell you." Samantha said.

"Is it so serious? Can't we discuss it later?" Johnson asked.

"No, Johnson. If not now, then never. It's already late. After I tell you everything about me then decide if you still want to love me or not." Samantha said seriously.

"Don't ever think I will leave you so easily..." Samantha cut off Johnson in mid-sentence by saying...

"I got raped." Samantha said as tears fall down from her eyes and Johnson eyes widened in shock.

"What?" Johnson shouted with his eyes wide.

"Yes. My own boyfriend raped me." Samantha said with tears.

7 year's ago... (Mature content ahead)

The street was quiet and derelict. Samantha walked towards the mess of a house and knocked on a door. The sound tintinnabulated for what seemed forever. But, finally, a man opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of pants with a smile.

"Hey, baby." Leo said as he opened the door.

"Leo, tell me why did you call me here? It's so a scary street. I already told you that we are over but still, why did you call me here?" Samantha asked.

"First, come inside." Leo said making Samantha frowned.

"Don't you trust me?" Leo asked and Samantha sighed and nodded.

"Then, come inside." Leo said and Samantha nodded and walked inside.

"Now, tell me." Samantha said.

"Baby, don't be angry, please. Don't listen to people. I will look after you so well. Please give me another chance." Leo said as he wrapped his arms around Samantha.

"Just leave me." Samantha shouted as she removed his arms from her.

"Are you insane? You work for the mafia, illegal work. How do you expect me to love you?" Samantha asked as tears started flowing down from her eyes.

"Leave that work for me. I will love you." Samantha said with tears.

"It's not gonna happen." Leo said.

"Then, this will not gonna happen too." Samantha replied back.

"But, I want you in my life. I'm not going to leave you." Leo said grabbing her hand.

"Leave me, Leo. Everything is over. I can't marry a person, who kills innocent souls for money. Who knows that you don't kill me for money?" Samantha asked.

"Sama..." Samantha cut off Leo in mid-sentence.

"Don't take my name from your shitty mouth and don't call me again." Samantha shouted and tried to leave the place with a heavy heart but Leo grabbed her hand.

"I'm not letting you go away from me. You are mine and I know, how to make you mine." Leo said with an angry face and Samantha frowned looking at his angry and dangerous face.

"Come, I will show you how." Leo said and took her to the bedroom forcefully.

"Leo, leave me." Samantha shouted and Leo laughed.

"You can't escape from me now." Leo said.

"Leo, you are doing wrong. Leave me." Samantha shouted.

"What did you say that I'm insane, right? Now, I will show you how insane I'm for you." Leo said as he tried to take Samantha's top and Samantha restricted but Leo slapped her hard on her face.

"You bitch." Leo said and Samantha's widened with tears.

"No, stop. Please. Don't do this." Samantha said as she cried.

Leo shook his head pushed her on to the bed and took out his belt and started beating her.

"Ahhh... N... No. Please." Samantha shouted but Leo is so angry that he couldn't stop himself.

"You bitch, I will show you who I'm now." Leo said as he grabbed her hair in his hands and punched her in the face, pushed her to the floor and got on top of her.

Samantha tried to scratch Leo to get him off of her but he again slapped her hard on her face and ripped off her top, jeans, and bra. 

"N... No... Do... Don't do this." Samantha stuttered with tears and pains but Leo laughed.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't do this." Samantha said with a sob.

"But, I am showing you how much I love you, baby." Leo said as he touched her breast and squeeze them. He kissed from her breasts to her stomach, then he's licking and using his fingers all at once looking at Samantha. And she felt disguising and winced in pain.

Samantha is shocked to see this side of Leo. She saw a different side of Leo that she didn't know that he existed. He had never forced himself on her physically and never really seemed all that aggressive before. Leo has seemed nice for the most part and that's why Samantha fell in love with him. He is a gentleman and used to look at Samantha with a lot of Respect but this Leo is totally different from What Samantha has seen?

Leo held Samantha's chin and he forcefully kissed her. 

Suddenly, Samantha felt his hands go through her panty and tore it and Samantha again winced in pain and felt disgusting about herself. 

"Don't... Do this. Pl... Please." Samantha begged and he suddenly pushed his finger inside her vagina and Samantha yelled.

Leo pushed another finger inside her and started fingering her and rubbing her clit.

"St... Stop..." Samantha yelled but Leo didn't and stop.

Leo pinned her hands above her head.

"I thought to be gentle with you but you are making it hard and restricting me. Fine then, If you like rough, I will go rough on you." Leo said with an evil smile and Samantha's eyes widened and she gulped.

Leo unzipped his pants and removed his boxers and Samantha closed her eyes seeing him naked.

Leo's hands tightened around her throat and suddenly, Samantha felt a dagger piercing through her body then a warm trickle of blood comes out of her vagina. Samantha yelled loudly with the pain and she laid there crying and looking at the ceiling without any energy trying to make sense of what was happening to her while he trusted into her deeply.

Samantha is so afraid to even utter 'No or Stop' as no energy left in her to say anything but even if she says, that rendered her silent in disbelief by slapping her or punching her.

"Oh, so you were a virgin unless like your sister, baby." Leo remarked with an evil smile as he trusted inside her. Samantha felt angry as she heard of her Sister from his mouth.

"I know, you are feeling good. Come on now, enjoy this." Leo said as he held her chin and kissed her forcefully.

"You lost me, Leo. You lost me." Samantha said and Leo looked at her with anger and pushed himself deep inside her making Samantha scream with pain.

"Tell that again and I will fuck you until you can't walk for a week." Leo said with a dangerous voice as he squeezes her breast making Samantha yell in more pain.

Samantha felt too guilty to defend herself. At that time, she thought she deserved to be punished. Because lastly, she loved this guy. He had promised her, he will be with her and will not ever hurt her but she got betrayed by this guy. He ruined everything between them. He broke her trust. He was her first love but he stole her virginity with force and fear. He is her boyfriend but and Samantha doesn't know that even she should consider this as rape? How will she tells people that her own boyfriend raped her? Her first love raper her? Frankly, she doesn't want anyone to know about this. She is covered with bruises and pain. She doesn't know how to answer to her parents and her parents can't take this. She thought, she should be strong to take this all inside her. Who wants to thinks that they are being sexually and emotionally abused in their first relationship? Who was to think that their first boyfriend raped them? But, seeing Leo enjoying his pleasure by trusting inside Samantha and took her virginity away from her. At that time, Samantha came to hate him. She hates his smile, his laugh, his attitude, everything but still, she felt something in her heart for him.

If she had a dagger, she would have gladly lodged it in his heart for breaking her's into a million pieces.

Samantha convinced herself that this is all her fault and she needed to accept this and his pleasure killed something inside of that 18-years-old-girl-forever. She will not be the same girl again and she is heartbroken and She blames herself for trusting someone with her life... 

Her First love raped her, just in a way that was harder to prosecute, a way that was less believable for her...

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