Chapter One Hundred and Sixty

“Sage, I am not guilty.” Ye Yun stared straight at Nuwa, without avoiding Nuwa’s sharp eyes.

Nuwa was irritated by Ye Yun, “Whether I came to Zhoushan, I came to you to inquire about sin, you say you are not guilty!”

Ye Yun replied: “This East China Sea Dragon King offended me. As an ancestor witch, I can’t tolerate it. Not only did I kill it, I also want its Hun and Po to be punished for three thousand years in the Hades!”

His voice echoed in the camp, and Nuwa suddenly stopped speaking.

Next, there was a long period of silence in the camp.

Nuwa stood up directly, and then said: “I thought you sent me a good fortune in this incident. I won’t pursue it. However, if there is another time, it will not be me who will come to Zhoushan.”

Like last time, Nuwa will leave directly after speaking.

Ye Yun was confused. I killed a Dragon King, so let’s forget about it?

Is this Nuwa here just to inform me?

Just as Ye Yun was thinking like this, Nuwa spoke again.

Nuwa said, “Ye Yun, ancestor witch, the teacher has asked the three seniors to start teaching. There will be many incidents in this predicament. I hope that when we meet next time, we will not be enemies.”

Ye Yun opened her mouth and was about to talk, but Nuwa waved her sleeves and disappeared directly into countless spots of light. She came here this time with an external incarnation.

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

“Ding, environmental change detected, task activation, sectarian dispute.”

“Task name: Controversy between sects.

Task content: The prehistoric sect is rising, please choose a sect to help it become the No. 1 sect in the prehistoric sect, and compete for the prehistoric luck.

Summary of the mission: Hongjun started the Great Dao battle, and the strong vying to establish a religion, vying for the prehistoric luck and the predominant power, a new round of calamity is about to begin.

Quest rewards: Two Innate Lingbao control cards (you can control one Innate Lingbao at will), emotional value 10 billion, one million multiplier card, and one Sage incarnation card (one). ”

Ye Yun: “!!!”

Ten billion sentiment value!

This data alone is enough to shock Ye Yun, not to mention other rewards.

Nuwa came here not Zhoushan, as if to warn Ye Yun, and as if to remind him, but the biggest benefit of Nuwa was that Ye Yun started the system task.

Ye Yun couldn’t help sighing, “I met so many people, but Nuwa is kind to me!”

After all, Ye Yun looked down again at the big rock that Nuwa had brought over, and he nodded.

“The artistic achievement of this mural is still very high, and it can be recorded in the annals of history.”

In the normal timeline, King Shang Zhou wrote an obscene poem in Nuwa Temple, desecrating Nuwa, and Nuwa sent the Three Demon of Xuanyuan Tomb to the Shang Dynasty for cholera to punish King Shang Zhou.

But now, the human race has used paintings to draw that meaning, and Nuwa has not responded. This represents a big improvement in the relationship between Ye Yun and Nuwa!

Thinking about it this way, Ye Yun’s worries were a little less.

On the second day, Bu Zhoushan welcomed another guest.

This guest, including this time, did not come to Zhoushan many times and only twice. Last time he came to pick the Calabash from the Innate Calabash vine, but this time he came to Buzhou Mountain, but he didn’t know why. Come.

Ye Yun didn’t plan to take care of these things as usual, but he didn’t expect that the other party was coming to him.

Ye Yun, who was happily playing with Xihe and Changxi, was pulled out of the camp by Tai Yi’s black face. For this, Ye Yun severely condemned Tai Yi’s behavior.

“Taiyi, this camp is in our Witch Clan’s territory. You enter and leave our Witch Clan’s territory at will. Do you want to provoke a war between the Lich Clan?”

After hearing the black thread, Tai Yi took a deep breath and didn’t care about Ye Yun. He directly opened his mouth and said: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, Brother Taiqing came to Buzhou Mountain and said that he came to visit you specially.”

Ye Yun: “???”

He had never seen this daddy even before. Today, daddy came to visit him specially, and he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, he just received a system task yesterday to help a sect become the largest sect, and today daddy is here.

Ye Yun had some guesses in his heart.

Ever since, Ye Yun asked Taiyi to lead him.

However, Ye Yun had just walked a few steps before he saw Di Jun walking towards him with an old man.

“This is daddy?” Ye Yun wondered in his heart.

When the old man next to Dijun saw Ye Yun, he immediately cupped hands and saluted: “Presumably the fellow daoist is Ye Yun’s ancestor witch, my name is Taiqing, I am the disciple of Sage Hongjun, today you and I are number one. When we met next time, Ye Yun’s ancestral witch’s name is indeed well-deserved.”

Ye Yun cupped hands replied, “It turned out to be the Taiqing Fellow Daoist. It is really polite. I have never heard that the Taiqing Daoist is the leader of the Sanqing. He has an extraordinary bearing, and his gestures show the meaning of the law. When I met today, I knew what the outside world said. What he said is true.”

Hearing Ye Yun praising each other like this, Taiyi and Nine Heavens Kunpeng both fought a cold war.

Really, I’m not used to it.

Ye Yun glanced at them a few times. On the surface, Ye Yun didn’t care about their performance. In fact, he had already remembered all this in his notebook.

He looked at daddy, and then spoke again: “Taiqing fellow daoist, I heard Taiyi said that today you came to Zhoushan specifically to find me, I don’t know why Taiqing fellow daoist came?”

Taiqing daddy cupped hands slightly, and then spit out two words indifferently, “Lijiao.”

Taiyi: “!!!”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “!!!”

Ye Yun: “???”

The three reactions were different. The reason was that Daoist in Shangqing discussed with them yesterday about establishing a religion. Today, Taiqing is here again, and what he did is to establish a religion.

Could it be that what changes they didn’t know about in this prehistoric land?

Tai Yi and Nine Heavens Kunpeng glanced at Ye Yun, and then stopped talking. Finally, they left the conversation to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun knew about Hongjun’s teaching of the powerful people yesterday because of the fact that Nuwa still has a system.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Taiqing came here today for the purpose of establishing education.

Ye Yun pretended to think for a moment, and then he replied: “Taiqing fellow daoist, we have no sect, and I am not the leader of the witch clan. You come to me for fear that you are looking for the wrong person.”

Taiqing shook his head and said, “No, Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, I came to find you today, but my target is not the Witch Clan, but the Human Clan.”


Everyone at the scene glanced at each other, their gazes were more subtle.

Taiqing said to himself at this time: “Ye Yun Zu Witch, I have heard that Humans have good talents, but the strength has been stagnant, so I want to establish a religion in Humans. Help Humans grow Cultivation Base, and at the same time I can prove it myself. road.”

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