Chapter 148 The Coast of the East China Sea

Nine Heavens Kunpeng used to go to the four seas during the dragon-han tribulation, catching dragons everywhere, and staying in the four seas without persuading the ancestor dragon at all.

Now that Zulong is not there, there is nothing to stop Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

The shrimp soldiers and crabs immediately ran to report the news to Dragon King. When Donghai Dragon King Ao Guang heard that Nine Heavens Kunpeng was coming, he fell in fright.

He hurriedly supported the Own Flat Heaven Crown, and then flew out of Own Palace, preparing to personally receive Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Ao Guangfei went out to the sea, but found that there was no shadow of Nine Heavens Kunpeng at all.

He scanned the surroundings suspiciously, but found nothing.

“Could it be that Nine Heavens Kunpeng has transformed? If that’s the case, it’s hard to find! No, I must find him, otherwise, what if he uses this to attack him then?”

Ever since, Ao Guang turned into a real body and became an Azure Dragon.

Among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, the full name of Donghai Dragon King is Donghai Guangdewang, which is Azure Dragon, which has the ability to control water. The Nanhai is Chilong, who controls fire, and his full name is the King of Nanhai Guangli and Aoqin. Xihai Dragon King is Ao Run, whose full name is Xihai Guangshun King, is a black dragon and controls the wind. The Beihai Dragon King is the King of Beihai Guangze, a white dragon, who controls the snow.

After a certain distance, Ao Guangfei returned to the Dragon Palace. He said to own subordinates: “Hurry up and beat the drums and bells, and call the other Dragon King Donghai.”

His men did not dare to delay, and immediately went to beat the drum and the bell.

There is a big drum song and a golden bell in the East China Sea. As long as there is an emergency, beat the drum and the bell, and other Dragon Kings will immediately come to the East China Sea when they hear the drums and bells.

Ao Guang said to another subordinate: “Wait for the other Dragon Kings to come to the Dragon Palace, you ask them to come to the sea to find me.”

His men nodded, “Yes!”

Ao Guang did not delay any longer, and flew out of the Dragon Palace again.


On the coast of the East China Sea, there are two figures walking in between.

These four seas are the land of the dragon race. Although fertile, most of the creatures are incompatible with water. Therefore, the land of the four seas has never been occupied by creatures.

But the four seas are vast and vast, and they have been run by the dragon for many years, and it is impossible for other aquariums to defeat the dragon in the four seas.

Ever since, these four seas have become a place of tranquility that is rare in the prehistoric world.

To be precise, it is almost perfect novice village.

Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng didn’t spend much time finding the human races gathered on the East Sea. At first, those human races couldn’t believe it when they saw Ye Yun, but after confirming, they became ecstatic.

“Father God!”

“Father God!”

“Father God, you have come to us!”

A group of human races put aside what they were holding, surrounded Ye Yun, chatting, and seemed very happy.

How strong the father is, the greater the pressure on the next generation.

When the human race left Qishan, their strength was not as good as the average monster race. Compared with the sanctified Nuwa and the “first ancestral witch between heaven and earth” Ye Yun, their strength was even smaller than that of the ants.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng stood aside and did not disturb Ye Yun’s reunion with the human race.

The place where the human race now lives is already like a village of later generations. When Ye Yun taught the human race, he deliberately taught a lot of seemingly “useless” skills, such as life skills such as construction, writing, and cooking.

But it was these useless skills that allowed the race to settle down in this wild world.

Qing Yang, the current leader of the Human Race, quickly rushed over. When he saw Ye Yun, he thumped and knelt down to Ye Yun, frightening Ye Yun.

Qing Yang cried bitterly and said, “Qing Yang has lived up to God’s Father’s expectations and failed to grow the human race. He also asked God Father to punish him.”

Ye Yun: “…”

Well, Qing Yang is a good boy, but it is a bit embarrassing to say this between these two big men.

He quickly helped Qingyang up and said, “Qingyang, it’s too early to say this, we still have a lot of time.”

Qing Yang nodded, and he said to Ye Yun: “Father, come into the village quickly.”

After that, Qing Yang made an invitation gesture.

Ye Yun winked at Nine Heavens Kunpeng in the distance, and then Nine Heavens Kunpeng followed.

Qing Yang looked at Nine Heavens Kunpeng and asked, “Father God, who is this?”

Ye Yun: “He, he is Kong Xuan’s Big Brother, and Kong Xuan is the peacock.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng, who originally thought that Ye Yun’s trip was completely irrelevant to him, suddenly found that the eyes of all people were focused on him.

Even he could hear all kinds of murmurs of the human race.

“It is Nine Heavens Kunpeng who came with God Father. I heard Master Kong Xuan said that Nine Heavens Kunpeng is very bad.”

“I’ve also heard of it. What Nine Heavens Kunpeng would rather be wandering outside every day than seeing Master Kong Xuan.”

“You fools are still discussing, Master Nine Heavens Kunpeng is a quasi-sage, do you think he can’t hear you talking!”

Fortunately, the last person awakened a group of human races, or they might have to continue the discussion.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “…”

Ye Yun Ancestor Witch! What have you taught Human Race! Is my impression in their minds so bad!

As the messenger between Nuwa and Taiyi, Kong Xuan actually has a very good relationship with the human races, and Nine Heavens Kunpeng, who has not met with Kong Xuan since Kong Xuan’s birth until now, does not arrange Nine in the human race in private. Heavens Kunpeng. So this has caused the current situation.

Just when Nine Heavens Kunpeng wanted to talk to Ye Yun, a call suddenly came from the sky.

“Nine Heavens Kunpeng fellow daoist, are you down?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng raised his head and found his favorite food, the dragon, floating above the sky.

This call was made by god-tier, so Nine Heavens Kunpeng on the ground could hear it.

Ye Yun stopped. He looked at Nine Heavens Kunpeng and asked, “Do you know the dragon above?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng shook his head, “I don’t know, but it looks delicious.”

Ye Yun: “…”

Other people’s dragons also want to face, if you say that, if you are heard, it will not end well.

Knowing that the dragon in the sky came to Nine Heavens Kunpeng, Ye Yun shouted directly to the sky: “That fellow daoist in the sky, Nine Heavens Kunpeng is here.”

Ye Yun didn’t use magical powers, he just shouted in his voice.

It’s just that the surging Ye Yun’s voice is much better than the dragon’s magical powers. At least, even Nine Heavens Kunpeng, who is next to Ye Yun, was noisy covering his ears, and those human races almost bleed from their orifices.

This voice directly attracted Long’s attention, and Long immediately flew down towards Ye Yun.

When Long Fei was near, Ye Yun glanced intently. It was an Azure Dragon.

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, this Azure Dragon could not be Ao Guang, right?

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