Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four

On that day, the gate of The Netherworld opened wide, and countless souls poured into The Netherworld to seek rebirth.

On the same day, Sage Hongjun promulgated the Heavenly Dao decree to open up the heavens and complete the cycle of heaven and earth. He set up the Heaven Court to manage the prehistoric times. He appointed the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen as the Heavenly Emperor, and established hundreds of thousands of male fairies and fairies. He also ordered the Emperor Hou Tu to appoint five thousand six hundred Ming officials to be responsible for Six Paths of Reincarnation.

This is the beginning of the cycle of life and death.

As soon as this news came out, the entire land was shaken.

There are Heavenly Emperors. In less than a month, two Minor Worlds were opened one after another. Could it be that the primordial land is about to change?

The one that has been most affected is none other than Tai One.

He immediately left the army after the army returned to Buzhou Mountain, allowing Nine Heavens Kunpeng to take him back to Buzhou Mountain.

Ye Yun had arranged for him and the Wu Clan for so long, but now he was directly placed one by his teacher, and the anger in Tai Yi’s heart can be imagined.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the demon clan Heaven Court was jointly planned by him and Ye Yun, maybe Taiyi had already rushed to the Purple Cloud Palace to discuss with Hongjun.

However, Taiyi who returned to Buzhou Mountain did not find Ye Yun. After asking around, the Eleventh Ancestor Witch of the Witch Clan didn’t know where Ye Yun was.

Ye Yun disappeared at this juncture!

In the Hades, Hou Tu closed her residence in accordance with the agreement with Ye Yun, and Ye Yun opened the door of Sumeru Minor World in Hou Tu’s residence and stepped into it.

Today, Ye Yun is full of merit, and he wants to be promoted to the ancestor witch!

As Ye Yun sank into Sumeru Minor World, the gate of Sumeru Minor World was also closed.

In the underworld, the ghost is reincarnating, but Ye Yun, who is also in the underworld, is advancing.

In Sumeru Minor World, apart from the blue sky, white clouds and Spiritual herbs everywhere, only the original Parasol Tree branches are left to accompany Ye Yun.

A little golden light emerged from nowhere, and all flew towards Ye Yun. There were more and more light spots, and they gradually formed a cocoon to wrap Ye Yun around.

If other Innate powerhouses came to Sumeru Minor World at this time, he would definitely go crazy with jealousy after seeing this light cocoon.

Because this light cocoon is actually made up of merit!

A full 300,000 worth of merit was turned into a light spot, and then a light cocoon was formed, providing Ye Yun with Pangu blood in the light cocoon.

Although Ye Yun’s merit value has been used up by him once, his merit value starts ascending from 0 a little bit.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded.

“Ding, the task is completed with the help of Samsara, the incarnation of the earth, and the task reward is being settled.”

“Ding, reward the host The Netherworld…”

Although the system is clearing, Ye Yun can’t hear him now, because he is already immersed in the state of promotion.

Although Pangu qi and blood existed in his body before, those Pangu qi and blood seemed to be as small as a stream flowing in the woods.

But at this time, the creek in his body no longer relied on the insignificant rain for replenishment, but suddenly there were many springs in the woods, and Ye Yun began to make Pangu Qi and blood by himself.

In other words, Ye Yun is turning into Pangu!

The Hongmeng Purple Qi escaped at the same time as the Hongmeng Death Qi, and accompanied the Pangu Qi and blood in Ye Yun’s body to roam inside Ye Yun’s body.

The light cocoon in Sumeru Minor World began to beat like a heart. At this time, Ye Yun was like the heart of Pangu that was enshrined by the ancestors in the Witch Temple before, full of vitality.

Ye Yun’s consciousness gradually blurred, and finally fell into a deep sleep.


Where is it here?

Ye Yun opened his eyes and found that he had actually come into a pure white space. He looked around, only to find that the space was boundless, he couldn’t see his head at all, and he didn’t know where the space was.

Am I being promoted? Why did you come here suddenly? It’s really strange.

Ye Yun thought so in her heart, and started to wander in this space.

As a traversing player, Ye Yun had never encountered such a situation in his last life. How could he suddenly ran to an inexplicable place when he upgraded.

After a lap, Ye Yun still had nothing to gain, so he wanted to call the system to inquire.

“System, where am I now?” Ye Yun asked in his heart.

Quiet, deadly quiet.

The system did not respond to Ye Yun. Ye Yun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He asked the system again in his heart, “System, are you there? Just reply.”

There was another weird silence, and no voice answered Ye Yun.

Ye Yun began to feel uneasy, he clenched his fists hard, and did not feel the strong sense of strength in his body.

He meows, he won’t be a novice player anymore!

Ye Yun tried to use skills again, but the result was not any different, and he couldn’t use any skills.

Name, Ye Yun, gender, male, strength, Innate Witch, oh no, whiteboard player.

The Liushen installed player suddenly became a little rookie and lost the plug-in. How to break this situation, wait online, it is very anxious.

“Don’t let me know who did it, or I will blow your dog’s head!” Ye Yun said angrily.

As soon as his voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Ye Yun out of thin air.

Ye Yun was silent for a while, and even wanted to cry a little.

In front of him was the first Sage in the world, Dao Zu Hongjun.

Every Sage is an existence beyond the prehistoric world, with the effect that no one in the world knows the king, even if Ye Yun has not been in contact with Hongjun directly, he can recognize Hongjun.

Saying Cao Cao arrived, Ye Yun was swearing, and the Lord appeared.

“Excuse me, I’m just passing by.” After Ye Yun said to Hongjun, he turned and left.

But he imagined that the situation where Hongjun shot him did not appear. Ye Yun couldn’t help but glanced at Hongjun, only to find that Hongjun was not looking at him, but looking straight at a certain place.

Ye Yun followed Hongjun’s gaze and was stunned.

He could only see that the originally pure white space in the distance suddenly began to change, and then a canyon appeared.

There are mountains, waters, woods, and people in the canyon!

Although Ye Yun is separated from the group of people, he can hear the group of people talking.

“The immersion of this game is still quite real.”

“Haha, I have wanted to experience the wild world for a long time. Now that I am here, I must soak in Nuwa.”

“Hey, brother, do you think that the one on the left is a fool? Nuwa is such a big name. It must be a high-level NPC or a big boss. How can he be a fan?”

After hearing what these people said, Ye Yun was startled.

This is the beginning of other players coming in?

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