Chapter 105: Knowledge is Power

Taiyi and Dijun are the three-legged Golden Crow bred by the spirit of the sun, possessing the origin of the sun, and also representing the purest and powerful fire power in the prehistoric world.

The two left Bu Zhoushan this time to integrate the predecessors and the demon clan, and prepare for the establishment of Heaven Court in the future.

At first, Tai and Dijun thought that they would encounter many difficulties when going down the mountain, but the actual situation is that many fierce beasts knelt to the ground as soon as they saw their brothers, crying bitterly and begged Taiyi and Dijun to allow them. The ethnic group became a member of the Yao ethnic group.

This embarrassed the two three-legged Golden Crows who were eager to fight a battle. Walking along the way, there was no resistance at all. According to Ye Yun’s ancestor, there was no sense of accomplishment at all!

In fact, they don’t know it is, the great races have been waiting for this day.

Sage Hongjun has taught in the Purple Heaven Palace for a hundred years. There are countless ferocious beasts in the prehistoric world, and many powerful beasts have emerged.

But after all, their blood is not strong enough, and no one clan can suppress the Eight Wastes and establish ruling power.

After the dragon and phoenix Qilin tribes fell, no tribe could be called absolutely powerful, and even the most powerful witch tribe was shrunk in the middle of the prehistoric, not going to the prehistoric four extremes to subdue the tribe.

Nowadays, Sage Nuwa has established a religion, regardless of strength, all races can join.

This excites all the powerful people who have never had the chance to go to the Zixiao Palace to attend classes. This is Sage!

The first in the world Sage Daozu Hongjun has several personal disciples, 36 named disciples, and thousands of Innate powerhouses who accept his preaching.

However, there are more than hundreds of millions of creatures in the prehistoric races. As long as the more powerful race has nearly a thousand people, these powerful races can only develop on their own, without other inheritance.

Now, Sage Nuwa has established a religion. As long as he joins the demon cult, he belongs to Sage Nuwa’s disciple. The great and wild people have long been excited by Nai.

Taiyi and Dijun were recognized by the Tianwa Demon Cult Stele, and their status was equivalent to that of the deputy leader. The demon clan they established was naturally supported by the predecessors.

The power of the Taiyi group is as unstoppable as the Great Snow Avalanche Mountain. In just three months, the name of the prehistoric race has been replaced by the monster race.

It’s just that there are often accidents. At this time, it is the turn of the top powerhouse of the monster race to take action.

Before Taiyi set off, Ye Yun gave Taiyi and Dijun a sentence, “What you have to do is to prevent the entire prehistoric world from opposing us.”

Let the entire prehistoric demon race, if there are voices of opposition, it is very simple, then find a way to make those voices disappear.

The most direct way is naturally to let these vocal groups disappear. Tai Yi thinks so, and he does it too.

However, there are some hardships, but even Taiyi and Dijun have to have a headache and embarrassment.

For example, the Ashura clan in the Nether Blood Sea.

Listening to the information sent by Ji Meng, he was too calm for a moment. He asked Ji Meng, “The Ashura family? When did the prehistoric have such a race?”

Ji Meng replied: “Return to the great man. The Ashura clan has just appeared two months ago. It is a new race evolved from the god-tier ancestors of the Styx. Our monsters’ Tier 4 fierce beasts have no contact with them. The slightest progress has been achieved, but many fierce beasts have been injured. And depending on the situation, they stopped in time, otherwise the troops will end up worse.”

Taiyi immediately stood up and said, “Take me to see the wounded.”

Ji Meng nodded, then led the way.

As he walked, he continued to present information to Tai Yi, “Tai Da, I heard that the ancestor of Styx also established a sect called Killing.”

As soon as Ji Meng’s voice fell, Di Jun, who had been silent behind Tai Yi, suddenly exploded with an astonishing aura.

“Spirit creation, teaching, this Styx Fellow Daoist is really not a small picture! Taiyi, I will go there personally, and you stay here.” Di Jun turned into a real body, with a long cry, and flew directly to Netherblood. Ocean.

When Tai saw Di Jun escaped far away, he had no scruples about being here, and yelled, “Di Jun, you are too much, you have to grab the chance to show off after all!”

Ji Meng, who was already in a state of transformation, turned his head quickly, and didn’t know what to do.


Ye Yun is very salty now. Nearly three months have passed since the day when Nuwa established a school. During these three months, Ye Yun was basically a three-point line.

Wu Clan, Buzhou Mountain, and Qishan.

Taiyi and Emperor Jun are now in charge of the monster clan. In order to avoid causing Hongjun to take a direct shot, Ye Yun is not suitable for doing any major things, so he retreats behind the scenes.

For three months, Ye Yun probably knew about the general trend of the world. Kong Xuan often acted as a messenger, sending frontline news to Qishan.

Although Ye Yun has not joined the Demon Cult and the Demon Race, he is actually the leader of the Demon Race, at the same level as Taiyi and Emperor Jun.

Of course, Ye Yun negotiated with Tai Yi in this way at the beginning, even though he had beaten too many times, Ye Yun didn’t know if Tai Yi would have any thoughts afterwards.

With this kind of identity, Ye Yun is justified in going in and out of Qishan.

However, on the surface, Ye Yun went to Qishan to teach the human race.

As the only existence in this primordial world whose inner soul is “human”, no one else has a better understanding of the human race than Ye Yun.

At the foot of Qishan Mountain, Ye Yun was standing in front of a large stone monument, giving lessons to the human race.

Of course, his class is mixed with a lot of his own private goods, such as some modern concepts, and modern models.

All of the Terran Qualifications and above have come to Ye Yun to attend classes. There are 97 people in total. They are also the hope of Terran’s rise in the prehistoric world.

Ye Yun held the branches full of these human thighs in his hand, and kept lighting the black stone stele behind him.

There are many yellow symbols on the stele.

Ye Yun’s tone is a bit bad now. He said to these human races: “How can you guys be so stupid? It’s been the third month now, and I still can’t recognize these words.”

As soon as he finished his words, someone immediately raised his hand, “Question, Father God, why do we have to learn these words? Isn’t there words in the demon religion of Mother God?”

Ye Yun said angrily: “You kid, would I pit you? Don’t talk nonsense, or learn Chinese, or go with me to cultivate.”

As soon as cultivation was mentioned, the human race who asked the question had a picture of him running for three thousand miles a day, and he immediately sat down angrily.

This celebrity was named Fufeng, and he was the one with the best aptitude among the thirteen Celestial Clan, and it was also the one that caused Ye Yun the most headache.

Seeing Fufeng deflated, other human races hurriedly answered Ye Yun, “Father God, we learn! Knowledge is power, we love learning very much!”

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