Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five

For Ye Yun so hastily decided his own destiny. After thinking about it, Hong Yun didn’t refuse in the end. Naturally, Hou Tu did not refuse Ye Yun’s proposal.

In this way, Hades has not yet opened, and the first employee is already in place.

After the matter was confirmed, Ye Yun pulled Hong Yun aside. He said to Hong Yun: “Hongyun fellow daoist, this time the Houtu witch incarnation of Samsara is planned by Zhen Yuanzi behind it. During your tenure, you must pay more attention to it.”

Ye Yun still has the qualifications to appoint a Pluto, but the task has not yet been settled, so Hong Yun is only a “temporary worker” now.

Hearing Ye Yun’s words, Hong Yun was surprised: “Why did Zhen Yuanzi get together with Ancestor Styx?”

Ye Yun shrugged, “I don’t know that.”

While talking, Ye Yun opened the space door of Sumeru Minor World again, and then threw something in.

Hong Yun frowned. He felt a familiar breath just now. He couldn’t help asking Ye Yun: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, is it Jin Yuanzi’s thing you threw into Minor World just now?”

As a good old man in the prehistoric world, Hongyun has many friends in the prehistoric world, but in terms of relationship, he and Zhen Yuanzi are friends of life and death, so he is particularly sensitive to the relationship between Zhen Yuanzi.

Ye Yun replied affirmatively: “No.”

At this moment, Hou Tu in the distance shouted to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, let’s return the book to the ancestor Styx when we run out? Now Nuwa Sage and the ancestor Styx are already standing in The Netherworld. The entrance is now, and they seem to be coming in.”

Ye Yun didn’t answer Houtu. He completely pretended not to hear and was joking. The thing in his hand is his, there is no reason to go back.

Hong Yun looked at Ye Yun silently, and he asked Ye Yun again: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, the one you threw into Sumeru Minor World just now is a book from the ground, right?”

Ye Yun shook his head firmly again, “No.”

After saying that, Ye Yun glanced around, and then said: “Oh, it’s late, I should pick up Nuwa Sage and the others to come in and take a look. Hongyun, please work hard, I’m leaving now.”

Hongyun: “…”

Yaozu camp.

A group of strong men stood at the entrance of The Netherworld, and they all wanted to go in, but because Nuwa was standing at the entrance and was unable to go in, they did not dare to go in. A group of people had to stare at the entrance.

The huge Nether Blood Sea just disappeared out of thin air, and it was not gone. It was this space that disappeared directly, and there was no change in the environment around the Nether Blood Sea.

If it hadn’t been known that this was the Houtu ancestor witch transforming Samsara, maybe the army of the monster race would have been scared to explode.

That’s the case, the current monster clan army is also frantically discussing the disappearance of the ghost blood sea.

Nuwa stood at the entrance, eyes closed, as if thinking about it.

The ancestor Styx couldn’t wait for Nuwa to open his eyes for a long time, and his heart was extremely impatient.

Own’s house is gone, now the entrance is right in front of him, he should go in and take a look at anything!

The ancestor of Styx hesitated again and again, and finally spoke. He said to Nuwa, “Nuwa Sage, I…”

Before he could finish his words, Nuwa’s eyes suddenly opened, and a hundred meters of red light shot out of it, which directly penetrated the door of space, shocking the monster army.

Nuwa said lightly, “Here.”

The ancestor of Styx looked dumbfounded. What does this mean? As Sage, you can’t say a few more words. Can you explain it clearly?

Just as the ancestor Styx was in distress, the space gate was turbulent, and then a figure walked out of it.

“Everyone, it’s been a long time!” The figure that came out greeted the powerful enthusiastically.

Old Ancestor Styx stared at this figure, feeling extremely painful in his heart. He couldn’t help but directly said: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, what’s going on inside, can we go in?”

Ye Yun pondered for a while, and then nodded. He said, “It is reasonable to say that you can go in, but The Netherworld has just become such a great thing. Do you want to go in empty-handed? Gifts are a basic virtue. .”

The ancestor Styx was about to vomit blood after listening, “This sea of ​​blood is one with me, I’m just going home, what gift to give!”

Nuwa interrupted the conversation between Ye Yun and the ancestor of the river. She said to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun ancestor witch, now The Netherworld is complete, please take us into The Netherworld.”

She simply ignored Ye Yun’s nonsensical gift-giving sentence just now.

Ye Yun nodded, and then said to everyone, “Since Sage has spoken, please enter the Hades.”

After saying that, Ye Yun waved his hand behind him, and the mirror-like space door immediately opened up, turning into a larger space door that was not blocked.

Through this space door, one can clearly see the inside of the Nether Blood Sea, as well as the Hades in the depths of the Nether Blood Sea.

Yuanshi Tianzun narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

This Ye Yun ancestor witch participated in the post-soil transformation of Samsara, he can still control the space gate of The Netherworld? At this time, it means that Ye Yun Ancestral Witch also has control of the Hades?

No one explained the confusion for Yuanshi Tianzun. After the space door of The Netherworld opened, Nuwa took a deep look at Ye Yun, and then walked straight to the space door, and the other strong people hurriedly followed.

However, it can be seen that the ancestor of Styx is not very happy for others to visit own’s house.

A crowd of powerful people entered in file, but Ye Yun, who opened the space door, did not enter The Netherworld for a long time.

Taiyi, who finally entered The Netherworld, asked Ye Yun curiously, “Ye Yun Ancestral Witch, why don’t you go in?”

Ye Yun pushed too quickly, “You go in and help me deal with them, I still have things to do now.”

As soon as Tai Yi stepped into The Netherworld with his front foot, the door of The Netherworld with his back foot was closed, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Couldn’t it be Ye Yun’s ancestor witch who caused some trouble again? God! Why is my life so bitter!

In the monster camp, Di Jun stayed in place. He saw Ye Yun close the door of the space with his own eyes, then clapped his hands with ease on his face, and finally blew his whistle.

Whistling Ye Yun turned around and saw that Di Jun was still there.

He asked: “Dijun, haven’t you entered yet? Excuse me, do you want me to open the door for you?”

Di Jun hurriedly waved his hand, “No way, I have to guard the camp, it is not suitable to leave.”

Ye Yun nodded, “I see, since you won’t go in, then I will go to rest.”

Di Jun asked curiously: “Well, Ye Yun, Ancestor Witch, didn’t Nuwa Sage want you to lead the way?”

Ye Yun waved his hand directly, “Just leave her alone, I’m not free.”

Emperor Jun: “…”

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