Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

The Dragon Clan has been operating in the Four Seas for a long time. From the Ancestral Dragon Era, the Four Seas belonged to the Dragon Clan. Today, the four Dragon Kings guard the Four Seas. Although their strength is only the peak of the Golden Fairy, they cooperate with the power of the Four Seas or the four Dragon Kings form a battle together. If so, they are enough to burst out the strength of Quasi-Saint.

However, big monsters like Taiyi don’t pay attention to the dragons at all, and rely on him to add the Chaos Clock to suppress the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

But if he wants him to suppress the world alone, Tai One cannot do it.

Because the Zulong made a big wish to Heavenly Dao, the dragons will live in the whole world forever.

This also means that the Four Seas is a place protected by Heavenly Dao, there can be no major mistakes, and Heavenly Dao is willing to protect it.

Although the strength of the four Dragon Kings is low, but relying on the world, they are not worried that creatures will rush into the world.

But now, the Lord of the East China Sea is trapped in the womb mulch, looking embarrassed.

Ye Yun watched Donghai Dragon King struggling coldly. Ao Guang was a little anxious at first, but after struggling hard, he calmed down instead.

All the human races could only hear the sound of the waves in the distance suddenly becoming louder, and the sky began to gradually darken.

Dark clouds gathered over the East China Sea, and there were many faint shadows above the clouds. There was already a strong wind on the seashore, but at this time the wind suddenly became stronger, and some human races had already begun to be unable to stand up because of the strong wind.

Ao Guang turned into a real body and roared silently at Ye Yun. His body wanted to break free and soar into the sky, but he couldn’t do it.

Ye Yun asked Xiang Ao Guang, “Ao Guang, do you know you are wrong?”

Ao Guang was still not convinced. He said: “Why am I wrong? This East China Sea is originally the territory of our Dragon Clan. Any creature who arrives in the East China Sea must accept our Dragon Clan’s jurisdiction. There are no rules and no radius.”

Ye Yun said, “Since you know nothing wrong, don’t blame me for being unrighteous.”

Ao Guang was full of anger, but he wanted to see exactly what Ye Yun was going to do!

The East China Sea seems to be roaring, and is gaining momentum for Ao Guangzhuang.

Ye Yun approached Ao Guang step by step. Suddenly, he heard a few thunders in the sky, and several sounds sounded after the thunder.

“Let me go, Dage!”

“Who would dare to be presumptuous in the East China Sea!”

“Dage, here we are!”

Ye Yun glanced intently, and it turned out that there were a few more dragons flying in the sky.

These dragons are of different colors, and they have different abilities. They quickly flew above Ye Yun, staring at Ye Yun with enthusiasm, as if they wanted to do something with Ye Yun at any time.

Ao Guang saw these dragons, his eyes excited, “Second brother, third brother, fourth brother, you are here!”

Although the positions of the four dragons are different, the positions of each other vaguely form a formation, and there is an inexplicable connection between the four dragons.

In the distance, the roar of the East China Sea became stronger, and the dark clouds in the sky became more drooping.

Ye Yun glanced in the distance, and the corners of her mouth rose.

Between the surging waves of the East China Sea, he actually saw dense black shadows standing in the waves, which seemed to be the shrimp soldiers and crabs of the East China Sea.

“It seems that you are still a little capable, but it is a pity that you met me. Ye Yun who offends me, I will do everything.”

Ye Yun said, launching Tianya within a short distance, instantly got into the womb’s mulch, and came to Ao Guang.

Although he was an ancestor witch, his figure was still a little bit worse than Ao Guang’s real body.

When Ao Guang was shocked, Ye Yun’s figure suddenly swelled, and his mouth was the size of Ao Guang’s entire body.

In the sky, Ao Qin, Ao Shun and the others were roaring, “Dare Zhuzier!”

Unfortunately, when they spoke, Ye Yun had already swallowed Ao Guang into his mouth. He closed his mouth, and heard a terrifying chewing and Ao Guang’s screams.

These voices sounded incredibly penetrating, even Nine Heavens Kunpeng, who was feeding on dragons, couldn’t stand it at this time.

Ye Yun turned his head, his eyes were locked tightly on the yelling Ao Qin, and he said nothing.

But at this time, Ao Qin seemed to be scared, and he actually started to avoid Ye Yun’s gaze.

Ao Shun realized that the situation was not right, and he quickly yelled, “Let’s withdraw back to the East China Sea!”

Several dragons flew away from the place in the blink of an eye and rushed into the East China Sea.

Then the East China Sea set off a huge wave, as high as a hundred feet, covering the sky and the sun.

The wave hits the human races on the ground, it seems that Ye Yun can’t protect these human races.

Ao Run yelled frantically at this time, “You kill me Dage, the East China Sea loses shelter, Heavenly Dao is at a loss, let me replace Heavenly Dao and destroy you one by one!”

The seawater of the East China Sea is more than hundreds of millions of tons, and a huge wave of hundreds of meters is enough to wipe out all the strong under the Jinxian. If the wave reaches a thousand meters, even the Daluo Jinxian will not escape the destruction of his body.

Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng can survive this huge wave, but these human races cannot, and they cannot escape.

The Three Seas Dragon King is really going to fight Ye Yun in a deadly fight. They are already crazy.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng turned to look at Ye Yun at this time and asked, “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, do you need me to turn into a real body to resist this huge wave?”

The giant wave is advancing very fast, and the coast of the East China Sea is only about three miles away from the East China Sea. The giant wave rushes towards Ye Yun and the others with an aura of destruction.

Everything along the road was swallowed and destroyed by huge waves, and the momentum was enormous. In addition to the waves, there was also a violent gale flying in with rain and snow, the dark clouds and thunder in the sky flashed, and all the human races seemed to be at the end of the world at this time.

Under such circumstances, when Nine Heavens Kunpeng was talking to Ye Yun, Ye Yun could not hear clearly.

But Ye Yun understood the meaning of Nine Heavens Kunpeng clearly anyway, he shook his head quickly, and then pointed to his own mouth.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng was puzzled, but at this moment Ye Yun stepped straight forward, slowly stepping forward.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Ye Yun’s mind.

“Ding, Hongmeng launched in one go and succeeded in depriving Ao Guang’s inheritance and spreading clouds and rain.”

“Skills: moving clouds and rain, active skills.

Skill description: Traveling clouds and rain, Ze is covered by the common people, when it is displayed, all the world is shrouded, which can affect all water sources in the covered land. Exclusive skills for the Lord of the East Sea. ”

Cloud and rain, exclusive skills?

This time he swallowed Ao Guang, Ye Yun successfully deprived Ao Guang’s inheritance, but he glanced at the terrifying wave in front of him, shook his head and sighed.

I am afraid that this skill is far from saving the human race here!

However, as an open player, how could Ye Yun be played with by an NPC that was not even capable of Da Luo Jinxian.

“System, exchange booster card!”

Ye Yun opened the first-tier system mall and directly spent 100 million to exchange for a 100-fold multiplier card.

Cloud and rain, strengthen!

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