Chapter 152 Going to Hades to Borrow People

Little Sunflower’s mother has started class, kid…


It was Ye Yun Ancestor Witch who started teaching on the shore of the East China Sea.

Ye Yun looked at his newly acquired mountain-moving technique and wanted to try a wave.

However, there are no mountains on the coast of the East China Sea. The nearest mountains are separated by nearly a hundred miles. This technique of moving mountains is useless.

But how could this little trouble make Ye Yun stump?

Ye Yun asked Qingyang next to him, “Qingyang, I didn’t teach you magical magical powers, what magical skills have you all learned now?”

Qing Yang immediately replied to Ye Yun, “Father Bingming, we don’t have many spells. When we left Qishan, the mother god only gave us one Five Elements spell. In addition, we still Learned a few demonic Beasts’ talents and magical powers. We have less than ten spells in total.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng, who has been in the audience next to him, couldn’t help hearing this. He said directly to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun, ancestor witch, this human race is too miserable, right? How did you become a father god? ”

Ye Yun turned white and glanced at Nine Heavens Kunpeng, “The Human Race is not only the Father God, why don’t you talk about the Human Race Mother God.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng was stunned right away. He would only say that the mother god of the human race is sick when he is sick. The mother god of the human race is Sage Nuwa, who can afford it!

However, what Nine Heavens Kunpeng said is not wrong. The Human Race can be said to be a perfect start. There are 13 Human Races with Heavenly Grade Qualifications, and there are far more than 50 Human Races with Land Quality Qualifications. Besides being short, there are almost no shortcomings.

Most importantly, behind the human race are Sage Nuwa and Ye Yun of the Witch race.

But it is such a race, there is not a breakthrough twelve-level, and the entire race has less than ten kinds of spells, which is really not on the table.

At this time, a group of Terrans looked at Ye Yun eagerly. Their current hopes are almost all in Ye Yun. If Ye Yun no longer cares about Terrans, the rise of Terran will not know how long it will take.

Ye Yun scanned the surrounding area, and then said to Qing Yang, “Qing Yang, you will gather the human races who master various spells, and then choose a representative for each spell.”

Qing Yang nodded to understand.

Then Ye Yun opened the door of The Netherworld casually, and a yin air swept out from the door of space, blowing a lot of human races with chills all over the body.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng watched Ye Yun step into the door of The Netherworld. He couldn’t help but speak again, “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, aren’t you teaching the human race, why are you leaving again?”

Ye Yun said without looking back: “Please help me take care of the human race, I’ll catch a few strong men and come back.”

After all, Ye Yun got into The Netherworld and closed the gate of The Netherworld.

Wherever the gate of The Netherworld is opened, it closes wherever it is. There is no situation in which Ye Yun opens the gate of The Netherworld in Buzhou Mountain and then exits from the shore of the East China Sea.

The Netherworld, in the Hades.

Hou Tu, who was checking the book of life and death, suddenly saw the gate of The Netherworld wide open. She suddenly sighed, then stood up and walked toward the gate of The Netherworld.

Ye Yun had just entered The Netherworld and closed the door of The Netherworld. As soon as he turned around, he saw Hou Tu standing in front of him. The atmosphere was very embarrassing.

Hou Tu looked at Ye Yun and said helplessly: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, how long have you left the Underworld for nothing, and how come you came back without saying a word? If you like the Underworld so much, you can stay with me. ”

Ye Yun coughed a few times, “Mistakes, mistakes, and some trivial things, so I came to The Netherworld to borrow some people.”

Houtu shook his head and said, “Next time you are coming to the Hades, please notify me first. It always seems like this. I thought you were going to monitor me.”

Ye Yun said quickly: “It must be.”

Houtu said again: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, how many people do you want to borrow, who are you going to borrow? Are they Fufeng?”

Fufeng is the leader of a group of human races in the underworld, and is also the best-qualified human race of all human races.

The human race in the underworld is covered by the back soil, and their strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. In addition, their aptitude is generally better than the outer human race, and they have almost become two races with the outer human race.

Ye Yun looked at Houtu and stopped talking.

Hou Tu said in confusion, “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, you can say something directly.”

Ye Yun said embarrassedly: “Actually, the person I want to borrow is you, Empress Houtu.”

Houtu: “???”

Did she make a mistake just now, Ye Yun ancestor witch went to The Netherworld to borrow the Emperor Underworld?

After a few quarters of an hour, the Nine Heavens Kunpeng on the shore of the East China Sea and a group of human races did not wait long before the gate of The Netherworld opened again.

But when Nine Heavens Kunpeng saw the figure following Ye Yun, his face suddenly twitched.

This Ye Yun ancestor witch ran to The Netherworld, and unexpectedly abducted the Emperor Ming!

After the gate of The Netherworld was closed, Nine Heavens Kunpeng took the lead in saluting, “Nine Heavens Kunpeng has seen the Hou Tu Empress.”

A group of human races also saluted Houtu under the leadership of Qingyang, Houtu nodded, and then asked everyone to stand up.

Ye Yun cleared his throat and said, “Okay, now that everyone is there, the lecture will continue.”

Houtu stood quietly on the side and stopped talking.

But because of her presence, the atmosphere became a lot more serious, and many human races did not dare to make small moves in private.

Ye Yun said to Qingyang, “Qingyang, did you pick out the person I asked you to choose?”

Qing Yang nodded, “Return to God Father, the clansmen who master the spell have been selected.”

Then Qing Yang yelled to the crowd, and immediately eight figures walked out of the crowd.

Each of these eight people represents a kind of magic technique mastered by the human race.

Among them, the Five Elements spells bestowed by Nuwa are the gold sword spell, the forest line spell, the shiluan shining water spell, the fire spell, and the flat earth spell.

The other three spells that Human Race masters are lightning strike, rope manipulation, and change.

Golden Sword is a killing technique, similar to Ye Yun’s Six Sacred Swords, it summons out the Golden Sword to fight.

Lin Xing is an escape technique. After being cast, it can easily move among the trees without being blocked by trees.

Diluan Zhaoshui is a divination technique. By casting spells on the surface of the water, you can see what has just happened in the distance or nearby.

Attached fire is more common. The operator can attach a flame to the surface of the object, but the flame does not harm the object itself and will ignite the surrounding objects.

Lightning strike technique is to provoke a thunder fire to attack the target, it is a kind of innate and supernatural power of alien beasts.

Rope manipulation can change the shape of the rope, but it cannot strengthen the rope.

As for this transformation technique, it is the magical power of the alien beast Nine tailed Fox, which can transform the caster into a kind of animal. The longest change time can reach three hours. However, according to the current level of the human race, they can only become three kinds of animals. .

One is a carp, one is a rabbit, and the other is a goshawk.

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