Chapter 102: Demon Cult

“Name: Tianwa Demon Religious Monument.

Efficacy: Lijiao Innate Lingbao.

Attribute: Chaos.

Overview: Lijiao Magic Treasures is the foundation of a sect, which can condense the luck. If Magic Treasures are broken, the sect does not exist. Magic Treasures lasts forever to suppress luck. ”

The Tianwa Demon Church monument in Nuwa’s hand was placed in front of Ye Yun, and she herself was standing on Ye Yun’s left.

Hong Huang respects the left, Nuwa is Sage, and naturally stands in the first place, but this Ye Yun is on the right of Nuwa, the second noble person among several strong men, which makes the strong men very puzzled. .

Nuwa said loudly, “I feel Heavenly Dao’s wish. I hereby come to Zhoushan to establish a sect to save all living beings. This is the Tianwa Demon Stele. Those who wish to join me can bow and salute the Tianwa Demon Stele. ”

Sage wants to start a religion? The powerhouses on the top of the mountain looked at each other.

In fact, they no longer have to think about how to make a choice, because their leader is already standing next to Nuwa. It’s no wonder that Nuwa Sage has turned into shape, and they can’t do it if they don’t turn into shape!

Nuwa has just become holy, and now he has started a sect. Although a group of strong men was puzzled, they still honestly stepped forward and bowed to the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument.

One after another strong men saluted the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument, and the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument was constantly shining with light.

Tai Yi’s expression was very excited. He couldn’t help but glance at Ye Yun next to him. He was surprised to find that Ye Yun’s face was extremely indifferent.

At this moment, above Ye Yun’s head, a title flashed. Taiyi couldn’t see this title, but a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, Ye Yun, the father of the human race.

Too froze for a moment. Isn’t the creation of human beings the great merit of Nuwa Sage to prove sanctification? Why are you still in contact with Ye Yun Ancestor Witch?

Suddenly, Ye Yun’s image in Tai Yi’s heart began to become blurred. The more he came into contact with Ye Yun, the more Tai Yi discovered Ye Yun’s secrets.

Just yesterday, Taiyi, who was on the top of Buzhou Mountain, suddenly received news from Ye Yun, saying that the plan was started, so he called the strong men non-stop and waited for Ye Yun on the top of Buzhou Mountain as agreed.

But Tai Yi did not expect that Ye Yun not only brought Kong Xuanzi back, but also Nuwa.

The original plan was that he brought a group of powerful people to join the demon cult, and then set up the demon clan in the name of the demon cult. The next step was to directly establish the demon clan Heaven Court.

Now that Sage Nuwa cannot come to Zhoushan himself, it saves a lot of effort.

At this time, the light of the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument became brighter, and even the beast who bowed and saluted could clearly feel the hot temperature from the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument.

Ye Yun gently pushed Taiyi’s back. Taiyi knew that the time had come. He immediately took a step forward, walked to the Tianwa Demon Church monument, and bowed his head in salute.

At this moment, the light on the Tianwa Demon Religious Monument was brilliant, and for a while, the eyes of the creatures around Buzhou Mountain were white, and they didn’t know which one was the sun.


Nether blood sea.

As the most filthy place in the primordial world, the Nether Blood Sea at this time was calm and weird, and the color of the Nether Blood Sea had also faded a lot.

At this time, the two figures were fighting each other over the sea of ​​Nether Blood.

Every shot of the two is earth-shattering, and various laws emerge.

These two figures are the ancestors of Styx and Zhenyuanzi, they have been fighting for three days and three nights.

Although the Nether Blood Sea is the territory of the ancestors of the Styx River, the ancestors of the Styx River did not get the slightest advantage in Zhen Yuanzi’s hands.

Ancestor Styx felt the Spiritual Qi around the Nether Blood Sea, and couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

Zhen Yuanzi is really Damn it, he actually used such a despicable trick!

Now the Spiritual Qi of Netherworld Blood Sea is three times as rich as it was three days ago! If it is elsewhere, the richness of Spiritual Qi is a great thing, but the ghost blood sea does not need Spiritual Qi at all!

Zhen Yuanzi’s behavior is like running into someone’s house to fight, and he tossed the foundation easily. This kind of behavior, even the self-proclaimed ancestor of Styx, has never done it.

The ancestor of the Styx pressed down the blood flowing in his body, and he yelled again, “Jin Yuanzi, I have said that the red cloud fellow daoist’s nine-nine soul Calabash is not in my hands, why don’t you listen?”

Zhen Yuanzi used his magical powers to once again blow away the karma from the sea of ​​blood, preventing it from contaminating himself. He said to the ancestor of the Styx, “Styx fellow daoist, I also want to understand in three days. Maybe Calabash is really not here, but I think it’s very interesting to learn from the Styx fellow daoist. So I can’t help but fight with you till now, no wonder no wonder.”

No wonder? After hearing Zhen Yuanzi’s words, the ancestor of Styx almost brought the sword in his hand to die with Zhen Yuanzi.

“My ghosts and ghosts that have been ruined by you are less than half. Don’t blame you to say to me. Believe it or not, I will also bring people to your dojo in the future, and then give you a toss like this?” The roots of the teeth are itchy.

Zhen Yuanzi laughed awkwardly, but his face was still extremely calm.

He said: “Fellow Daoist Styx, I apologize, shall I give you a chance?”

Ancestor Styx frowned, “What chance? Zhen Yuanzi, don’t play any tricks.”

Zhen Yuanzi stroked his beard, “During the battle between you and me, Nuwa fellow daoist proclaimed and sanctified. She must have done a lot of merit, so why not imitate Nuwa fellow daoist, oh no, it’s Nuwa Sage and create a brand new one. What about the race?”

Styx was stunned for a moment. He immediately looked at Zhen Yuanzi on alert, “Zhen Yuanzi, what do you mean?”

Zhen Yuanzi said: “It’s very simple. I will help you create a new race. You will help me find the soul of the fellow daoist of Hongyun and the traces of Nine Heavens Kunpeng.”

“On these conditions?” Old Ancestor Styx was suspicious.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, “On these conditions.”

Styx Road: “But if the Red Cloud fellow daoist is in Calabash, I can’t detect it.”

Zhen Yuanzi was about to answer, and the two of them suddenly felt something in their hearts and looked in the direction of Bu Zhou Shan together.

Zhen Yuanzi immediately smiled bitterly, “As expected of a great opportunity, he actually added another piece of merit.”

The great merits of all Innate strong people will feel in their hearts. After the completion of the Nuwa creation last time, the strong people among the predecessors immediately knew it. This time Nuwa established a teaching, everyone felt immediately.

Zhen Yuanzi raised his head and said, “Stay fellow daoist, it seems that you can also start a religion after the creation of the spirit.”

The ancestor Styx turned and looked at the countless ghosts in the sea of ​​blood, he muttered to himself, “Will you start a religion?”

Only he himself knew that there were remnants of Demon Cult in the Nether Blood Sea. Compared to creating spirits, it seemed that the latter was easier for him.

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